Best Exercises for Increasing Your Height: Unlocking Your Growth Potential

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 13/09/2024

Whether you are short or average-heighted, the desire to increase your height is common. Genetics and age play vital roles in determining height, but did you know that increasing your height is possible even after adolescence is over?

Among the methods and tips that exist to help you grow taller, physical exercises are considered to be one of the most effective ways to increase your height by a few centimetres.

To achieve visible results and stimulate height growth, all you need to do is integrate some special types of exercises into your daily routine and follow a healthy diet.

In this article, we will explore the most effective height increase workouts for unlocking your growth potential and provide you with a step-by-step guide for performing these exercises correctly.

Best Exercises for Height Increase

There are several exercises that can strengthen and stretch your back and leg muscles. By performing these exercises regularly, you can become taller and more flexible.

Let us discuss the right exercises and stretching techniques that will help you grow a few inches taller:

Cobra Pose

Cobra pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is one of the most beneficial height increase exercises after 18. It helps stretch the spine and strengthen the muscles, back limbs and vertebrae.

When practised regularly, cobra pose can promote the growth of cartilage present in your vertebrae, which in turn, leads to an increase in your height.

You can easily do this exercise at home. Follow the steps mentioned below to perform yoga correctly and reap its benefits.

-How to Do It?

  • Lie on your stomach and extend your legs.

  • Place your palms on the floor at shoulder level and keep your arms bent.

  • Open your chest, contract your glutes and keep your thighs active.

  • Raise yourself upward, lifting your chin and arching your spine, with your torso forming an angle with your legs.

  • Arch your back as far as you can and keep your shoulder blades relaxed.

  • Hold the position for at least two complete breaths and slowly return to the initial position.

  • Repeat these steps at least 3-4 times, each lasting 20-25 seconds.

Pelvic Lift

Staying still or sitting for hours can lead to muscle and spine imbalances. Pelvic lift exercise proves to be effective in protecting the spine from the negative effects of being still for longer periods of time.

You can do this exercise to ensure that your spine maintains its shape, which in turn will help your neck extend naturally, thus increasing your height.

-How to Do It?

  • Lie on the floor and flatten your shoulders so that they touch the floor.

  • Put your arms on the sides in a way that your palms are facing the floor.

  • Bend your knees.

  • Arch your back to lift the pelvis and contract your glutes simultaneously.

  • Stay in the same position for about 30-35 seconds.

  • Repeat it.

Bar Hanging

Gravity affects your height by compressing your spine and joints, giving a shorter look. Hanging on a horizontal bar is an easy way to overcome this problem.

Bar hanging causes the spine to stretch due to the weight of your torso, reducing the stress on your vertebrae. It also relaxes your arms, shoulders and hips, allowing gravity to pull your body further.

You can do this exercise to increase your height by a few inches, but you have to be consistent if you want to see results.

-How to Do It?

Ensure that the hanging bar is at least 1 foot above your head. If your body cannot stretch out completely, slightly bend your knees for a free hang.

  • Grip the bar with your palms.

  • While hanging, relax your arms, hips and shoulders so that gravity pulls your body weight down.

  • Keep hanging for at least 25 seconds.

  • Take a break and repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

Side Stretch

This is another stretching exercise for height gain. Side stretch primarily focuses on stretching and strengthening the intercostal muscles.

However, to get positive results, while doing the side stretch, ensure that you feel the muscles stretching all along your side from the waist to the shoulder.

-How to Do It?

  • Stand up straight with your feet together.

  • Place your hands together above your head.

  • Bend your upper body to the right.

  • Do not move for at least 20 seconds.

  • Return to the initial position.

  • Repeat the stretch twice on one side.

  • Switch sides to do the stretch in opposite directions.

Sitting Forward Bends

Practising forward bends daily can give impressive results. This exercise to grow taller involves stretching the spine, hamstrings, calf muscles and abdominal muscles, making you taller and bringing greater flexibility to your body.

-How to Do It?

  • Sit on the floor and straighten your legs.

  • Place your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

  • Straighten your spine.

  • Move your arms towards your toes to touch them.

  • Push through your heels to engage your leg muscles.

  • Once you touch your toes, sit still in the same position for about 15 seconds.

  • Repeat the above steps 4-5 times.

Standing Forward Bends

Standing forward bends are quite similar to sitting forward bends, but performing them is a little more complicated because, in this exercise, you need to place your legs together while standing.

This type of forward bend targets the calf muscles, creating tension around them. It also involves stretching your back muscles.

-How to Do It?

  • Stand straight.

  • Join your feet together.

  • Bend slowly towards the floor, trying to touch your toes.

  • Ensure that you are not bending your knees.

  • Repeat the exercise at least 8-9 times.


Jogging is one of the simplest exercises that you should not miss if you want to become taller. It promotes the natural growth of bones present in your leg and makes them stronger, contributing to height growth.

Mermaid Stretch

The mermaid stretch is also a helpful yoga pose for those who want to increase their height. It is known as the mermaid stretch exercise because when performing this exercise, the shape of your legs looks just like the tail of a mermaid.

This is one of the best exercises for growing height as it improves flexibility and posture, decompresses and elongates the spine and strengthens your core muscles, potentially resulting in a height increase.

-How to Do It?

  • Sit on the mat with your legs extended to one side, placing your right leg in front of the left knee.

  • Lean to your right and raise your right arm over your head, stretching to your left side.

  • Hold your breath and stay in the same position for 25-30 seconds.

  • Return to the initial position and do the same motion on the other side.

Cat and Cow Stretch

Cat and cow stretch is another famous yoga pose suitable for increasing your height. This exercise gives the best stretch to increase height and helps improve the range of motion and flexibility of your spine.

It also relieves tension in your spine and surrounding body parts, such as your hips and abdominal muscles. The cat and cow stretch is performed on all fours.

-How to Do It?

  • Start on all fours on the mat.

  • Slowly bend your lower back, keeping your chin up towards the roof.

  • Do not move for at least 20 seconds.

  • Now return to the starting position.

  • Arch your back up.

  • Keep your head and pelvis in the downward direction.

  • Stay in the same position for about 20 seconds.

  • Repeat the exercise 4-5 times to get results.

Puppy Pose

The puppy pose flexes your spine and leg muscles and lengthens your bones. It also works on your posture and improves the flexibility of your body.

-How to Do It?

  • Mimic the tabletop position and keep your hands and knees on the floor.

  • Ensure that the angle of your hands matches with your shoulders and the angle of your knees matches with your hips.

  • Keep your tailbone towards the roof.

  • Keep your forehead on the mat and twist your toes.

  • Move your hands forward with palms facing down.

  • Extend your hips halfway back to your feet and give a good stretch to your lower body.

  • Stay in the same position for 1 minute.

  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 9-10 times.

Spot Jumping and Rope Skipping

Spot jumping and rope skipping are exercises that help in strengthening your legs, increasing bone density and regulating the growth hormone.

Since spot jumping and rope skipping are easy exercises, you can do them as long as you feel comfortable.

-How to Do It?

  • Use a trampoline for spot jumping to add fun to your workout.

  • For rope skipping, make sure that your feet land on the floor concurrently to prevent injuries.


Swimming is a great way to elongate and develop the muscles of your back, arms and legs. The repetitive movements involved in different swimming styles, especially the breaststroke, stretch the muscles in your back and legs, making you look taller.

Dry Land Swimming

  • Dry land swimming is suitable for those who do not know how to swim. Also known as alternate kick, dry land swimming focuses primarily on your lower back.

-How to Do It

  • Lie on your stomach and extend your body completely.

  • Place your arms in front of your head with your palms facing down towards the floor.

  • Lift your right arm higher than your left arm.

  • Keep your legs straight and lift your left leg up as high as possible from the floor.

  • Stay in the same position for about 4-5 seconds, and then switch the arm and leg.

Coming to an End

The exercises mentioned in this post offer a holistic approach to increasing height by affecting your bones and muscles.

By taking care of your body and regularly practising exercises like the mermaid stretch, forward bends, pelvic lift, cobra pose, rope skipping and bar hanging, you can see positive results and add a few more centimetres to your height.

In addition to building and stretching your muscles, these effective exercises and yogas will also help you stay healthier throughout your life.

It is important to note that growth does not happen overnight. So stay motivated and work hard to achieve your goal of growing taller naturally.

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While it is true that focusing on your physical well-being is a necessity to lead a good life, it is essential to know that your financial well-being is equally important to you.

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What increases height fast?

Taking proper diet, practising right exercises, staying active and getting good sleep are a few things that can help you increase your height.

What stunts height growth?

Inadequate nutrition, chronic diseases, genetic conditions, stress or deficiency of growth hormone can lead to stunted height growth.

Can squats increase height?

Yes. Squats are also a part of gym exercises that increase height as they stretch muscles and stimulate bone growth in kids. However, it is important to note that you need to practise squats on a regular basis if you want better results.

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