GJ-27 RTO Office Ahmedabad East (Vastral)
GJ-27 RTO Office Ahmedabad East (Vastral)
RTO office Ahmedabad East is one of the most important RTO bodies in the region. Ahmedabad, which is famously known as the commercial hub of Gujarat state, sees lots of traffic every day. From transportation trucks moving around to tourists and locals going to their destinations, the city roads are always bustling with vehicles.
Thus, the GJ 27 RTO was established to manage traffic in the Ahmedabad East region. But this government body offers much more to its citizens. Read along to learn more.
What is the Regional Transport Office Ahmedabad East (Vastral)?
Regional Transport Office Ahmedabad East, or GJ 27 RTO, is a government-established office that works to provide the best transportation-related services to the area's citizens. Such RTOs are present all over the Indian states, with various regions under their jurisdiction. These RTOs were established as per Section 213 (1) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988.
The RTO in every region is responsible for overlooking the area's transportation management; they help implement any new traffic laws made under the Motor Act and much more. The Gujarat RTO supervises the GJ 27 RTO.
GJ 27 RTO Address and Other Details
These are the details of the RTO office Ahmedabad East address, contact number and more so that you can contact them with your queries and problems:
RTO Code | GJ 27 RTO Code |
RTO Address | Mahadev Nagar Tekra, Vastral, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380023 |
RTO Contact Number | -27559683 |
RTO Office Hours | 10: 30 am to 6:10 pm |
RTO Office Days | Monday to Saturday |
Functions of RTO Office GJ-27 Passing City Name Ahmedabad East (Vastral)
GJ 27 RTO passing is the transport authority of the region and, thus, is required to fulfil certain functions towards the citizens. These functions are:
-Enforcing Motor Vehicles Act 1988
It is the responsibility of the RTO office to enforce all the traffic laws stated in the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, ensuring the safety and management of vehicles on the road. The RTO conducts regular inspections to ensure that people are following these rules and takes action against violators.
-Maintaining RTO Database
RTO office Ahmedabad East officials are also responsible for maintaining the RTO database regularly. They need to update information such as new registrations, expired licence, penalties, frequent violators, driving licence issuance, etc.
Several stakeholders, such as citizens, tender companies and the government, use the updated information to seek information and take appropriate action.
-Penalty and Tax Collection
One crucial function of the RTO is collecting penalties and tax money. The money collected from these sources is part of government income, which is later utilised for the development and renovation of road infrastructure.
Thus, the correct amount of taxes and penalties must be collected at the right time. It is also the responsibility of RTO officials to penalise individuals who do not pay their taxes and penalties within the due date.
-Document Issuance
Driving-related documents like driving licence, registration certificate, PUC certificate, penalty clearance document, duplicate documents issuance, etc., are also one of the functions of the RTO office Ahmedabad East.
Any citizen can visit the RTO office to apply for required documents and RTO officials need to guide them through the procedure. After that, the RTO issues the documents.
-Oversee Vehicle Worthiness
GJ 27 RTO is responsible for checking and validating the roadworthiness of the vehicles running on city roads. The officials oversee the entire transportation system of the area and ensure that all vehicles follow basic safety instructions.
Every vehicle owner who does not have safety features like seatbelts, proper windshields, helmets, working airbags, etc, in their vehicle will be penalised.
Also Read: Ahmedabad Traffic Fines: Rules, Penalties and Challan
Services Offered by RTO Offices in GJ-27 Passing Ahmedabad East (Vastral)
-Driving Licence Related Services
A driving licence is mandatory if you want to drive legally in Ahmedabad or any other state in India. It is the document that authenticates that you know basic traffic rules and possess the skills to drive a vehicle in public. As a government document, only government bodies like the RTO can issue it after taking a driving test and verifying the document.
-Other than that, some driving-licence-related services offered by RTO also include these:
-Renewing Driving Licence: A driving licence has a limited validity of 20 years for a private licence and 3 years for a commercial licence, so it needs to be renewed. The RTO provides the renewed licence after the required procedure is followed.
-Correcting Information: GJ 27 RTO also provides the service of updating the information on a driver's licence if it is incorrect or outdated.
-Duplicate Driving Licence: If a driver's licence is lost, damaged or stolen, the driver can come to the RTO and get a duplicate document.
-Here are the types of driving licences issued by the RTO office Ahmedabad East:
-Learner’s Driving Licence: A learner’s licence is a temporary licence issued to the applicant who is still learning to drive and on their way to acquire a permanent licence. The licence is valid for up to 6 months; within this duration, they need to get a permanent licence.
-Permanent Driving Licence: A permanent driving licence is a mandatory document to drive without penalty on the road. The RTO issues the document after taking a driving test and gauging the applicant's traffic knowledge.
The RTO issues various permanent licences based on the vehicle type the application is made for, such as light motor vehicles and heavy motor vehicles.
-International Driving Licence: This licence is issued by RTO to applicants who want to drive a vehicle in a foreign country. However, only individuals who have a valid permanent Indian driving licence can apply for this. Moreover, there is a procedure that needs to be followed to get this licence.
-Vehicle Registration Service
The RTO office Ahmedabad East also provides vehicle registration services. Registration is a crucial process for entering your vehicle details into the RTO database. It verifies the current owner's ownership of the vehicle. The RTO issues various types of vehicle registration documents.
Moreover, the RTO provides other registration services, such as renewing registration certificates, transferring vehicle ownership, correcting registration certificates and issuing duplicate registration certificates.
Here are the types of registration certificates issued by GJ 27 RTO.
-Temporary Registration Certificate: The temporary registration certificate is issued to the dealerships to provide to the vehicle buyers, so there is no issue till the permanent registration certificate gets allotted.
-Permanent Registration Certificate: Every temporary registration certificate holder needs to get a permanent registration certificate. There is a process for registration that is followed and the RTO issued the certificate after that. The permanent registration authenticates the ownership and it stays valid for 15 and 5 years for personal and commercial vehicles, respectively.
-Vehicle Permit Services
A vehicle permit is a document issued by an RTO specifying that the vehicle is allowed to travel within a certain region. The permit is required for every vehicle that constantly travels intercity or interstate, such as transport trucks, tourist buses, goods carriers, etc. There are various types of permits issued by the RTO; these are:**
-Stage Carrier Permit: It is the permit slip issued to vehicles carrying passengers from one place to another, such as tourist buses, minivans, private passenger buses, etc.
-Private Service Vehicle Permit: This permit is issued specifically to private vehicles moving between two points. Such vehicles include company-provided cabs for employees and clients.
-Goods Carrier Permit: GJ 27 RTO issues goods carrier permits to the vehicles carrying goods from one point to another. These move through various regions and, thus, require appropriate entry and exit permits. Such vehicles are transportation trucks, lorries, etc.
-National Permit: A national permit is given to vehicles that need to travel between the states all across India. These include goods and passenger carrying vehicles and they need to fulfil specific requirements to get the national permit from the Ministry of Road and Transport.
-No Objection Certificate
A no-objection certificate is a crucial document for vehicles transferring from one state or city to another. Such vehicles must deregister from their old city or state RTO database and register with their transferred state or city RTO.
The no objection certificate states that the vehicle does not have any due taxes or penalties under its old RTO database, thus providing clearance to transfer. Then, the vehicle has to provide this document to its new RTO office during registration. Vehicles transferring from Ahmedabad East (Vastral) to another place can get this certificate from the GJ 27 RTO code.
**-PUC CertificateThe **
The PUC certificate is another crucial document for vehicle owners; without it, they might have to pay a penalty for driving in the city. The PUC certificate is an initiative to ensure that only vehicles emitting carbon within the prescribed range are on the road. It helps in pollution control in the city; vehicles can get their PUC certificate from RTO GJ 27, passing the city name Ahmedabad East (Vastral). The RTO conducts a pollution test before issuing this certificate.
-Vehicle Fitness Certificate
GJ 27 RTO passing also issues a vehicle fitness certificate that every vehicle owner needs to carry. It is always necessary to drive only roadworthy vehicles that are safe for both the driver and the people on the road.
The RTO conducts regular vehicle inspections, and vehicle owners can also take voluntary inspections to determine whether a vehicle is roadworthy. If it passes the test, the RTO issues a vehicle fitness certificate.
Also Read:** Gujarat Road Tax
Importance of Car Insurance Policy in Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad RTO works diligently to maintain city traffic regulations. However, there are incidents of negligence or traffic violations by some people that result in road accidents. Getting insurance for a four-wheeler is suggested so that you do not fall victim to the financial burden of such an incident.
A car insurance policy is your saviour in case of car damage due to road accidents and covers the financial dent that may occur. You can opt for a TATA AIG car insurance policy that has a complete package of car protection features. Our policy provides personal accident cover, third-party liability cover, and cover against natural calamities and man-made disasters.
Additionally, we have a wide range of add-ons, like our invoice cover in car insurance, which provides you the invoice value of your car without any deduction due to depreciation.
With our Comprehensive Car Insurance policy, you can benefit from cashless garage services from our wide network of over garages across India.
Do visit the TATA AIG car insurance page to learn more about various car insurance plans.
Final Words
Ahmedabad is one of the largest cities in India, so it has several RTOs to manage traffic better and provide services efficiently. The RTO office Ahmedabad East is responsible for functioning in the region under its jurisdiction.
Here, the RTO provides services like issuance of driving licences and permits, changing driving licence details, issuing NOCs and much more. Having information regarding your RTO is important to avail yourself of the services provided by the government for the citizens.
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