Echallan Surat

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Echallan Surat

Surat is Gujarat’s one of the largest cities, located beside the Tapi River. This beautiful city was once among the places with the least congested roads and smooth traffic conditions. However, heavy vehicular movement combined with road diversions, metro construction, etc., has led to the worsening of traffic conditions in the city. This also gives rise to the number of accidents.

As per the Road Accidents in India 2022 Report, the total number of persons killed in road accidents in Gujarat in 2022 was 7618. To bring down the number of fatal accidents and to ensure the safety of motorists and travellers, the Surat Traffic Police introduced the e-challan system.

With the help of the latest technology, traffic authorities can keep a check on traffic violations. The system also enables motorists to make their e-challan payment in Surat through official portals and websites.
In this article, you will find all the details relating to Surat challan checks, payment, rules, etc.

What is E Challan Surat?

E-challan is an electronic system that the Traffic Control Branch, Surat Police, has implemented for the enforcement of traffic rules and regulations. Through this technology-based system, the levying of traffic fines and payment is streamlined and made hassle-free.

The Surat traffic challan is given to the traffic violators to penalise them for rule violations on the road. The laws relating to state traffic are mentioned in the Motor Vehicle Act 1988. The Surat Traffic Police is responsible for keeping a check on traffic violations and ensuring the safety of citizens on the road.

Many violations attract an e-challan, including not wearing a helmet, jumping a signal, driving at high speed, etc.

What Information is Provided on the E Challan Surat?

Vehicle Information- The Surat traffic challan consists of all the information about your vehicle, like the registration number, colour, model, make, and so on.

Reason for Issuance of E Challan- You will also find the reason for which the challan is issued. For example, parking in a no-parking zone, breaking the signal, and not wearing a helmet.

Time, Date, and Place of the Violation- The exact location mentioning the street or road name and the date and time of the violation are also available on the challan.

Fine Amount- Your e challan Surat also specifies the fine amount you must pay against the offence.

Challan Number- Every challan has a challan number, which can help you to track the challan through the official websites and also make payments.

How Does RTO Challan Surat Work?

  • E-challans in Surat are based on the video footage captured by the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (APNR) cameras installed in several locations across the streets. These cameras capture detailed images of the vehicle and send them to the Traffic Control Room.

  • With the help of the footage, all the details of the vehicle, like the number, colour, etc., are extracted, along with the type of violation committed.

  • Once the vehicle information is obtained, the details of the owner are readily available with the RTO or Parivahan. An e-challan is thus sent through an SMS or email with proof of the violation and all other details.

  • At times, the traffic police on the road with a challan machine can hand you a challan. In such cases, a copy of the challan is also generated on the police server for records.

  • When you receive an e-challan from Surat Police, you must pay it within 60 days from the date of issue, failing which legal action will be taken.

How to Do a Surat E-Challan Check?

Through Surat City Police Portal

  • You can go to the Surat City Police Portal.

  • Under ‘Find e-challan’ you will see a box to enter the vehicle number.

  • Enter the vehicle number and click ‘Get Challan.’

  • The next page will show you the e-challan along with the CCTV footage of the vehicle, fine to be paid, date, etc.

Through the Surat Municipal Corporation

  • Go to the Surat Municipal Corporation website.

  • You can enter the challan number if you have one or enter the vehicle number in the boxes provided.

  • Once you have entered the vehicle number, you must answer a mathematical question.

  • Click on the search details tab.

  • If you have challans issued for violation they will reflect on the page.

  • If no data shows up, then you have no challans generated against your vehicle.

Through Official Website of Parivahan

  • Visit the Parivahan website.

  • Under the ‘Online Services’ tab, choose e challan.

  • On the next page, choose ‘Check online services’

  • Under check online services, you can select ‘Check challan status.’

  • Fill in the details like challan number, vehicle number, or DL.

  • Enter the captcha correctly and click ‘Get Details’. It will show you all the details of the challan issued against your vehicle.

How to Pay Surat Traffic Challan Online?

You can pay the e-challan in the following ways:


Surat Police website

E-challan Parivahan Surat website

Gujarat e-challan portal

For Mobile App Users:

RTO e-challan app

Via E-Challan Surat Police Website

In your browser, open the Surat Police e challan website.

Enter the vehicle number in the space provided and click ‘Get Challan’.

It will show you the challans issued against your vehicle.

Choose from payment methods, like debit/credit cards, internet banking, etc.

After you make the payment, you will get a confirmation receipt, which you must save for future reference.

Via Parivahan Website

Go to the official website of Parivahan.

Below the login option, click ‘get challan details.’

Choose from the options provided, like challan number, vehicle number, or DL number.

Enter the captcha correctly.

Click on ‘get detail.’

On the next page, click on the ‘pay now’ option.

Choose the mode of payment.

After the payment is complete, you will receive a payment confirmation receipt.

Via Gujarat E Challan Portal

Visit the Gujarat E challan portal.

Provide the vehicle registration number.

Choose the unpaid challans from the list.

Provide the details like mobile number, email ID, driver’s licence, etc.

Click ‘Proceed to payment.’ It will take you to the Cyber Treasury Portal.

Fill in the details asked and select SBI E-pay.

Click on ‘Pay now’ and submit.

On the SBI E-pay page, choose the method of payment.

After the payment is successful, you will be redirected to the portal showing if the payment is successful, pending, or failed.

A receipt will be generated after the payment is successful.

If the payment is pending, you can check the status after 1 or 2 days by providing the vehicle number.

If the payment has failed and no amount is deducted, you can try again.

If the payment has failed and the amount is deducted, you will get a refund.

Via RTO E Challan App

Go to the Play Store app on the mobile.

Download the Gujarat E-challan app.

Select your city as Surat.

Enter the vehicle registration number.

Click ‘Get challan.’

Select a payment option of your choice on the next page.

Make the payment and save the confirmation receipt.

Where can I Pay E-Challan Payment in Surat Offline?

At the RTO Near You

Visit an RTO in your area.

Carry all the essential documents, like your driver's licence and a copy of the e-challan.

Provide the necessary details like the vehicle number, personal details, etc.

The officer will ask you to make the payment in cash or any other mode.

After making the payment, collect the receipt for future reference.

To a Traffic Police Officer

You can also make an e-challan payment in Surat to a traffic police officer in person.

In case a police officer hands you an e-challan on the road, you can pay the officer at the same time and take the payment receipt.

You can also make a previous challan payment to a police officer who has a challan machine by providing the vehicle number and driver’s licence details.

At a Police Station

An e-challan can also be paid at any police station nearby.

You must take your driver’s licence, vehicle registration details, and the printout of the e-challan.

You can ask the officer at the station about the mode of payment, like cash, cheque, etc., and pay the fine. Remember to collect the receipt before you leave.

Surat E-Challan Check: Knowing the Pending/Failed Transaction Status of the Payment?

Go to the E-Challan Parivahan website and click on ‘check failed transaction’ or ‘check pending transaction.’

On the next page, provide the challan number or vehicle number and enter the captcha correctly.

Click ‘Get details.’

The next page will show you the status of your transaction, whether it is pending or failed.

If you have any queries about the transaction, you can raise a complaint on the complaint page of the Parivahan portal.

On the complaint page, you can provide the details asked and give a brief about the issue in the box provided.

Enter the captcha correctly and click submit.

What to Do When a Wrong E-Challan Has Been Issued?

Surat traffic challan is issued on the basis of the image captured by the CCTV cameras installed on the roads. Sometimes, the image can be wrong, leading to the wrong issue of e-challan.

If you receive a wrong e-challan against your vehicle, you can appeal against it by raising a complaint through the grievance section on the Parivahan portal. By filling in all the details on the page you can bring the issue to the notice of the authorities.

This grievance facility is free of cost. For any further clarification or issues, you can contact the help desk via call or through email.


Phone: 0120-4925505 (6.00 am to 10.00 pm)

How to Avoid RTO Challan in Surat: Follow the Traffic Rules

Deteriorating traffic conditions and road congestion have led to an increase in the mortality rates in Surat road accidents. The Surat Traffic Police is doing its best to curb the accident rates by ensuring the enforcement of traffic rules.

As a citizen of the country, one must follow the traffic laws to bring down the accidents and death rates. By obeying the traffic rules, you can safeguard your life and that of your fellow motorists and pedestrians.

Some standard rules that every motorist must follow are mentioned below:

  • Using a seat belt while driving

  • Wearing a helmet on two-wheelers

  • Avoid using mobile phones while driving

  • Follow lane discipline

  • Do not Overspeed

  • Do not indulge in drunk driving

  • Follow the traffic signals and signs

  • Do not overload the vehicle

Here is a detailed explanation of the traffic rules to follow.

Using Seat Belt While Driving-The most basic rule that everyone should follow is to use a seatbelt when driving in a car. Drivers must use a seatbelt at all times as it keeps them safe in case of a mishap.

Wearing a Helmet on Two-Wheelers- While riding a two-wheeler like a motorbike or scooter, you must wear a helmet. Two-wheeler drivers are at the highest risk in case of accidents.

Avoid Using Mobile Phones While Driving- Mobile phones can be disastrous to use while driving. You must avoid using it at all costs as it can distract you from the road and lead to accidents.

In case you have to attend an urgent call, you must always park the vehicle aside.

Follow Lane Discipline- Whether you drive on a highway or within the city limits, you must abide by lane discipline at all times. One must never overtake from the left or cut off a vehicle suddenly. India has a 3-lane system where the left lane is the slowest, the middle lane is for moderate speed, and the right lane is for fast-moving vehicles.

Do Not Overspeed- Overspeeding is among the top reasons for accidents on the road. Driving at high speed takes away the control of the vehicle and can be a reason for collision, which can lead to severe injuries.

Do Not Indulge in Drunk Driving- Being drunk behind the wheel is yet another primary reason why accidents and deaths happen on the road. It is dangerous not only for you but for fellow motorists, too. Alcohol reduces alertness and also affects coordination, leading to fatal accidents.

Follow the Traffic Signals and Signs-As responsible citizens; one must follow the traffic signals and signs at all times. It would be best if you drove within the speed limit, stopped at the red light, and so on.

Do Not Overload the Vehicle- Commercial vehicles carrying goods and other items must load their vehicles within the weight limits specified. Overloading the vehicle can cause it to overturn and lead to fatalities on the highways.

What is the Time Limit to Pay Surat Traffic Challan?

If you receive an e-challan in Surat, you must pay it online or offline within 60 days from the date it is issued. In case you fail to pay it within the stipulated time, it can attract more fines and strict legal action. Here are the consequences that you may have to face.

First, an officer will be dispatched to the registered address to collect the e-challan amount in person.

If the amount is not paid, the violator is sent a legal notice asking him to present himself before the court. It can also lead to suspension of the licence and seizure of the vehicle.

What Traffic Penalties are Applicable in Surat?

" " " " " " " " " " " "
Offence Fine (₹)
Violation of parking rules500- for first offence 1000- for the second and subsequent offence
Driving on the wrong side1500 (3-wheeler) 3000 (LMV) 5000 (heavy vehicles)
Driving without licence2000 (2-wheeler) 3000 (3 & 4-wheelers) Two-wheeler- 200 Others-3000
OverspeedingTwo-wheeler & Three-wheeler- 1500 LMV- 2000 Others-4000
Driving by a physically or mentally unfit person 1000
Driving without a seat belt 500
Not wearing helmet 500
Not giving way to an ambulance, etc. 1000
Unwanted honking 1000
Driving uninsured vehicle 2000
Using a phone while driving 500 (first-time offender), 1000(subsequent offence)
Drunk driving 10,000/ 6 months in priso
A vehicle driven by a minor 25000 and imprisonment of 3 years, deregistration of vehicle for one year, ineligibility of the minor to obtain a licence till 25 years of age
Disobeying traffic lights1000-5000/ 6 months to 1 year in prison, licence seizure
Driving unregistered vehicle1000 (2-wheeler) 2000 (3-wheeler) 3000 (4-wheeler)

Documents Required in Surat While Driving

Driver’s licence

Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate


Vehicle Registration Certificate

Vehicle Insurance Certificate

Here are the details of the required documents for driving in Surat.

Driver’s Licence-A driver’s licence is the most basic and essential document required for driving anywhere in India, including Surat. You must carry a valid driver’s licence as it is proof of your identity and eligibility to drive.

Pollution Under Control Certificate- It is the responsibility of every citizen to adhere to the pollution norms of the city and play their part in safeguarding the environment. A PUC certificate is mandatory under the Motor Vehicles Act in India. It signifies that your vehicle’s emission is within the limits and it can be driven on the roads.

Permit- Commercial vehicles are required to have a valid permit to move within a state or between two states. A driver may also need a fitness certificate to prove that he is fit to drive the commercial vehicle.

Vehicle Registration Certificate- A registration certificate is proof of your vehicle being registered with the regional transport office of the city and is not acquired by theft. New car owners must ensure that they get the registration certificate within 7 days of buying the car. A vehicle registration certificate is mandatory under the Motor Vehicles Act.

Vehicle Insurance Certificate-All vehicle owners are compulsorily required to have third-party four-wheeler and two-wheeler insurance under the Motor Vehicles Act. Drivers must always have an insurance certificate with them when on the road.

The Importance of Having a Motor Insurance for Your Vehicle

As mentioned above, car or bike insurance is among the mandatory requirements for driving vehicles in India. Motor insurance protects you from financial and legal liabilities in case of accidents, thefts, vehicle damage, etc.

One should carefully select insurance plans with maximum benefits and affordability. Tata AIG offers various bike insurance and bike insurance renewal plans to suit your needs. To learn about various insurance plans and policies, you can visit our website.

While choosing two-wheeler insurance, one must pay attention to IDV in bike insurance. IDV is the maximum payout that you can receive from the insurer. Higher IDV will give maximum compensation in case of irreparable damage or car theft but will also correspond to a higher premium. Hence, it is important to select an IDV that is closest to your vehicle's market value.


With the introduction of e-challan in Surat, it is easier to penalise and collect fines from traffic violators. If you are a resident of Surat and have received an e-challan from the traffic police, you must ensure to pay it within the timeline. You can use various portals and apps to check the status of your challans and make payments.

If there are pending challans in your name you can opt to clear them using online or offline payment methods to maintain a clean record. To avoid getting fined, you must adhere to the traffic rules and regulations and also keep all the necessary documents handy.

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