Yoga Mudras for Better Sleep: Unlocking Ancient Practices for Deep Rest

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 11/09/2024

Having quality sleep is crucial for living a healthy life. However, many people are deprived of better sleep. This may be due to stress, daily life activities, unhealthy eating habits and more.

However, one way to get better sleep is through yoga and meditation. Various yoga mudras for sleep help stimulate certain energies to keep the spirit, body and mind relaxed. But what exactly is a hand mudra for sleep?
In this blog, we will learn in detail about mudra and how it can help us get deep, restful sleep.

What is Mudra?

Mudra is a popular Sanskrit term meaning a gesture. It is used in yogic practices to define the gesture or pose. There are various types of mudras available in Yoga.

The hand mudra for sleep is a hand gesture that involves gentle pressure between the fingertips to induce proper sleep.

These mudras for insomnia can be performed for a few seconds to minutes. They help keep the mind and body relaxed and offer better sleep.

Also Read: Yoga Mudra

What Do Mudras Do?

Our body has various kinds of nerves that transmit signals to the brain. Our hands also have a network of nerves. Many yoga practitioners believe that when we gently press these nerves on our hands, we stimulate them, which sends signals to the brain.

It is basically a pathway to rewire a brain. By touching and curling the nerves on our hands, we are able to establish a connection between mind and body.

These mudras help relax the mind, which often leads to quality sleep. The five fingers of the hand represent elemental properties, which are mentioned below:

Fingers Elemental Properties
Thumb Fire
Index Finger Air
Middle Finger Space or Ether
Ring Finger Earth
Pinky Finger Water

List of Yoga Mudras for Sleep

Incorporating the yoga mudras for sleep with healthy eating habits and a conducive sleep environment can definitely help you get deep rest. Some of the best mudras for sleep are listed below:**

Gyan Mudra

Gyan Mudra, also known as the mudra of knowledge, is a popular hand mudra for sleep. When performed with palms facing down, it is also known as chin mudra. The purpose of this yoga mudra is to combine collective and personal consciousness.

This yoga mudra for sleep helps enhance concentration and memory. It also offers relaxation and calm to the body, which leads to good sleep.

How to Perform

Step 1: To perform this hand mudra for sleep, you must sit in a comfortable position. The best poses for sitting are padmasana and sukhasana.

Step 2: The next **Step is to touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger so that it forms a circle.

Step 3: Keep the remaining three fingers straight and relaxed.

Step 4: Keep the palms fronting up and position your hands on your knees.

Step 5: Maintain a position and then close your eyes and slowly and deeply inhale.

Gyan Mudra Benefits for Sleep

Practising Gyan Mudra helps to calm the mind and reduce anxiety, which can facilitate easier and more restful sleep.

This mudra helps balance the body's energy flow, promoting a sense of tranquillity and relaxation conducive to sleep.

By enhancing mental clarity and focus, Gyan Mudra can help reduce overthinking, making it easier to fall asleep.

Shuni Mudra

Shuni Mudra, also known as the mudra of patience, is another popular mudra for insomnia. As the name suggests, this is a powerful hand gesture that promotes discipline, stability and patience.

It helps balance the elements within the body and offers calmness to the mind. It aids in enhancing concentration and mental clarity, which can be beneficial for managing stress and improving overall well-being.

How to Perform

Step 1: To perform this yoga mudra, sit in a comfortable position, and the back should be straight.

Step 2: Next, touch the tip of the thumb with the tip of the middle finger to form a circle.

Step 3: Keep the other three fingers straight and relaxed.

Step 4: The palms should be facing up. Place the hand on your knees.

Step 5: Keep your eyes closed and take deep breaths.

Shuni Mudra Benefits for Sleep

It stabilises emotions and reduces stress, contributing to a more balanced and composed state of mind.

The mudra helps calm the nervous system and promotes relaxation, which can contribute to better sleep.

It helps in dealing with challenges more calmly.

Prana Mudra

Another popular mudra for sleep is the Prana mudra, which is also called the mudra of life. This yoga mudra helps stabilise the vital life force within the body.

By activating the dormant energy within the body, it helps improve vitality. The yoga mudra is essential for people suffering from stress, fatigue and sleep disorders.

How to Perform

Step 1: To perform this yoga mudra, sit in a comfortable position with your back straight.

Step 2: Next, touch the tip of the little finger and ring finger with the tip of your thumb.

Step 3: Keep the remaining finger straight.

Step 4: Put your hands on your knees with palms facing up.

Step 5: Close down your eyes and start inhaling slowly and deeply.

Prana Mudra Benefits for Sleep

  • It enhances the flow of prana (life energy) throughout the body, fostering a sense of calm.

  • It helps alleviate physical and mental exhaustion, contributing to better quality sleep.

  • This mudra encourages a harmonious balance of body and mind, which is conducive to a peaceful night's rest.

Apana Mudra

Apana mudra is also referred to as the mudra of digestion. The primary purpose of this yoga mudra is to aid in digestion and the removal of waste material from the body.

Apart from this, this hand mudra for sleep also has a calming effect on the mind and body. Regularly practising this mudra can help in alleviating insomnia problems caused by digestive issues.

How to Perform

Step 1: To perform the Apana mudra, keep the back straight while sitting in a comfortable position.

Step 2: Next, place the tips of the middle and ring fingers on the tips of the thumb.

Step 3: Keep the remaining fingers straightened.

Step 4: Next, place the hand on your knees with the palm facing upwards.

Step 5: Close your eyes and take deep breaths.

Apana Mudra Benefits for Sleep

  • This hand mudra helps the body release toxins and waste, which can contribute to overall well-being and better sleep quality.

  • It calms the nervous system and reduces stress, fostering a more relaxed state conducive to sleep.

  • It enhances the flow of vital energy in the body, helping to create a balanced and peaceful mental state.

Shakti Mudra

Shakti mudra for sleep is another popular yoga mudra, also known as the mudra of power. In Hinduism, the shakti symbolises energy and power.

This mudra is used in Yoga and meditation to harness and balance energy. It helps alleviate stress and anxiety by promoting mental clarity and emotional balance.

How to Perform

Step 1: To perform this mudra, sit in a comfortable position and keep your back straight.

Step 2: Next, fold your thumbs inside the palms.

Step 3: Next, bring the tips of your little finger and ring finger together.

Step 4: After that, fold the index and middle fingers inward to touch the base of the thumb.

Step 5: Place your hand on your lap with palms facing upwards.

Step 6: Close your eyes and take deep breaths.

Shakti Mudra Benefits for Sleep

  • This yoga mudra supports emotional balance, contributing to a more peaceful and undisturbed sleep.

  • It helps and encourages deep relaxation, leading to improved sleep quality.

  • It helps calm the mind and reduce stress, facilitating a more restful sleep.

Other Popular Benefits of Performing Yoga Mudras

Supports Spiritual Growth

Performing mudras can significantly support spiritual growth by enhancing the flow of prana, or life energy, within the body.

These hand gestures help to focus the mind and deepen meditation practices, allowing for greater introspection and connection to higher states of consciousness.

Regular practice of mudras can lead to heightened awareness, a deeper sense of purpose and a stronger connection to the spiritual self.

Supports Detoxification

Mudras support detoxification by stimulating key energy pathways and enhancing the body's natural processes for eliminating toxins.

By promoting better circulation and activating specific acupressure points, mudras help facilitate the removal of waste products from the body.

This increased circulation supports the liver and kidneys, which are crucial for detoxification.

Balances Energy

Another crucial benefit of performing hand mudras is balancing energy within the body. By focusing on specific hand gestures, mudras help regulate and align energy channels, promoting a state of equilibrium within the body and mind.

This balance can alleviate feelings of fatigue, stress or emotional instability by ensuring that energy is evenly distributed and flowing smoothly.

Enhances Concentration

It also helps in enhancing concentration by calming the mind and directing focus. These specific hand gestures help channel and stabilise the body's energy, which aids in reducing mental distractions and promoting a sense of inner stillness.

This clarity of mind allows for better attention to detail and improved cognitive function.

Importance of Having Health Insurance Plan

Performing hand mudras can significantly promote relaxation and contribute to a restful night's sleep, which is vital for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, unforeseen circumstances may arise that necessitate a visit to the doctor. Such visits can be financially burdensome and may impact both emotional and physical well-being.

For this reason, many people choose to purchase medical insurance plans. A health insurance plan provides financial security during medical emergencies, ensuring access to top-notch medical care without the burden of high expenses.

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Practising Yoga daily provides numerous health benefits, promoting relaxation for both mind and body. Incorporating yoga mudras for sleep before bedtime can significantly enhance your rest, offering deep relaxation and soothing the mind.

If you struggle with insomnia, these hand gestures can be particularly beneficial. However, if sleep issues persist, it is wise to consult with healthcare practitioners for professional guidance and support.

Furthermore, If you have any underlying medical conditions or experience any adverse effects, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified yoga instructor for personalised guidance.


Which mudra is for immediate sleep?

Individuals who want immediate sleep should try Prana mudra, also known as the mudra of life energy. It helps release stress and offers relaxation to the mind.

Is there any side effect of performing hand mudra for sleep?

Hand mudras are generally safe and have minimal side effects when practised correctly. However, if not done properly, or if you have certain health conditions, you might experience discomfort or strain in your hands.

How long do we need to do mudra for insomnia?

To manage insomnia, it is generally recommended that you practise a mudra for about 10 to 15 minutes daily, ideally before bedtime.

Consistency is key, so incorporating the mudra into your nightly routine can help enhance its effectiveness.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Yoga Mudras for Better Sleep: Unlocking Ancient Practices for Deep Rest. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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