Tata AIG Assistance Provider for International Claims

Europ Assistance for International Claims

Change in Assistance Company and claim servicing contact details applicable to below mentioned

  1. TATA AIG Travel Insurance - International   – (UIN - TATTIOP25040V042425)
  2. TATA AIG Travel Insurance – Student – (UIN - TTATTIOP25044V052425)
  3. TATA AIG Travel Insurance – Asia – (UIN- TATTIOP25042V052425)
  4. TATA AIG Travel Insurance – Group International (UIN- TATTGOP25046V032425)
  5. TATA AIG Travel Insurance - TPP (UIN - TATTGOP25041V032425)
  6. Group Personal Accident and Business Travel Accident Policy (UIN- TATPAGP23092V032223)

Dear Customer,

With our continuous endeavour to serve our customers we have empanelled a new Assistance
Company, Europ Assistance India for Overseas Travel Insurance claims.
The new claim servicing contact point for international claim related queries are:

For the Americas Policies:

Please call: +1-833-440-1575 (Toll free within US and Canada)
Email - tata.aig@europ-assistance.in

For Excluding Americas Policies:

Call: +91 – 022 68227600
Email - EA.TATAclaims@europ-assistance.in

India, contact for claim related assistance –

Toll Free No 1800 119966 from BSNL/MTNL Landline or 1800 22 9966 (only for senior citizen policy

Call these local helpline numbers in your respective cities from any other line:

Mumbai - 66939500, Delhi – 66603500, Bangalore – 66272829, Pune – 66014156, Chennai – 66841050,
Hyderabad – 66629882, Ahmedabad - 66610201

Email: general.claims@tataaig.com
Write to: Tata AIG General Insurance company Limited A-501, 5th Floor, Building No. 4, Infinity Park,
Gen. A. K. Vaidya Marg, Dindoshi, Malad (E), Mumbai, India - 400 097.

Please Note:

  1. Policy with Risk Start Date before 1st March 2021 where the claims which are currently open i.e.
    claims under process will be serviced by our existing Assistance Company (AIG Assist), and

  2. Policy with Risk Start Date before 1st March 2021 where new claims lodged after 28th February
    2021 will be serviced by the new Assistance Company, Europ Assistance India.

  3. Policy with Risk Start Date after 28th February 2021 where new claims lodged after 28th February
    2021 will be serviced by the new Assistance Company, Europ Assistance India.