Natural Remedy for Fungal Infection on Skin
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- Last Updated On :
- 17/07/2023
Fungal infections are common, and even with great skincare routines, you may suffer from them at some point. Fungal spores are more likely to affect people with weak immunity and lead to fungal infections. Additionally, poor hygiene, humidity, and warm weather can also cause fungal infections. Some common fungal infections are athlete's foot, diaper rashes, and oral thrush.
Although fungal infection treatment at home is possible in most cases, you may need to visit a doctor for treatment in case of a severe infection. In such serious health conditions, a medical insurance plan comes handy. Health insurance from a trusted insurer can take care of your medical expenses in such situations.
What is a Fungal Infection
Fungal infections, also known as onychomycosis, can affect any body part. Usually, you can easily manage fungal infections at home with good hygiene and some effective home remedies. However, ignoring fungal infections for a long time can result in harmful consequences and aggravated symptoms, which can be annoying and painful.
Fungal skin infections spread through direct contact. Therefore, be careful not to touch the skin, clothing, or personal items of a person affected by a fungal skin infection.
Symptoms of Fungal Infection
The fungal infection symptoms may vary with the type of organism causing it. A few common symptoms of fungal infection you make keep a check on are:
A lump under the skin
White patches near your mouth
Discolored nails
If someone inhales the fungal spores, he may have symptoms such as:
Joint pain
Night sweats
Shortness of breath
Muscle pain
Common Risk Factors for Developing a Fungal Infection
The following factors can cause fungal infection growth:
Perspiring too much, living in hot and humid weather conditions, or wearing damp clothes can lead to fungal infections.
Wearing dirty clothes and not maintaining proper hygiene can result in fungal infections.
Low immunity due to certain health conditions, such as HIV, diabetes, cancer, etc., can make a person more prone to develop a fungal infection.
Retained moisture in skin folds due to obesity can cause fungal infections.
Some antibiotics also support fungal infections by creating a favourable environment for them.
How to Treat Fungal Infection at Home
In most cases, natural treatment for fungal infection can take care of the fungal skin infection symptoms, and you need not rush to a doctor for them. Some of the best home remedies for fungal infection on the skin are:
- Yoghurt and Probiotics: The best home remedy for fungal infections is consuming yoghurt and probiotics. Probiotics and yoghurt contain adequate amounts of good bacteria that help fight the microbes causing fungal infections. Yoghurt also helps in reducing the symptoms of fungal infections. Fermented foods contain probiotics in reasonable quantities. Probiotic supplements can give you a more concentrated dosage of good bacteria needed.
- Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is obtained from Australian tea tree leaves. It contains germ-killing properties and is antifungal and antibacterial. Mix tea tree oil with another oil, such as coconut or olive oil, dab some cotton in it, and apply it to the affected area. Be careful not to carelessly apply it elsewhere as it may lead to spreading the infection to other areas of the skin.
- Honey: Unpasteurised raw honey contains antiseptic hydrogen peroxide that kills bacteria and fungi. Apply a tablespoon of honey on the affected area for its unique healing properties.
- Coconut oil: Coconut oil is among the most popular age-old home remedies for fungal infections. Coconut oil has antifungal properties and is a safe topical medicine. It has no side effects and is known to soothe the skin. You can use it two to three times daily for quick relief from fungal infection symptoms.
- Garlic: Garlic is an antimicrobial and antifungal herb. You can include garlic in your daily diet to develop a stronger immunity against fungal infections. Crush some garlic cloves and make it into a paste by adding a few drops of olive oil. Apply this paste to the affected area for about 30 minutes and gently wash it away.
- Turmeric: A common household spice, turmeric has high antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix turmeric with a few drops of water and apply it to the skin for external benefits. Have a turmeric tea or mix it in warm water for internal healing.
- Neem leaves: Another age-old home remedy for skin infections, neem leaves have antifungal properties and are an excellent detoxifier. Boil neem leaves in water for 2-3 minutes. After cooling, paste the leaves and apply them to the affected area. Alternatively, consume neem leaf juice to cure fungal infections and detoxify.
- Soap and water: Try washing the infected area with mild soap and water. It will not reduce the fungal infection but will prevent it from spreading to other areas and reduce it’s intensity. Avoid using a hard soap or rubbing the affected area as it may flare up the infection.
- Aloe vera: Aloe vera can quickly soothe skin and is antiseptic. It inhibits the growth of fungus, bacteria, and yeast. Apply some aloe vera gel on the affected area every day.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. It has rich antibacterial and antifungal properties and its acidic nature reduces fungal growth. To consume orally, mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. For quick healing, dab some diluted apple cider vinegar on the affected skin patch. Dilute some apple cider vinegar in water and soak your feet in the solution for foot infections.
How to Prevent the Spread of Fungal Infections?
A few precautions can help you prevent the spread of fungal infections on the skin:
Wear clean and dry clothes, and avoid wearing clothes that have been unwashed for a long time.
Use mild detergents to wash your clothes.
Wear breathable clothes, especially during warm and humid weather conditions to avoid excessive sweating.
Do not scratch the infected skin patch; it can cause skin irritation and spread the infection.
Keep the affected area dry and allow enough airflow on it.
When Should You Visit a Doctor for Fungal Infection on Skin
Self-examination and home remedies are usually the easiest way to cure fungal skin infections. However, if there is no visible improvement after following a home remedy or if the fungal infection worsens with time, consult a doctor immediately. Moreover, if you have diabetes or are pregnant, it is best to seek medical attention from a doctor.
Fungal infections on the skin are widespread and, in most cases, can be easily cured using a home remedy. Good self-hygiene and quick treatment of a fungal skin infection can prevent the spread of the infection. While most fungal skin infections can be treated at home naturally, consult a doctor if the infection spreads or if there is any pre-existing medical condition.
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