How to File an Insurance Claim if your Bike is damaged due to a Cyclone?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 14/08/2023

India, especially the coastal regions, are prone to severe cyclones that cause intense damage to life and property. In 2020, the eastern and western coasts witnessed cyclonic storms Amphan and Nisarga, respectively. In 2021, cyclone Tauktae and Yass wreaked havoc on the western coast and caused serious damage to life and property, especially vehicles like bikes and cars.

The impact of any cyclone is not restricted to the affected area, the turbulent winds and heavy rainfall have the potential to destruct the life and property of several neighbouring areas.

A cyclone not only affects vehicles on the road. Even the parked vehicles are at risk of damage due to the strong winds and flying debris. In some instances, large trees and electric poles can also fall on the vehicles, causing partial or complete vehicle loss, which incurs a major financial loss.

In such instances, a vehicle insurance policy comes to your rescue. If you are a bike owner and your vehicle is damaged due to a natural calamity, such as a cyclone, you can use your bike insurance policy to get financial reimbursement for your loss. However, for this purpose, you need to make a claim against your two-wheeler insurance. To register your bike insurance claim, you have to inform your two-wheeler insurance company and follow the requisite claim process.

What is Covered in a Two-wheeler Insurance Policy?

In India, broadly, there are two major types of insurance for bikes. First, a third party two wheeler insurance covers offer financial coverage against any third-party loss or damage to property and life. A third-party bike insurance policy is mandatory for all bikes in India.

The second major type of two-wheeler insurance is comprehensive insurance for bikes. A comprehensive bike insurance policy offers third-party liability protection and extensive coverage for your bike against any financial damage due to accidents, theft, fire and natural disasters.

A comprehensive bike insurance policy provides financial protection in case of damage or loss sustained by your bike due to natural disasters, such as cyclones, earthquakes, lightning, storm, floods, etc. Further, this bike insurance policy also provides financial coverage against losses due to man-made events like riots, vandalism, etc.

So, if your bike is damaged due to a cyclone, you can claim against your two wheeler insurance policy, provided you own a comprehensive bike insurance policy.

What is the Process of Filing a Claim if the Bike is Damaged due to a Cyclone

If a cyclone, storm or any other natural disaster has caused damage or loss to your bike, you can file a bike insurance claim by following these simple steps:

Inform the insurance company

If a cyclone or a related storm has damaged your bike, the first thing you should do is inform your two-wheeler insurance provider. If a tree or any other structure has fallen on your bike, do not try to remove it. Let the vehicle be as it is and inform the insurance company giving full details about the incident and extent of damage sustained by the bike.

Tata AIG offers a dedicated toll-free number, WhatsApp number and email ID for claim support. You can call the toll-free number 1800-266-7780 within 48 hours of the incident and provide all details related to the incident and insured vehicle.

You can also file a claim online on our website through a simple and streamlined claim filing process. You can get help on WhatsApp as well. Just send a message on +91-9136160375.

In some serious cases, the IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India) asks insurance companies to provide a fast-track online claim settlement medium. You will need to keep your two-wheeler bike insurance documents handy and vehicle registration details.

In an emergency, if you need to use the bike even after it is damaged, you can visit the nearest garage or choose a network garage to get the bike repaired. However, remember to keep a record of all repair bills and any spare part purchase bills.

Collect pictorial evidence

Once you register your claim, ensure to take several pictures of the bike showcasing its damages. Make videos of all the dents, and cover all angles of the bike. Ensure all the pictures and videos are clear. Do not leave out any dent or damage sustained by the bike due to the cyclone.

You might need to present these pictures to the surveyor, who will be examining your bike insurance policy claim. If you have to move your bike or take it to the nearest garage for repairs, click the pictures before doing that.

Submit the required documents

Once you intimidate us about the damage, you will be required to submit several documents. Most commonly, documents you need to file a bike insurance claim are your two-wheeler bike insurance details, driving license, pictorial evidence of damages, etc. Once you submit the documents, you will receive a bike insurance claim number. You can use the number to track your claim status online.

Comply with the inspection of the vehicle

After you file the claim and submit the required documents, we will send over an inspector or surveyor to assess the damages sustained by the insured vehicle due to the cyclone.

The surveyor might ask a few questions to understand the situation in detail. The experts will analyse your pictorial evidence and submit their inspection report to us describing the extent of damages.

Wait for assistance

Once your bike insurance claim is registered, we will send service personnel from one of their network garages to tow away the vehicle. The garage will provide a financial estimate of the repairs to the insurance company.

Claim decision

According to the surveyor report and the repair estimate given by the network garage, Tata AIG will decide the validity and amount of the bike insurance claim. If your claim is valid, we will settle the bill amount directly with the network garage.

However, if it is a non-network garage, we will reimburse the repair costs in your authorised bank account. If a specific spare part or damage is not included in your two-wheeler bike insurance, you will have to pay for that repair from your pocket.

Summing Up

Overall, filing a claim for your bike insurance policy is a smooth and hassle-free process. To avoid any delays in the claim process or claim rejection, follow these steps precisely. Be careful of a few things, such as informing the insurance company within the stipulated time, answering all survey questions truthfully, not getting the bike repaired before the survey is done and choosing a network garage. Also, ensure the two-wheeler insurance policy is active before you proceed with the bike insurance claim.

Tata AIG ensures your bike insurance claims are settled speedily and smoothly at all times, even more so during a cyclone. Keep all documents ready and follow these easy steps to register your bike insurance claim. If your two-wheeler insurance is not active, you can renew your two-wheeler insurance policy or buy another policy online. Use the two-wheeler insurance premium calculator to precisely know your premium outlays.

If your two-wheeler insurance policy is active and you have diligently followed all rules, your claim will be processed within a few days. This will allow you to remain financially stress-free amidst challenging times.

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Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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