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Everything About Two Wheeler Number Plate

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 11/08/2023

Driving a two-wheeler is a great experience as you can navigate your vehicle with ease through the traffic and reach your destination on time. But, when you buy a bike, you have to ensure that you follow certain rules and regulations so that you do not have to face any fines or penalties. Therefore, one of the things that you have to do when you buy a two-wheeler is to get it registered with the concerned authorities in your area. Once you have completed the registration process, you are provided with a licence plate.

The bike number plate is a representation of the unique registration number that has been provided to you by the concerned authority. Your registration number is written on the metal plate, and it is placed in front and on the back of your bike so that your bike can be identified. According to the Indian Motor Vehicles Act, you cannot drive your bike without getting it registered.

Before we get into the details of the motorcycle number plates, it is important to know that driving a two-wheeler on the roads without a third-party insurance plan is also illegal. Therefore, it is essential to secure your bike with the right insurance for 2 wheeler so that you do not face fines and penalties.

With Tata AIG, you can simply buy a two-wheeler insurance policy online in a few steps and within a few minutes. You can choose between comprehensive insurance for 2 wheeler, a standalone third-party bike insurance policy, or an own damage insurance cover. Moreover, you can go to the website and compare two-wheeler insurance with ease.

Let us get into the bike number plate details and everything that you need to know about motorcycle number plates.

What is a Bike Number Plate?

When you buy a bike in India, you have to get it registered with the nearest RTO (Regional Transport Office). RTO is the authority that governs and manages all the vehicles and drivers on the roads in the country. A bike number plate is the representation of the registration number provided by the RTO that you have to attach to your bike so that it can be identified. You can also choose a fancy bike number plate, but it costs more than the standard number plate.

Understanding the Bike Number Plate Details

While you may see the two-wheeler number plate as a random representation of numerical and alphabets, it is not true. All the numbers and letters on the bike no. plate represent a meaning that you should be aware of.
Let us understand the 2 wheeler number plate with an example. For example, suppose the bike number plate mentioned is MH03AA4567.

  • MH: The first part of the bike number plate represents the state or the union territory where you have registered your bike. It is mentioned in the form of two letters. For example, MH represents the state of Maharashtra. The bike registered in Haryana will have HR, and one in Delhi will have DL.

  • 03: The next part is the two numerical mentioned in the two-wheeler number plate. These refer to the sequential number of the district where it has been registered. The RTO of that district handles the registration of the two-wheeler.

  • AA4567: The last part of the 2 wheeler number plate comprises four numbers and two alphabets and is the unique number for the identification of the bike. In case there is an unavailability of numbers, the last digit is replaced with a letter from the alphabet.

  • Logo: The logo is also an essential part of the bike no. plate. For example, the IND in the logo is a representation of India, where your bike is registered. This oval also has a hologram which is a representation of the chakra, which comes into use as HSRP. HSRP means High-Security Registration Plates that were introduced in 2005 and cannot be tampered with.

All these alphabets, numbers, and codes come together to provide you with a unique registration number for your motorcycle number plates.

Understanding the Different Colours of a Bike No. Plate

Many vehicles have different colours on their number plates; here is the purpose of each number plate:

  • White: A white bike number plate with black coloured text signifies that the vehicle is a private one. This vehicle cannot come into use as a commercial vehicle.

  • Yellow: A yellow 2 wheeler number plate with black text represents commercial vehicles like cabs, taxis, etc. You need a special permit to drive these vehicles on the roads.

  • Blue: If the two-wheeler number plate is blue, then foreign representatives or delegates are using that vehicle. The number plate has the code of the diplomat’s country rather than the Indian code.

  • Black: If the number plate is black with a yellow coloured text, it means that it is a commercial vehicle but with a private owner who has rented it out for commercial use. These vehicles do not need a commercial license to drive on the roads in India.

  • Red: A red number plate is used for vehicles that carry state governors or the President of India. These number plates do not have a code. Instead, they have the Indian emblem, which is there in a golden colour.

  • Upward Arrow: In military vehicles, a broad arrow is used as a prefix on the number plate. It also has some numbers that mention the year in which this vehicle was procured. These are registered with the Indian Ministry of Defense.


Now that you have all the bike number plate details, it is essential that you keep these in mind when you get your vehicle registered. You can also opt for a fancy bike number plate from your nearest RTO, but it might come at an added cost. Also, while you drive your vehicle on the road, ensure that you have a valid bike insurance policy so that you are financially secure if there is an accident. So, compare plans, calculate the bike insurance premium, and then choose the right policy for yourself.

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