Is Pineapple Good for Diabetes? Exploring the Effects on Blood Sugar

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 02/09/2024

Diabetes is a serious and incurable disease that can affect the patients' daily life. The only relief is to maintain sugar levels and follow a healthy, balanced diet. Including fruits in your diet is a great way to eat healthily. But among the variety of fruits available for diabetics, is pineapple good for diabetes patients?

Here, you will get answers to your questions about pineapple for diabetes, how it affects blood sugars, healthy ways to include it in your diabetic diet and much more.

Some Interesting Facts About Pineapple

The first-ever use of the word pineapple was recorded in 1398 when it was originally used to describe the reproductive organs of conifer trees.

  • Pineapples were native to South America before they were discovered in 1493 by Christopher Columbus.

  • A pineapple is not a pine or an apple, but it is actually a berry, which is a cluster of hundreds of fruitlets.

  • The pineapple can take up to 3 years to grow and mature into a plant.

  • A single plant of a pineapple can produce only one pineapple fruit in one season.

  • The pineapple plant can live long and continue to produce fruit for up to 50 years.

Nutritional Value of Pineapple

Nutritional Value of Pineapple per 100g
Energy 50 kcal
Carbohydrates 13.12 g
Dietary fibre 1.4 g
Sugars 9.85 g
Protein 0.54 g
Fat 0.12 g
Vitamin B1 0.079 mg
Vitamin B2 0.032 mg
Vitamin B3 0.5 mg
Vitamin B5 0.213 mg
Vitamin B6 0.112 mg
Vitamin B9 18 μg
Vitamin C 47.8 mg
Choline 5.5 mg
Calcium 13 mg
Magnesium 12 mg
Manganese 0.927 mg
Potassium 109 mg
Phosphorus 8 mg
Iron 0.29 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Zinc 0.12 mg

Also Read: [Best Foods to Control Diabetes](Best Foods to Control Diabetes)

How Pineapple Glycemic Index Affects Blood Sugar Levels?

The glycemic index (GI) refers to the way of ranking foods according to how quickly they cause blood-sugar spikes in the body. The glycemic load of pineapple is around 59, which means it can moderately affect the blood-sugar spike.

However, the pineapple glycemic index is not considered per serving. So, if a pineapple is consumed in small quantities, it might not cause a high spike in sugar levels and can still be enjoyed by diabetic patients.

Benefits of Pineapple for Diabetes

Contains Vitamin C

Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C, which is great for diabetes patients as it helps keep the sugar levels in a safe range. Moderate consumption of vitamin C also helps boost immunity, which prevents common diseases like colds and coughs.

Moreover, a healthy amount of vitamin C is also good for the heart health of diabetic people and keeps them away from further health issues.

An Antioxidant Fruit

Pineapple for diabetes patients provides them with antioxidants that help improve blood sugar levels in the body but do not allow it to reach peak levels. Moreover, these antioxidants in pineapple help diabetes patients reduce the chances of diabetes-related complications.

High Fiber Content

Pineapple provides high fibre content for diabetes patients, which is great for those working on maintaining weight. Eating pineapple for diabetes keeps you full for a longer duration, which reduces unusual food cravings or munching habits.

Along with being helpful for diabetes, pineapple also helps to keep cholesterol in control, maintain healthy bowel movements and reduce constipation in diabetic patients.

Low on Fats

Pineapple is a low-fat food, which makes it good for diabetic patients. Keeping weight in check is crucial for diabetes patients, and including moderate servings of pineapple in their diet can help them.

How to Include Pineapple for Sugar Patients Without Affecting Sugar Levels?

Pairing With Healthy Food

One way to eat pineapple in a healthy way for sugar patients is to pair it with good fats that can reduce its effect on blood sugar levels. For example, pairing pineapple with yoghurt or nuts can reduce its sugar absorption rate, making it healthier and safer to consume pineapple for sugar patients.

Portion Control Method

Eating in portions is a great way to include pineapple in your diet. Start by eating smaller portions and note how it affects your blood sugar levels. If your sugar level spikes significantly, then it is suggested to eat pineapple in smaller servings and with low-carb meals.

Consult With Doctor

The best way to include pineapple for sugar patients is to consult your doctor and dietician. Work with them to create a meal plan that includes pineapple in a healthy portion so that it does not spike your sugar levels.

Also Read: Different Types of Diabetes Tests You Should Know

Delicious Recipes of Pineapple for Diabetes

Pineapple Basundi

Although sweets and diabetic patients should stay far away from each other, this sweet made from pineapple for diabetes is within their reach.

  • Start by boiling the milk in a pan. Then, add saffron mix, cardamom powder and cornflour paste.

  • Mix it well until it simmers for 5-7 minutes, stirring cautiously. Remove it from the flame and refrigerate it.

  • Now heat a non-stick pan, add small pineapple pieces, sugar substitute and a tablespoon of water. Mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2-3 minutes.

  • Once cooked, remove it from the flame to cool and then refrigerate it.

  • Finally, combine the refrigerated thickened milk paste and pineapple paste. Your pineapple basundi is ready to serve!

Thai Pineapple Kodri

  • It is an exotic recipe of pineapple for diabetes patients that can be eaten sometimes. It is low in sugar and a great way to include pineapple in your diet.

  • Start by sauteing chopped onions, garlic and green chillies in a non-stick pan until the onion turns translucent.

  • Now add the yellow curry paste and saute it for a minute. Then add chopped pineapple, coconut milk, raisins, sugar substitute and salt.

  • Cook the mixture well on medium heat for 8-10 minutes and keep stirring gently.

  • Add cooked kodri in it and cook for one more minute. Once done, serve it hot with garnished cashews and lemon slices.

Precautions to Take While Eating Pineapple

  • Some diabetic people might develop an allergy to pineapple and face allergic reactions like rashes, swollen tongue, breathing difficulties or nausea. Thus, try to eat only small amounts of pineapple to check for any allergic reactions.

  • Avoid pairing pineapple with added sugars like honey or maple syrup while consuming it, as this can lead to a faster spike in blood sugar levels.

  • Pineapple for diabetes should be avoided on an empty stomach. Moreover, pineapple juice can cause stomach ailments and also spike blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

  • If you are taking blood thinners along with your diabetic medicines, make sure to consult your doctor before adding pineapple to your diet. Pineapple stems and juice contain the enzyme bromelain, and although natural bromelain is not harmful, it can more likely cause bleeding if taken with blood thinners.

  • Diabetic patients may have weak digestive systems. In such cases, excessive pineapple consumption may cause diarrhoea due to its bromelain content.

Is Pineapple Good For Diabetes- A Final Take

Pineapple is beneficial for sugar patients if consumed in moderation and paired with other nutritious food items. It is a rich source of vitamin C and minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron, and when eaten proportionately, it provides these nutrients.

Moreover, always make sure to get your sugar levels tested frequently and get your doctor’s consultation before making any changes in your diet or medicine.

Also Read: 7 Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally

Importance of TATA AIG Health Insurance Plan

Today’s unhealthy lifestyle and polluted environment have made people more vulnerable to health risks. Diseases like diabetes and hypertension have become a part of every other person. All these health risks call for the necessary step to buy medical insurance for yourself and your family.

There are several options, from individual health insurance plans to parents health insurance plans. With their specific features and coverage, they help protect against medical emergencies and lessen the financial burden of treatment.

Thus, choosing the right medical insurance becomes crucial, such as the TATA AIG mediclaim insurance policy, which comes with policy features to provide cover for pre-existing diseases, COVID-19 treatment, cashless hospitalisation, maternity cover and ambulance expenses.

Moreover, buying our health insurance plan requires no health check-up, and the whole procedure is done digitally.


What is the best fruit for people with diabetes?

Some of the best fruits with low GI content for diabetes are apples, bananas, pears, cherries, figs and grapes. However, it is best suggested to consult your doctor before adding anything to your diet.

Which fruit is sugar-free?

Papaya, cucumber, avocado, guavas and lemons are some sugar-free foods that can be included in a diabetic diet.

Is jamun good for diabetes?

Yes, jamun is good for diabetic patients because of its low glycemic index. Diabetic people should consume fresh jamun in the summer and include beneficial nutrients in their diet.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on Is Pineapple Good for Diabetes? Exploring the Effects on Blood Sugar. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. In severe cases, it is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment.

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