PMFBY Uttar Pradesh
Kharif - 2018
Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited is working under the PMFBY scheme for the in Allahabad, Amroha, Azamgarh, Etawah, Ghazipur, Ghaziabad, Hardoi, Kanpur Dehat, Maharajganj, Mathura, Moradabad, Rampur and Shahjahanpur districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Under the scheme PMFBY, all farmers including sharecroppers and tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage. It aims at providing cover to farmers incurring loss in crop yield which may occur during sowing or harvesting or post harvesting period. This scheme also covers localised losses for certain perils with farm level assessment. The scheme is implemented in Uttar Pradesh in association with Uttar Pradesh State Government. A minimum subsidised premium (2 % for Kharif and 1.5% for Rabi) is charged from farmers and the remaining share is equally borne by state and central governments. The scheme is implemented on “Area-Approach basis”. For Uttar Pradesh the Insurance unit is considered as Gram Panchayat for both major crops and minor crops.
Crops Notified
The following are the crops notified in respective districts of UP for Kharif Season;
Allahabad: Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Bajra, Sorghum (Jowar/Great Millet), Paddy (Dhan)
Amroha: Paddy (Dhan), Bajra, Maize (Makka), Black Gram (Urad)
Azamgarh:, Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Maize (Makka), Paddy (Dhan)
Etawah: Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Bajra, Maize (Makka), Paddy (Dhan)
Ghazipur: Bajra, Sorghum (Jowar/Great Millet), Paddy (Dhan), Maize (Makka)
Ghaziabad:, : Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Paddy (Dhan)
Hardoi: Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Bajra, Groundnut (Pea Nut), Sorghum (Jowar/Great Millet), Paddy (Dhan), Maize (Makka)
Kanpur Dehat: Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Bajra, Sorghum (Jowar/Great Millet), Paddy (Dhan), Maize (Makka), Sesame, Black Gram (Urad)
Maharajganj: Groundnut (Pea Nut), Paddy (Dhan),
Mathura: Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur), Bajra, Paddy (Dhan)
Moradabad: Bajra, Paddy (Dhan), Black Gram (Urad)
Rampur: Bajra, Paddy (Dhan), Black Gram (Urad)
Shahjahanpur: Bajra, Groundnut (Pea Nut), Paddy (Dhan), Maize (Makka), Sesame, Black Gram (Urad)

PMFBY Rabi 2018 - 19
Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited is working under the PMFBY scheme for the in Allahabad, Amroha, Azamgarh, Etawah, Ghazipur, Ghaziabad, Hardoi, Kanpur Dehat, Maharajganj, Mathura, Moradabad, Rampur and Shahjahanpur districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Under the scheme PMFBY, all farmers including sharecroppers and tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage. It aims at providing cover to farmers incurring loss in crop yield which may occur during sowing or harvesting or post harvesting period. This scheme also covers localised losses for certain perils with farm level assessment. The scheme is implemented in Uttar Pradesh in association with Uttar Pradesh State Government. A minimum subsidised premium (2 % for Kharif and 1.5% for Rabi) is charged from farmers and the remaining share is equally borne by state and central governments. The scheme is implemented on “Area-Approach basis”. For Uttar Pradesh the Insurance unit is considered as Gram Panchayat for both major crops and minor crops.
Crops Notified
The following are the crops notified in respective districts for Rabi Season;
Allahabad: Wheat, Bengal Gram, Pea, Masoor, Mustard, Potato
Amroha: Wheat, Mustard, Potato
Azamgarh:, Wheat, Bengal Gram, Pea, Potato
Etawah: Potato, Mustard, Wheat
Ghazipur: Wheat, Bengal Gram, Pea, Masoor, Potato
Ghaziabad:, Wheat, Mustard
Hardoi: Pea, Masoor, Potato, Mustard, Wheat
Kanpur Dehat: Wheat, Bengal Gram, Mustard
Maharajganj: Wheat, Masoor, Mustard, Potato
Mathura: Wheat, Mustard, Potato
Moradabad: Wheat, Mustard, Potato
Rampur: Pea, Masoor, Potato, Mustard, Wheat
Shahjahanpur: Wheat, Masoor, Mustard, Potato
Contact Details for PMFBY Kharif and Rabi
District: Amroha
Zila Kisan Sampark Kendra –Address: Shiv CSC service center, Mohammadi Sarai, Amroha Uttar Pradesh 244221
District Coordinator_ Tata AIG: Rinku Saini
Contact Details TATA AIG District Manager: 7830989535
Landline Number: 5922260038
District: Azamgarh
Zila Kisan Sampark Kendra –Address: Near Nehru Bhavan , Opposite, Collectrate Azamgarh
District Coordinator_ Tata AIG: Suneel Srivastava
Contact Details TATA AIG District Manager: 7408660077
Landline Number: 5462247410
District: Ghaziabad
Zila Kisan Sampark Kendra –Address: Village & Post-Kalounda, Dadri,GB Nagar, UP-203207
District Coordinator_ Tata AIG: Keshav
Contact Details TATA AIG District Manager: 8210474882
Landline Number: 1202790062
Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited is working under the RWBCIS scheme in Allahabad, Mahrajganj and Sahajahanpur districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Under the scheme RWBCIS, all farmers including sharecroppers and tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage. It aims to mitigate the hardship of the insured farmers against the likelihood of financial loss on account of anticipated crop loss resulting from adverse weather conditions relating to rainfall, temperature, wind, humidity etc. The scheme is implemented in Uttar Pradesh in association with Uttar Pradesh State Government. A minimum subsidised premium (2% for Food Crops, Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds and maximum of 5 % (or rate quoted by Insurance company whichever is less) for Commercial/ Horticultural crops) is charged from farmers and the remaining share is equally borne by state and central governments. The scheme is implemented on “Weather-index basis”. For Uttar Pradesh the Insurance unit is considered as Block.
Crops Notified
The following are the crops notified in respective districts of Uttar Pradesh for Kharif Season;
Allahabad: Banana
Mahrajganj: Banana
Sahajahanpur: Chilli
Contact Details
District: Maharajganj
Zila Kisan Sampark Kendra –Address: Gautam CSC Point ward no.14,Lohiya nagar,maharajganj-273303
District Coordinator_ Tata AIG: Nitin Srivastava
Contact Details TATA AIG District Manager: 7800786686
Landline Number: 5523222188
District: Shahjahanpur
Zila Kisan Sampark Kendra –Address: Rausar Kothi, Tehseel Sadar, Shahjahanpur
District Coordinator_ Tata AIG: Amarnath SAO
Contact Details TATA AIG District Manager: 8210013169
Landline Number: 5842221212
District: Allahabad
Zila Kisan Sampark Kendra –Address: 1st Floor, LDA Complex, 2, SP Marg, Civil Lines, Allahabad - 211001, Uttar Pradesh
District Coordinator_ Tata AIG: Anupam Yadav
Contact Details TATA AIG District Manager: 9506623117
Landline Number: 9136972211
Contact Details
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