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Health Benefits of Virasana

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 24/10/2024

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. It offers a comprehensive approach to health and overall well-being by combining physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to promote physical and mental balance.

Yoga offers an array of mental, physical and spiritual benefits, including improved focus, reduced stress and enhanced emotional well-being. One such beneficial pose is the Hero Pose in yoga, also known as Virasana.

This blog will explore the various Virasana steps and benefits, providing detailed instructions on how to perform the pose, its variations and what to avoid.

What is the Virasana Pose?

Virasana, also known as the Hero Pose in Yoga, is a seated posture that involves kneeling with the feet positioned wide apart and sitting between the heels. The spine is kept straight and the hands rest gently on the thighs.

This posture derives its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Vira’, meaning hero or brave person, symbolising inner strength and determination.

Virasana benefits the pelvis, spine, hips, knees, thighs and ankles by strengthening them and improving overall body stability and flexibility. It also aids in digestion and can alleviate issues like acidity. The pose promotes mindfulness, helping practitioners connect with their breath and achieve a sense of calm.

Benefits of Virasana

-Strengthens and Stretches Key Muscles

One of the primary Virasana pose benefits is its ability to stretch and strengthen key muscle groups. By bringing the knees together and sitting between the feet, the hips are stretched and the quadriceps and surrounding muscles are strengthened.

With regular practice, this pose also lengthens the spine, promoting better posture. The knees, which bear the weight of the body, become more robust over time, while the muscles from the thighs to the feet are gradually strengthened.

-Enhances Flexibility and Range of Motion

Virasana is a seated posture that brings a deep stretch to the ankles, knees and tight muscles. This increases flexibility and improves the range of motion in these areas, making it easier to perform more challenging yoga poses.

By stretching the ankles and relieving pressure, this pose helps alleviate discomfort from standing for long periods, offering a relaxing stretch to the feet. Regular practice of this pose ensures that muscles become more supple, reducing stiffness in the lower body.

-Boosts Mental Focus and Awareness

Practising Virasana also has mental health benefits. By sitting upright with the spine aligned, the pose encourages mental clarity and focus, which is particularly beneficial during meditation and pranayama exercises.

The body becomes stable in this posture and as the physical form steadies, the mind follows suit. This sense of balance and calm allows for deeper concentration, helping clear the mind of distractions.

-Simulates the Body’s Energy Centres

Virasana is known for its positive effects on energy flow within the body. The gentle pressure exerted on the lower belly and pelvis in the pose helps stimulate the Sacral Chakra, which is linked to creative energy and the Manipura Chakra, which is responsible for the body’s digestive fire.

By encouraging proper energy flow, this pose can assist in detoxifying the body and improving digestive processes. Additionally, the Root Chakra, which provides the foundation for overall stability and grounding is also activated, helping practitioners feel more connected to their inner strength.

-Offers Therapeutic Benefits for Knees and Feet

Hero Pose is highly recommended for individuals suffering from rheumatic knee pain or flat feet. The gentle stretch provided to the ankles, thighs and feet helps form proper arches, alleviating issues associated with flat feet. Moreover, the flexing of the knees promotes healing for rheumatic pain, while ensuring that the knees remain flexible and strong over time.

-Supports Circulation and Prana Flow

The posture of Virasana promotes healthy circulation, especially in the legs and lower body. By sitting in a relaxed and stable position, the flow of the prana (life force) is encouraged, allowing the body to heal from within.

The gentle folding of the legs in the pose helps the blood flow more freely, improving flexibility and alleviating fatigue in the legs. This pose is also helpful in reducing swelling in the lower body, making it particularly useful for those who experience tired legs or swollen ankles.

-Promotes Mental Balance and Emotional Calm

As the body settles into the Virasana pose, the mind becomes calm and stable. This sense of balance extends beyond the physical form and helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Regular practice of Virasana enhances emotional stability and offers mental clarity. The calmness achieved through this pose also aids in improving memory and concentration, making it beneficial for both children and adults.

-Is Suitable for All Ages

Virasana is suitable for practitioners of all ages, especially seniors and those transitioning through menopause. For seniors, this seated pose offers a gentle yet effective stretch for the legs and feet without the need for complex movements.

For women, it helps strengthen the pelvic area, making it a great pose for easing the transition through menopause and for recovery during the postnatal period.

How to Perform the Virasana Steps?

Step 1: Begin by kneeling on the floor and ensuring that your ankles are directly below your hips.

Step 2: Keep your knees together and place your hands on your knees.

Step 3: Widen the space between your feet so that your toes are further apart than your hips.

Step 4: Slowly lower your hips to sit between your heels.

Step 5: Engage your core and inhale as you gently arch your upper body backwards.

Step 6: Hold this position for around 30 seconds, then exhale and release.

Step 7: Repeat the pose 4-5 times, 2-3 times a day for the best results.

Variations of the Hero Pose in Yoga

-Adho Mukha Virasana

Also known as the downward-facing hero pose, this variation is a gentle forward bend that involves folding forward over bolsters or cushions while sitting on Virasana. It provides a deep stretch to the hips, thighs and ankles, helping relieve stress and fatigue.

-Parivrtta Virasana

This variation of Virasana is also known as the twisted hero pose. Much like its name, it involves adding a twist to the standard pose. After sitting in Virasana, rotate your torso to one side and place a hand behind your hips while looking over your shoulder.

This twist stretches the outer hips and improves spinal flexibility while stimulating digestion and releasing tension in the back.

-Supta Virasana

The Supta Virasana is also known as the reclining hero pose. In this variation, you need to lie back while remaining in the kneeling position by using cushions to support your back and head. This pose gently stretches the thighs and ankles, helping relieve tension in the lower back and hips while opening the chest and encouraging deep relaxation.

Precautions When Doing the Hero Pose in Yoga

  • If you have a history of knee injuries or discomfort, avoid Virasana unless you are supported by props like blankets or bolsters.

  • Pregnant women, especially in later trimesters, should avoid deep knee flexion.

  • Those with heart issues should avoid practising Virasana.

  • Individuals with hip injuries or stiffness should elevate the hips using cushions or bolsters to avoid discomfort.

  • People who have undergone leg or back surgery should avoid the pose until fully healed.

  • If you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines, avoid the pose.

  • Avoid practising Virasana when unwell with a fever or flu.

  • Individuals with severe arthritis or osteoporosis should avoid this pose due to the strain it can place on the joints.


Virasana is a valuable yoga posture that offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Regular practice of Virasana can strengthen the core and lower back, improve flexibility and range of motion and also boost mental focus and emotional health.

While Virasana is safe to practise for all age groups, it is important to be cautious when performing it if you have any joint injuries or other health conditions that require a doctor’s consultation.

Importance of Medical Insurance

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Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the health benefits of Virasana. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. In case of physical injury or disability, it is advisable to consult a qualified health professional before attempting this activity.

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