Simple Ways To Improve Your Digestion
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- Last Updated On :
- 06/08/2020
The sheer amount of food will overwhelm and excite you but over-indulging, erratic binging and poor sleep patterns can wreak havoc on your stomach.
Simple Ways To Improve Your Digestion
Festive time means family get-togethers and bonding over delicacies rich in ghee and spices!
The sheer amount of food will overwhelm and excite you but over-indulging, erratic binging and poor sleep patterns can wreak havoc on your stomach. So, if you face instances of heartburn, nausea, gas, acidity and bloating, remember, you’ve been warned.
But you don’t want to miss out on all the festive fun!
So follow these simple precautionary measures to improve your digestion.
##Manage your water consumption
We usually tend to lose track of our water consumption. Moreover, all the drinking and dancing can easily cause dehydration.
Those watching their weight should consume a glass or two of water before you start eating or drinking so that you can manage your appetite and possibly even avoid a hangover the next day.
If you suffer from acid reflux, drink plenty of water first thing in the morning.
Sweets on the other hand lack fibre content and can take quite a while to make their way through the intestinal tract resulting in constipation. So, every time you consume sweets remember to sip a little water along-side to stimulate the bowel.
##Fibre is your friend
Fibre plays an important role in the digestive process. Sweets and greasy food can create a cauldron of gastric issues. When eating out, look for options that are high in fibre. Not only will they fill you up quicker, but it will also help stimulate your bowel movements for better digestion.
Another option is to consume extra fibre separately. While lunches and dinners may be spent socialising, you would have some control over the choice of breakfast. Fibre up early in the day with granola, oatmeal or chia with your cereal. Fruits such as bananas, oranges, guava, pomegranate and all berries are rich in fibre.
##Mind your mouth
Binging from the snack plate while catching up with relatives can easily result in over-eating and bloating. Always take a plate and control portions. Seeing a plate full of food helps the brain process that we’ve consumed enough food.
If you’re planning on drinking heavily, eat before you drink. Drinking on an empty stomach can get you drunk faster and cause nausea. Bread and fatty food can slow down the absorption of alcohol and prevent you from getting sloshed.
##Stick to a schedule
Close the night with good dance sessions, or long strolls for a sound sleep cycle. This will help stimulate bowel movements, so you can recover from the culinary aftermath. Other steps you can take are to eat and sleep on time so that your body gets the right amount of rest.
As a precautionary measure keep antacids in your bag or car to help with stomach issues. You could even take them before you start eating to avoid problems in the first place.
Don’t feel guilty as you indulge this Diwali. Play a little smart and share the love, food and celebration.
After all, Diwali comes once a year!
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