Traffic Fines in Telangana
Traffic Fines in Telangana
The rapid pace of development in Telangana has resulted in an influx of people from across the country, subsequently contributing to an increased number of vehicles plying on roads.
Unfortunately, this surge has resulted in traffic violations and mishaps, as indicated by a report by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
According to the report, between 2018 and 2022, road fatalities jumped 45.8% in Telangana, with two-wheeler riders bearing the worst of the brunt. These jarring statistics reveal the importance of strengthening traffic rules in Telangana (TS).
The objective of TS traffic fines and rules is to mitigate road accidents and reduce fatalities to make roads safer. However, while the law authorities can make the rules, the roads can only become safer if individuals cautiously abide by them.
Let’s acquaint ourselves with RTO rules in Telangana so you can prevent Telangana traffic fines and play your role in making the roads safer.
New Traffic Rules in Telangana
Acquainting yourself with updated RTO rules in Telangana can prevent incurring Telangana traffic fines and, in turn, keep the roads safer. Let’s take a look at the revised traffic rules in Telangana:
Four-Wheeler Traffic Rules in Telangana
Fasten your seatbelt: When driving a car, the driver and passenger must fasten the seatbelt. In the unfortunate event of a crash, being buckled up secures you inside your vehicle as opposed to being completely ejected, which is almost always deadly. Not following this rule will result in a fine in Telangana.
Don’t use a mobile phone when driving: Being alert when you are driving helps you counter mishaps and gain control over the situation. So, if caught driving while using a phone, you will incur a fine in Telangana. It is best that you either stop on the side if you want to use your phone or use a hands-free device.
Overspeeding: A staggering 71.2% of the fatalities in Telangana happened because of overspeeding. Not only will driving above the speed limit lead to a hefty fine, but it is also highly dangerous for yourself and other riders and drivers on the road.
Follow lane discipline: Sudden or extreme lane changes can cause severe accidents. Therefore, drivers must be aware of the lane-changing discipline. You will get a challan for violating this rule in Telangana.
Have a valid driving licence: Driving without a licence fine in Telangana can hurt your pocket. Not only should drivers possess a valid driver’s licence, but their licence should apply to their vehicle class.
Park in delegated spots: Parking your vehicle in no-parking spots or on public roads can inconvenience others and will incur a no-parking fine in Telangana. You must park your vehicle responsibly such that it does not obstruct the road or put others in danger. This will help you avoid the inconvenience of having to answer for your illegally parked vehicle and avoid the hassle of a no-parking fine in Telangana.
Don’t drive when inebriated: When you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you lack alertness in perceiving and reacting to a danger on the road. Alcohol also impairs your ability to acknowledge distance between objects or effectively recover from glare. For these reasons and more, you will incur a drink-and-drive fine in Telangana if you drive inebriated. It is important to note, however, that the drink-and-drive fine in Telangana is more for the safety of the citizens.
Two-Wheeler Traffic Rules in Telangana
Wear a helmet: Instead of worrying about the fine for not wearing a helmet in Telangana, it is important to consider the repercussions of riding without a helmet. Riding without a helmet exposes you to head or brain injuries that can be fatal. It is important to secure your journeys with a helmet. So, even if you incur a small fine for not wearing a helmet in Telangana, remember that you may pay a higher price for neglecting your safety.
No more than two people on the bike: Riders tend to think they can ride triple-seat for short distances but we don’t realise that even for these short distances, you can compromise the vehicle-control abilities that can result in accidents. To prevent these instances, the Telangana state government levies a fine if more than two persons are riding a two-wheeler.
Don’t use your phone when riding: Just as it is when driving a car, distracted riding is also life-threatening on the road. Two-wheeler riders are at a greater threat because they are more vulnerable and exposed when compared to cars.
Don’t speed: Indulging in aggressive driving, speeding, or racing not only compromises the safety of the rider but also other drivers and pedestrians. It can also lead to fatal accidents. So, it is advised to ride well within the speed limit, and for a violation of this rule, you will be fined in Telangana.
Carry the necessary documents: Every rider is expected to have a valid driving licence, PUC certificate, and insurance with them while riding. The authorities may ask you to present you with the documents at any point, and not having them can lead to hefty fines.
Updated Telangana Fine List
To legally ride or drive in Telangana, every individual needs to adhere to the traffic rules. Neglecting any of the rules can result in heavy fines by the authorities. With the increased number of vehicles on the roads, traffic violations have also gone up and these traffic fines are an attempt to discourage breaking the law while on the road.
Here is a list of the updated Telangana traffic fines so riders and drivers are better acquainted with the law:
Traffic Violation | Penalty Levied |
Two-Wheeler and Three-Wheeler | |
Riding without a valid driver’s licence (DL) | ₹500 |
Riding without valid registration | ₹2,000 |
Riding on the wrong side of the road | ₹200 (₹700 for repeat offence within 6 months) |
Riding without a helmet | ₹200 |
Riding with triple seat | ₹1,200 |
Four-Wheeler | |
Driving without a valid DL | ₹500 |
Driving without valid registration | ₹2,000 |
Driving on the wrong side | ₹700 (₹1,700 for repeat offence within 6 months) |
All Vehicles | |
Using the mobile phone while riding | ₹1,000 |
Riding/driving without a valid insurance | ₹1,000 |
Riding/driving while inebriated | Court fine |
Overspeeding | ₹1,400 |
Irresponsible riding/driving | ₹1,000 |
Riding/driving without a PUC certificate | ₹1,000 |
Parking illegally | ₹1,000 |
Jumping the signal | ₹1,000 |
Disobeying instructions by the traffic police officer in uniform | ₹200 |
Riding/driving with an irregular number plate | ₹200 |
Violations regarding stopping line/lane | ₹200 |
Driving/riding in a mentally/physically unfit state | ₹200 |
Allowing an unauthorised person to drive/ride a vehicle | ₹1,000 |
U-turn violations | ₹200 |
No-entry/one-way related violations | ₹200 |
The aforementioned TS traffic fine list came into effect to raise awareness about and instil the importance of abiding by traffic rules.
Imposing E-Challan in Telangana
Traffic fines in Telangana have gone digital, which enables drivers to pay off their fines online. The e-challan system uses CCTV cameras to capture traffic violations.
It is important to note that if the fine is not cleared within 60 days of issuing, additional penalties will be levied on the offender. In extreme cases, the offender may even be asked to appear in court. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the e-challan validity period.
How to Pay Telangana Traffic Fine
There are several ways an individual can pay off their traffic fine in Telangana. Essentially, these two modes are online and offline.
For the online method, the individual can pay their fine either through the official Parivahan website, the Paytm app, or the Telangana State Police website.
We will be exploring how to pay the fine via the online as well as the offline method.
Online: Telangana State Police Website**
Step 1: Visit the official website of Telangana Police
Step 2: Enter your vehicle number, answer the security question, and click on “Go.”
Step 3: From the list of e-challans, select the one you need to pay against.
Step 4: You will then need to make the payment of the fine via any of the internet banking options provided. You can also choose a debit/credit card to clear your fines.
Step 5: Once the payment is completed, you will receive a receipt that can be used as a reference ID for tracking.
The online method eliminates the hassle of having to visit the police station and queue up to clear your fines. Instead, your fines can be cleared conveniently from your home. However, if you prefer the offline method, here is the process:**
Offline Traffic Fine Clearance
Step 1: Visit the official website of the state in which your challan was issued
Step 2: Download and take a print of the e-challan and make note of the vehicle and challan number
Step 3: Prepare a cheque/pay order/demand draft/ in favour of “DCP/Traffic (HQs)” and post/courier it along with your e-challan to “DCP/Traffic (HQs) office, Telangana Traffic Police.”
Step 4: Once your payment is completed, you will receive an SMS on your registered mobile number that will contain the transaction ID to track your payment transaction
Importance of Having a Valid Bike Insurance Policy
The traffic rules outlined by the Telangana Government are intended to curb the violations and subsequently mitigate road accidents. In this endeavour, investing in a comprehensive bike insurance policy is of significant importance as it secures you in the event of an accident. Without comprehensive insurance for a 2-wheeler, you will have to pay for damages to your vehicle from your pocket which can significantly dent your savings.
To prevent this, a valid bike insurance policy is an essential investment for every rider. If your coverage is close to expiring, you can even complete a two-wheeler insurance renewal online.
However, before investing in any cover, you must compare two-wheeler insurance policies to find a suitable cover for your needs.
Disclaimer / TnC
Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.
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