Electric Scooters Vs Petrol Scooters

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 14/05/2024

Fuels like petrol and diesel are common sources of energy that propels most of the vehicles. However, the blatant use of these fuels for more than a century has taken an enormous toll on the environment and humanity.

Humans are now searching for new-age sources of energy to power vehicles. Among the most popular alternatives is electricity. Many automobile brands are revolutionising vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint. If you want to know whether you should buy a petrol scooter or an electric scooter, you are at the right place.

This article discusses the difference between electric and petrol scooters and their pros and cons to help you make the right decision.

What is An Electric Scooter?

An electric or e-scooter is a two-wheeler vehicle that uses electricity as fuel. A green and affordable alternative to petrol scooters, e-scooters are designed for short-distance travel.

They are propelled by rechargeable batteries, eradicating the need for carbon-emitting fuel. Electric scooters are lightweight, compact, noise and pollution-free.

What is A Petrol Scooter?

A petrol scooter is a two-wheeler vehicle that uses petrol as a fuel. A common mode of commutation for decades, petrol scooters are efficient in covering short to long distances.

They are equipped with a petrol-powered engine and thus emit harmful pollutants contributing to global warming.

Electric Scooter vs Petrol Scooter Comparison

Electric and petrol scooters differ in many aspects that you must be familiar with. Here’s the comparison between electric and petrol scooter:

Source of power

The main distinction between electric and petrol scooters is the source on which they run.

E-scooters run on electricity stored in rechargeable batteries. On the other hand, petrol scooters depend on the combustion of petrol.

**Running cost

If you are thinking about electric scooter vs petrol scooter running cost then electric scooters are more cost-effective. This is because charging the batteries of e-scooters is more affordable than refuelling with highly-priced petrol.

**Range and speed

When it comes to range and speed, petrol scooters are better than their electric counterparts. The larger fuel tanks and longer ranges make them reliable for long-distance journeys.

E-scooters have a short operational range due to the battery capacity and limited top speeds. Hence, they are suitable for short travels around the city.

**Environmental impact

E-scooters are powered by electricity and do not produce any harmful emissions. Hence, they contribute to a cleaner environment.

In contrast, petrol scooters depend on the combustion of fossil fuels. They emit pollutants like nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, etc., contributing to global warming

**Refuelling/recharging time

While you need to wait for a few hours to charge your e-scooter, a petrol scooter can be refuelled within a few minutes at the petrol station

**Refuelling/recharging infrastructure

The electric segment is in the initial stages, and therefore, charging stations are limited in number. This makes e-scooters unsuitable for long-distance travel, especially on highways.

On the contrary, you can find petrol stations every few kilometres, which makes it quite easy to refuel your petrol scooter

Difference Between Electric Scooter and Petrol Scooter

The table below sums up everything about e-scooters vs petrol scooters:

Point of Comparison  Electric Scooters  Petrol Scooters 
Source of Power  Powered by rechargeable batteries that run on electricity  Equipped with a combustion engine that runs on petrol 
Speed and range  Limited range and speed per charge  Higher top speed and longer range per fuel tank 
Cost  Cheaper electricity makes e-scooters an affordable option  Higher petrol prices make them costly to operate 
Environmental impact  Zero harmful emissions and less noise pollution  Increased carbon and other harmful emissions and noise pollution 
Refuelling/ Charging time  Charging time may vary from a few hours to overnight  Quick refuelling at petrol stations 
Maintenance  Fewer maintenance costs  Need regular maintenance and servicing 
Safety  Negligible risk of explosion or fire  Increased risk of explosion or fire due to the combustible fuel 
Refuelling infrastructure  Limited charging infrastructure  Widely available petrol stations every few km 

Pros and Cons of Electric and Petrol Scooters

If you are planning to buy a scooter, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons of electric and petrol scooters to make an informed decision. The tables below provide a quick glimpse into the advantages and disadvantages of both:

Electric scooters

Pros Cons
Environment friendly due to zero harmful emissions Not suitable for longer journeys
Low maintenance needs with no oil changes and tune-ups Limited speed and range
Lower long-term operating costs Slower acceleration
Less noise pollution Charging takes time
Easy charging at work or at home  Backed by limited charging infrastructure
Safe with negligible risk of explosion or fire  High upfront costs

Petrol Scooters

Pros Cons
Suitable for long-distance travels Emits harmful pollutants impacting the environment and human health
Higher speed Makes noise while operating
Backed by widely available refuelling facilities Higher maintenance costs due to oil changes and regular tune-ups
Lower upfront costs Higher long-term operating costs

Electric Scooter vs Petrol Scooter Which is Better?

The answer to this question may vary depending on the place where you live, your budget, travel requirements and other factors. Here’s how you can decide which scooter is better for you:

Budget: The lithium-ion battery used in e-scooters is costlier, which increases their overall price.

However, e-scooters have lower long-term operational costs since electricity is cheaper than petrol. This leads to significant long-term savings. Make sure you consider this fact before investing your money

Operational requirement: Since the electric vehicle segment is in a nascent stage, you may not find charging stations everywhere.

When it comes to EV vs petrol scooters, e-scooters are a good option if you stay in urban areas where you can easily charge your scooter.

This may not be possible if you stay in a rural area that has poor charging infrastructure. So, purchase a scooter according to the place where you live

Travel requirement: Electric scooters are ideal for short-distance travel. Make sure you evaluate your travel requirements before choosing between an EV vs a petrol scooter.

A petrol scooter might be a better option if you need to cover long distances

Wrapping Up

This was all about an electric scooter vs a petrol scooter. Consider all the differences between both options and also evaluate your commuting needs, personal preferences, budget and other factors to select the right scooter.

And don’t forget to insure your prized possession with a suitable two-wheeler insurance policy. Indian motor vehicle law mandates third-party bike insurance. However, it is not sufficient in today’s time, considering the rising number of accidents, crimes, natural disasters and other risks. So, make sure you buy comprehensive bike insurance to protect your two-wheeler from any mishap.

At Tata AIG, you can get the most suitable insurance for two-wheelers at budget-friendly rates. All you need to do is use our bike insurance calculator, compare different plans and pick the one that suits your needs and pocket.


Which scooter is better: electric or petrol?

Both electric and petrol scooters come with their own sets of pros and cons. The choice depends on various factors, including your budget, access to refuelling stations, maintenance visits, commuting requirements, etc. However, when it comes to eco-friendliness, e-scooters are definitely the best choice.

What is an electric scooter, and how does it work?**

An electric scooter or an e-scooter is a two-wheeler vehicle that uses electricity as fuel. It is a relatively new mode of transportation that has gained popularity in recent years. Electric scooters work on rechargeable batteries.

What are the disadvantages of electric scooters?

The following are the disadvantages of electric scooters:

Low speed in some models

Charging time is more

Limited development of charging infrastructure

Short range

How much does 1 km cost in an electric scooter?

The cost per kilometre of riding an electric scooter is ₹0.25. On the other hand, the average cost per kilometre of riding a petrol scooter is around ₹2.5, which is way more expensive when compared to an electric scooter.

What is the life of an electric scooter?

The life of electric scooters may vary depending on the model. If you change the battery of your scooter on time and follow the best charging practices, it may last up to five years.

How fast are electric scooters?

The top speed of high-end electric scooters can range between 70 to 80 km/h, while some premium e-scooters can have top speeds of 100 km/h.

What is the cost of an electric scooter?

The price of an electric scooter can vary depending on factors like brand, model, features and battery capacity. On average, e-scooters are usually more expensive than petrol scooters.

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