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Things You Should Know In Case You Are Stopped By The Traffic

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 01/03/2025

Now if you've been driving for some years, you've probably been pulled over by the traffic police at some point of time, regardless of the reason why. It may even be entirely new for you if you're a new driver.

Nevertheless, do not panic in such scenarios!

Getting stopped by the traffic police doesn't always mean you've committed an offence or broken a traffic rule. Sometimes cops stop a random vehicle to perform routine checks to see if the driver is following all the traffic laws.

The first thing they usually ask for is the primary documents relating to your vehicle - One of them being your motor insurance certificate. For example, if you're a bike owner, you would be asked to show your bike insurance policy.

12 Things To Know When You Get Stopped By The Traffic Police

  1. If you did violate a traffic rule, the officer must have a traffic challan book or an e-challan machine to penalise you.

  2. Do not try to avoid the traffic police. If you are being asked to pull over, it's best to comply and cooperate with the officer. Produce the necessary documents when asked. Note here you only simply need to show them your documents, not hand them over.

  3. Don't try to get into an argument with the officer. Instead, explain your stance calmly and politely if you haven't committed any mistakes, or accept your mistake if you have broken the law.

  4. You can be fined for several things, like - not wearing a helmet when riding a bike, not having your documents, not following a traffic signal rule, speeding, etc. You must remember that breaking the rules can invite fines and penalties upon you.

  5. Do not try to bribe the officer. Only pay the specified amount on the fine.

  6. If you have any suspicions regarding the officer, politely ask for the officer's ID.

  7. Your vehicle can be detained if - you are not following the law, do not have the correct documents, etc.

  8. The officer must offer you a valid receipt if your driver's licence has been detained. Your licence can be detained if you are caught drunk driving or texting/talking on your mobile while driving.

  9. Your car will only be towed once you step out of the vehicle. It will not be towed if you or any other passenger still remain inside the vehicle.

  10. You must appear before the magistrate within 24 hours to plead your case if you are detained.

  11. If the police officer is harassing you, you have the right to file an official complaint against them. You can file this complaint at the police station and state the details of the complaint there.

  12. In case you are handed a challan, it must have details of your violation, your details, the officer's details and the details of the court in which the trial will be held.

What To Do When You Get Stopped By The Traffic Police?

Getting stopped can be daunting if you’re a new driver. The most important course of action here is to remain calm and cooperate with the police officer. Additionally, it is also vital that you know your rights and when to exercise them if you feel they are being violated.

A police officer can stop you on the grounds of suspicious driving. You can step out of the car of your own will. A police officer can not force you out of your car. Also, according to the Motor Vehicles Act 1932, it is illegal for an officer to take away your car keys forcefully. No police officer is permitted to do this.

The first thing they will do is ask for you to present your primary documents relating to your vehicle. Here is a list of the documents you must carry in your vehicle.

  • Registration Certificate (RC)
  • Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate
  • Driving License (DL)
  • Bike insurance policy document

Note that it is mandatory that you keep the original copies of these documents in your vehicle at all times. Of course, they can be carried digitally on your phone too. Whichever way you carry them, ensure they are on your person when you're pulled over.

What Rights Do The Traffic Police Have?

Remember, you can always ask for the officer’s ID if you are unsure of their authenticity.

  • They have the right to ask you to pull over.

  • They can seize your vehicle if you violate any of the traffic laws.

  • They can seize your licence under grounds of suspicion. However, they must give you an acknowledgement or receipt in exchange.

  • They can arrest you if you have been found driving drunk or under the influence of any narcotics banned under the law.

What To Check If You Receive A Traffic Violation Challan?

When a police officer gives you a challan, you must check for the following details:

  • Name and details about the court where the trial will be held.
  • Details of the offence.
  • Date of the trial.
  • Name and address of the offender - in this case, your name and address.
  • Name and signature of the officer issuing your challan
  • List of documents required.

What Should You Avoid Doing When Stopped By The Traffic Police?

If an officer stops you, your best approach is to not be rude or uncooperative towards them. Here are some tips that will ease this process for both parties involved:

  • Be Calm And Composed: If you are ever asked to pull over by a police officer, make sure you comply. Turn off your ignition and roll down your windows to speak to the officer.

  • Be Polite And Respectful: Remember that they are just doing their jobs. They are not out to get you if you haven't done anything wrong to begin with. Being polite may even result in you just getting off with a warning.

  • Don't Panic: Explain your situation to the officer in detail and immediately clear up any misunderstandings.

  • Follow The Rules: Do not try to break the rules. This will play against you in the end. If you've violated any rules or made any mistakes, accept them and pay any penalties where they're required.

In Summary

If you are ever pulled over, the most important thing to remember is to remain calm and be aware of your rights. If the police officer has violated your rights in any way, always issue a formal complaint.

To ease this process, it's imperative that you have all your documents. Most of the time, that's really all you will need if you haven't broken any laws. If you are not able to produce the required documents during a routine check-up, you will be fined without violating any traffic rules.

Therefore, get your insurance for 2-wheelers from Tata AIG's online platform. You can compare two-wheeler insurance policies to ensure you choose the right one.

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