Poland Citizenship for Indian

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Poland Citizenship for Indian

The opportunities provided by European countries are highly advantageous, and being a citizen in one of them opens doors to a host of benefits. Poland, with its rich traditions, stunning landscapes, and resilient spirit, welcomes those who aspire to make it their second home.

In this guide, we dive into the details of Poland citizenship for Indians, uncovering the possibilities and Poland citizenship requirements specifically designed for the Indian audience. It will guide you through the application process intricacies, eligibility criteria, and the unique pathways available for a seamless and rewarding journey.

Poland PR Vs Poland Citizenship For Indians — What is the Difference?

Let us clarify the differences between Poland Permanent Residency (PR) and Poland Citizenship for Indians:

Poland Permanent Residency (PR): Permanent Residency allows foreign nationals to live and work in Poland on a long-term basis without being citizens.

Poland Citizenship: Citizenship grants individuals the full rights and responsibilities of being a citizen of Poland.

Benefits: Citizens have the right to participate in national elections, hold public office, and enjoy all the rights and privileges accorded to Polish nationals.

Key Differences:**

Rights: Citizenship provides more extensive rights than PR, including the right to vote and run for public office.

**Poland citizenship requirements: The requirements for obtaining citizenship are typically more demanding compared to PR.

Long-term Status: PR is a long-term residence permit, while citizenship is a permanent legal status.

Considerations for Indians:

Indian citizens seeking to live and work in Poland may initially consider obtaining a Permanent Residency before pursuing citizenship.

The choice between PR and citizenship depends on individual goals, long-term plans, and the willingness to meet the respective requirements.

It is crucial to consult with the Polish immigration authorities or seek legal advice for the most accurate and up-to-date information, as immigration policies may be subject to change.

Poland Citizenship Requirements — Eligibility Criteria for Poland Citizenship for Indians

To obtain Polish citizenship, foreign nationals, including Indians, must meet specific eligibility criteria. These criteria are outlined based on different scenarios, and individuals must satisfy at least one of the following conditions:**

Criterion 01:

The applicant must have legally resided in Poland for a continuous period of at least 3 years.

The residence must be based on a permanent residence permit, an EU long-term residence permit, or the right of permanent residence.

The applicant should have a stable and regular source of income in Poland.

The applicant must have the right to occupy a dwelling unit.

Criterion 02:

The applicant must have legally resided in Poland for a consecutive period of at least 2 years.

The dwelling should be established upon possessing a permanent residence permit, an EU long-term residence permit, or the entitlement to permanent residence.

The applicant should be married to a Polish citizen for at least 3 years or have no citizenship.

Criterion 03:

The applicant must have legally resided in Poland for a consecutive period of at least 2 years.

The residence must be based on a residence permit as a refugee granted in Poland.

Criterion 04:

The applicant must be under 18.

The eligibility for residency hinges on holding either a permanent residence permit, an EU long-term residence permit, or the right to permanent residence.

One of their parents must have Polish citizenship, and the other parent must consent to their child being granted Polish citizenship.

Criterion 05:

The applicant is required to have maintained legal residency in Poland continuously for a period of at least 10 years.

Residency eligibility is contingent on possessing a permanent residence permit, an EU long-term residence permit, or the right to permanent residence.

The applicant must demonstrate a stable and regular source of income, along with the right to inhabit a dwelling unit in Poland.

Criterion 06:

The applicant should have maintained legal residence in Poland continuously for a minimum period of 1 year.

Residency must be established through a permanent residence permit obtained either due to Polish origin or in relation to their status as a holder of the Polish Card (Karta Polaka).

Applicants should carefully review these criteria and ensure they fulfil the specific requirements based on their circumstances.

Ways to Apply for Poland Nationality

Acquiring Polish nationality can be pursued through various pathways, each catering to different circumstances. Here are several ways individuals can apply for Polish nationality:

Polish Citizenship by Birth:

Ius Sanguinis (Right of Blood): Polish citizenship can be acquired by birth if at least one parent is a Polish citizen. This rule applies regardless of where the child was born, whether in Poland or abroad.

Territorial Birth: Citizenship can also be acquired by being born or found on the territory of Poland when both parents are unknown or have no citizenship.

Polish Citizenship by Repatriation: Individuals of Polish origin residing in specific countries (Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, or the Asian part of the Russian Federation) can acquire Polish citizenship through repatriation.

A state visa or a Poland visa for Indians for repatriation is required, and eligibility involves proving a connection with Poland or Polish culture through familial ties.

Polish Citizenship by Full Adoption: Children under 16 years old can acquire Polish citizenship through adoption. If a child is adopted by one or both parents who are Polish citizens, the child automatically obtains citizenship by virtue of law. This is assumed to happen from the moment of birth.

Polish Citizenship Granted by the President of Poland: Polish citizenship can be conferred directly by the President of Poland to foreigners who undergo a formal application process. The application must include specific information as required by statute and a comprehensive justification for the request.

Poland citizenship by marriage: If you are the spouse of a Polish citizen, you have the opportunity to apply for Polish citizenship through marriage under the following conditions:

You must have stayed in Poland continuously for a minimum of two years.

While being married, you need to hold a residence permit for at least three years.

Poland citizenship by investment: Citizenship by Investment in Poland involves a more intricate process. When establishing a business in Poland, you initially obtain a temporary residence permit. It is a prerequisite to demonstrate that your business generates a minimum annual income of €15,000.

After holding the temporary residence permit for three years, you become eligible to apply for a permanent residence permit. Following an additional three years of residing in Poland with a permanent permit, you can proceed to apply for Polish citizenship through naturalisation.

Historically, instances have occurred where a foreign investor significantly contributed to the Polish economy, investing €1M, leading the government to grant them Poland citizenship by investment through the program.

General Considerations:

Proof of Polish Origin: In certain situations, like repatriation, confirming Polish ancestry requires demonstrating that parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents possessed Polish nationality and that the applicant maintains a connection with Poland or Polish culture.

Legal Processes: Each pathway involves specific legal processes and documentation, and applicants must adhere to the requirements outlined by Polish law.

It is essential for individuals seeking Polish nationality to carefully review the specific criteria associated with their situation and ensure compliance with the relevant regulations.

Additionally, consulting with legal professionals or authorities experienced in Polish immigration matters can provide personalised guidance throughout the application process.

Step-by-step Poland Citizenship Process

Acquiring Polish citizenship involves a step-by-step Poland citizenship process, whether applying online or offline. Below are the general steps for both methods:

Applying for Polish Citizenship Online

Eligibility Check: Verify that you meet the eligibility criteria for the specific citizenship pathway you are pursuing, such as by birth, repatriation, adoption, or presidential grant.

Online Application Submission: Visit the official website of the Polish government or relevant immigration authorities to find the online application portal. Complete the online citizenship application form, providing accurate and detailed information as required.

Document Upload: Prepare and upload all necessary supporting documents, such as proof of identity, residency, family connections, and any additional documents specified in the application guidelines.

Payment of Fees: Pay any applicable fees online through the designated payment gateway. The fee structure may vary based on the type of citizenship application.

Application Review: Once the application is submitted, it undergoes a review process by immigration authorities. Be prepared to wait for a specified processing period.

Notification of Decision: Receive notifications regarding the status of your application. If approved, you will be provided with further instructions on the next steps.

Oath of Allegiance: In some cases, applicants may be required to take an oath of allegiance to Poland as part of the citizenship acquisition process.

Applying for Polish Citizenship Offline

Eligibility Check: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the chosen citizenship pathway.

Obtain Paper Application Form: Visit the local Polish consulate or embassy to collect the required paper application forms. Alternatively, you can download them from the official government website of Poland.

Complete Paper Forms: Fill out the application forms with accurate and detailed information, following the instructions provided.

Gather supporting documents: Prepare all necessary supporting documents, such as identification, residency proof, family connections, and any additional documents specified in the application guidelines.

Submit Application in Person: Schedule an appointment at the consulate or embassy to submit the completed application forms and supporting documents in person.

Payment of Fees: Pay any required fees at the time of submission, following the consulate or embassy’s payment procedures.

Notification of Decision: After you allow for the processing time as the immigration authorities review your application, you will receive notifications regarding the status of your application. If approved, follow the instructions provided for the further steps.

Oath of Allegiance: Similar to the online Poland citizenship process, some applicants may be required to take an oath of allegiance to Poland.

Documents Required for Immigration to Poland from India

While considering immigration to Poland from India, especially for obtaining Polish citizenship, you will need to submit a comprehensive set of documents. The list includes:

  • Application for Polish Citizenship.

  • Passport photo.

  • Documents confirming particulars of the foreigner applying for citizenship.

  • Documents supporting means of subsistence, professional achievements, and political/social activity (if applicable).

  • Details and documents of the foreigner's spouse (if applicable).

  • Details and documents of a child if covered by the application (if applicable).

  • Details and documents of parents and more distant ascendants if they were Polish citizens (if applicable).

  • Information about the applicant's past Polish citizenship, including loss and acquisition dates of citizenship in another country (if applicable).

  • Documents certifying identity and citizenship.

  • Authorisation to reside or stay on the territory of Poland.

  • Copies of birth certificates

  • Copies of marriage certificates or documents confirming marital status.

  • Confirmation of Polish citizenship of parents or more distant ascendants.

  • Confirmation of the loss of Polish citizenship by the applicant, their child, and ascendants (if applicable).

  • Confirmation of the acquisition of foreign citizenship by the applicant or their children if they were Polish citizens in the past.

  • Documents confirming the source of subsistence.

  • Documents confirming professional achievements, political, and social activity.

Note: All applications must be filled in Polish. Copies of Polish and foreign documents must be certified by a consul as true copies. Documents in a foreign language should be translated into Polish by a sworn translator or consul. Documents from outside the EU should have an apostille for countries parties to the Hague Convention or be legalised by a Polish consul for other countries.

Benefits of Having Poland Nationality

  • Being a Polish citizen comes with various benefits that contribute to personal, professional, and social aspects of life. Here are some of the critical advantages of holding a Poland nationality:

  • Polish citizens enjoy full rights and privileges, including the right to vote in national elections and run for public office.

  • As a citizen of the European Union (EU) member state, Polish nationals have the freedom to live, work, and travel within the EU without restrictions.

  • Polish citizens have access to social services, including healthcare and education, on the same terms as other citizens,

  • Polish citizens can seek consular assistance from Polish diplomatic missions abroad, ensuring support in emergencies or challenging situations.

  • While Poland generally does not allow dual citizenship, there may be exceptions in certain circumstances, providing individuals with the opportunity to maintain multiple citizenships.

  • Polish citizens are entitled to pension and social security benefits, ensuring financial stability in their later years.

  • Citizenship enables active participation in civic life, allowing individuals to engage in community activities and contribute to the development of Polish society.

Poland Citizenship Fees and Processing Time

The fees for various services concerning Polish citizenship are as follows:

Administering an Application for Granting Polish Citizenship:

Fee: ₹33,086

Includes the delivery of a certificate indicating the approval or denial of granting Polish citizenship.

Administering an Application for Restoration of Polish Citizenship:

Fee: ₹3,677

Includes the delivery of the decision on the restoration of Polish citizenship.

Administering an Application for Confirmation of Polish Citizenship:

Fee: ₹7,353

Includes the delivery of the decision confirming Polish citizenship.

Administering an Application for Consent to Renounce Polish Citizenship:

Fee: ₹33,086

Includes the delivery of the notice confirming the consent to renounce Polish citizenship.

Admitting a Declaration under Art. 9.1.b of the Polish Citizenship Act (2009):

Fee: ₹2,758

When a foreigner applies for Polish citizenship through a direct grant by the President of the Republic of Poland, there is no specific time limit imposed on the President to consider and process the application.

This means that the President has the discretion to review and decide on citizenship applications at their own pace, without being bound by a predetermined time frame.

Please note that these fees are specified in Indian Rupees (INR) and are subject to change. Individuals seeking these services should check with the relevant Polish authorities or consulates for the most up-to-date fee information and any additional requirements.

Polish Embassy/ Consulate in India

Name Embassy of the Republic of Poland, New Delhi
Address 50-M Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021, India
Phone (+91) 11 414 969 00
Fax (+91) 11 414 969 40
Email newdelhi.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl 
Working Hours 09:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs (Monday - Friday)

Indian Embassy/ Consulate in Poland

Name Embassy of India in Warsaw, Poland
Address 6, Myśliwiecka Street, 00-459 Warsaw, Poland
Phone (+48) 22 629 7891 to 93
Fax (+48) 22 629 7894
Email com.warsaw@mea.gov.in 
Working Hours 09:00 hrs to 17:30 hrs (Monday - Friday)

How to Check Poland Citizenship Application Status

  • Go to the official website of the Polish government or the designated department handling citizenship applications.

  • If there is an online portal, log in using the credentials provided during the application submission. Use your application reference number or other required details.

  • Look for a section on the website labelled "Check Application Status" or a similar term.

  • Enter necessary details like your application reference number or personal identification information in the provided fields.

  • After entering the required details, submit your request to check the status of your Poland citizenship application.

  • The portal should display the current status of your application, indicating whether it is under review, approved, pending, or providing other relevant information.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Poland Citizenship for Indian

When applying for Polish citizenship as an Indian, it is crucial to be aware of common mistakes to ensure a smooth and successful application process. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Incomplete Documentation: Failure to furnish all necessary documents or the submission of inaccurate information may result in application delays or rejection. Please thoroughly review and precisely submit all required documents.

Ignoring Eligibility Criteria: Overlooking or needing to understand the specific eligibility criteria for the chosen pathway to citizenship can result in an unsuccessful application. Thoroughly research and confirm that you meet all the requirements.

Neglecting Language Proficiency: Some citizenship pathways may require language proficiency in Polish. Ignoring this requirement or failing to prepare for language exams adequately can impact the application's success.

Overlooking Renunciation of Previous Citizenship: Poland generally does not allow dual citizenship, and applicants may be required to renounce their previous citizenship. Please address this requirement to avoid complications.

Failure to Seek Professional Advice: Not consulting with immigration experts or legal professionals can result in overlooking critical details or making mistakes. Seek guidance to navigate the complexities of the application process and ensure a more successful outcome.

Other Tips to Increase Your Chances of Getting Polish Citizenship

Language Proficiency: Invest time in improving your Polish language skills. Proficiency in the language not only fulfils a potential requirement but also enhances your ability to communicate effectively in Poland.

Cultural Integration: Demonstrate a commitment to Polish culture and society. Participate in local community events, learn about Polish traditions, and showcase your interest in integrating into the culture.

Financial Stability: Ensure stable and documented financial means, as financial stability may be considered during the evaluation process. Provide clear evidence of your ability to support yourself in Poland.

Legal Consultation: Seek legal advice or consultation from professionals experienced in Polish immigration laws. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and ensure that your application is well-prepared.

Honesty and Transparency: Be honest and transparent throughout the application process. Provide accurate information, and if there are any changes in your circumstances, communicate them promptly to the relevant authorities.

Interesting Facts About Poland

  • Poland boasts a rich cultural heritage, with numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the historic centres of Krakow and Warsaw, the Wieliczka Salt Mine, and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp.

  • The walkie-talkie, a significant communication device, was invented by Polish engineer Alfred J. Gross. His contributions to wireless communication technology have had a lasting impact.

  • The heliocentric theory, proposing that the Earth revolves around the Sun, was developed by Polish mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus in the 16th century, challenging previous geocentric beliefs.

  • Pierogi, a traditional Polish dish, is a type of dumpling filled with various ingredients such as potato, cheese, or meat. They are a famous and beloved part of Polish cuisine.

  • Renowned composer and pianist Frédéric Chopin was born in Żelazowa Wola, near Warsaw. His birthplace is now a museum celebrating his life and musical contributions.

Do’s and Don’ts in Poland


  • Greet people with a firm handshake, maintain eye contact, and use titles like "Pan" (Mr.) or "Pani" (Mrs.) followed by the surname.

  • Show respect to elders by addressing them formally. It is customary to give up your seat to an elderly person on public transportation.

  • It is customary to remove shoes when entering someone's home. Be prepared to follow this practice to show respect for cleanliness.

  • Wait for the host to start the meal before beginning to eat. Use utensils rather than hands, and keep your hands on the table at all times during the meal.

  • Dress modestly, especially when visiting churches or attending formal events. Business attire is often expected in professional settings.


  • Avoid interrupting others while they are speaking. Polish conversations often involve thoughtful and measured communication.

  • Public displays of affection, especially in more conservative areas, may be frowned upon. It is advisable to keep such gestures private.

  • Avoid using offensive language or making derogatory remarks, especially about Poland or its history. Show respect for local sensitivities.

  • When invited to someone's home, it is polite to bring a small gift such as flowers, chocolates, or wine. Arriving empty-handed may be considered impolite.

  • Tipping is customary in restaurants, but it is not mandatory. It is expected to leave a tip of around 10% to 15% for good service.

How Can Tata AIG Help?

Prior to your trip to Poland or any foreign destination, whether for business or tourism, it is highly advisable to possess a travel insurance plan—an essential document recommended by Polish authorities, although not obligatory for entry.

Overseas travel insurance plan serves as a valuable asset, offering financial support in cases of medical emergencies and addressing unforeseen situations like trip cancellations, loss of personal belongings, baggage issues, third-party liabilities, and more.

Primarily, travel health insurance provides a sense of security by safeguarding your financial interests during international travel. To ensure comprehensive coverage at reasonable premiums with additional benefits, it is prudent to explore and select a suitable travel policy from Tata AIG.

Visit our travel insurance page, where you can peruse the available policies, compare plans, and choose the one that best aligns with your specific travel requirements. This proactive approach ensures that you are well-protected and can enjoy your international journey with confidence and peace of mind.


Whether you love Poland's beautiful landscapes, find Copernicus fascinating, or just enjoy the friendly nature of the Polish people, we hope your journey to citizenship is full of joy and discovery. Getting citizenship is like a happy dance, bringing you closer to the heart of Poland. Here is to your dreams coming true and the exciting adventures waiting for you!

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