Loss of passport Cover In Travel Insurance

Loss of passport Cover
Organizing and executing a trip involves a lot of planning, efforts, and time. Especially when it is your international trip, you put in extra efforts to make faultless arrangements. Otherwise, even due to a minor mishap, you might have to incur a considerable cost and find it difficult to handle adversities while being in a foreign land.
Come to think of it, despite ensuring that everything is on point and packing all your things, including all the important documents; you are unable to find your passport at the airport. Wouldn’t that be worrisome? Due to the loss of your passport, your trip might get delayed, and you might get stuck wherever you are, maybe in your home country or a foreign land. Irrespective of the location, you might have to bear considerable expenses due to the delay. And, to get this resolved, it might even take a couple of days.
However, if you are covered under TATA AIG’s travel insurance, you can cope with such challenging situations with ease, as it provides coverage against a number of possible but unexpected events that might happen during the trip. Under the loss of passport cover, We will reimburse You, subject to Deductible, if You lose Your passport and incur necessary and reasonable expenses in connection with obtaining a duplicate or new passport. The coverage under TATA AIG’s travel insurance plans might vary, but certain inclusions and exclusions are uniformly valid for most plans, irrespective of your sum insured; find them below.
How Does the Loss of Passport Cover Work?
If you lose your passport while you are on a trip, we will reimburse the necessary expenses you had to incur to obtain its duplicate copy or new passport. Along with the compensation amount, If you are outside India, notify the Assistance Company that Your passport has been lost, the Assistance Company will endeavour to assist You by contacting the appropriate authorities involved and providing direction for replacement.
For detailed related to the Assistant Company, click here
Also, if there is any deductible in respect to this benefit, it will be applicable and shall be of an amount as mentioned in your policy schedule. The deductible is applied to each insured event and shall be borne by you.
In addition to the general exclusions, certain hazards listed in the policy schedule are not covered under the loss of passport cover. We are not liable to compensate if
- The loss of passport happens due to delay or confiscation or detention by customs, police or any other authority
- Your passport is stolen, and you have not reported the theft to any appropriate police authority within 24 hours of the discovery of loss and have not obtained an official report
- Loss or theft of passport is left unattended by you; unless the passport was in a locked hotel room or apartment and a safety box of appropriate size was not available
Disclaimer / TnC
Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.
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