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Health Benefits of Sweet Corn (Makkai)

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 19/09/2024

Sweet corn, also known scientifically as Zea mays (L.) var. Saccharata, is a popular cereal grain. The delicious grain has various other names, such as maize, bhutta, makki and corn.

Sweet corn is native to Central America, but because of its popularity, it is widely grown in all parts of the world. It is typically yellow, but it has various other colours, such as red, blue, white, black and more.

In this blog, we will learn in detail about sweet corn's benefits, uses and side effects.

Nutrients in Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is a nutrient-dense grain loaded with proteins, fat, fibre and more. Let us examine the nutrients in sweet corn per 100 grams:

Sweet Corn Nutrients Nutritional Value
Calories 96 Kcal
Protein 3.4 g
Carbohydrates 21 g
Fat 1.5 g
Sugar 4.5 g
Sodium 35 mg
Potassium 287 mg

Popular Sweet Corn Benefits

Corn is a rich plant source of various essential nutrients such as amino acids like tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine and more. Due to this, it has various added benefits. Some of the common sweet corn benefits are listed below:

Sweet Corn for Weight Loss

One of the crucial benefits of sweet corn is weight loss. It is loaded with dietary fibre and is low in calories. It also contains soluble and insoluble fibres, which help you feel fuller for longer and reduce the hunger pangs.

Furthermore, it also contains essential probiotics, which help boost the metabolism and aid in digestion. With good gut health, losing weight is easy. Sweet corn also contains starch, which helps replace carbohydrates.

Sweet Corn Promotes Heart Health

Another known sweet corn use is for individuals with cardiovascular issues. It is a grain loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower the LDL cholesterol level. A high level of LDL cholesterol enhances the chance of cardiovascular disease.

Furthermore, sweet corn helps prevent the clogging of arteries, which reduces the chances of artery blockage. Additionally, it also helps lower blood pressure.

Sweet Corn for Diabetic Patients

Sweet corn contains starch, which helps lower the blood glucose level in diabetic patients. Furthermore, it contains various plant compounds, such as polyphenols, phytates and tannins, which help slow down the digestion process.

This prevents a sudden spike in blood glucose. Furthermore, it has a high fibre content, which aids in managing weight for diabetic individuals.

Sweet Corn Fortifies Bone Density

Another sweet corn benefit is that it helps strengthen bones, especially in growing children. Not just in children, sweet corn helps restore optimal bone density in older adults and prevent osteoporosis.

Furthermore, it also contains magnesium, which is an essential nutrient in strengthening muscles and bones in the body. Younger children can consume corn on a daily basis; however, older adults need to consume it in moderation.

Sweet Corn Boosts Nervous System Function

Sweet corn is packed with the active amino acid tryptophan, which helps activate memory centres and enhance nerve impulse conduction.

Furthermore, tryptophan also helps enhance the serotonin hormone level, which helps treat anxiety and insomnia by keeping the mood stable and offering sound sleep. Consumption of sweet corn in moderation helps boost overall nervous system function.

Sweet Corn Benefits for Skin

Sweet corn contains beta-carotene, which helps induce vitamin A in the body, further promoting healthy and younger skin. Beta-carotene also contains antioxidants that help prevent the damage caused by free radicals to our skin.

It also helps prevent ageing and maintain a youthful glow. A lot of people also apply sweet corn paste to their skin to remove acne scars.

Sweet Corn Uses: Recipes to Try

Sweet corn's versatility in various food staples is a testament to its health benefits. It is a key ingredient in many cuisines worldwide, inspiring a range of delicious sweet corn recipes you can try at home.

Sweet Corn and Vegetable Soup


  • 1 ¼ cup of boiled sweet corn kernels

  • ¼ cup of crushed sweet corn kernels

  • 1 cup finely chopped and boiled mixed vegetables

  • 4 tablespoons of corn flour

  • 1 tablespoon of butter

  • 1 ½ teaspoon of chopped garlic

  • 1 ½ teaspoon of chopped ginger

  • Salt (as per requirement)

-How to Prepare

Step 1: Add corn flour and water to a small bowl and mix well until the corn flour dissolves completely in the water.

Step 2: Heat butter in a pan, add ginger and garlic and saute it for 1 to 2 minutes.

Step 3: Next, add sweet corn, mixed vegetables and crushed sweet corn to a pan and saute for another 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 4: Add 4 cups of water, corn flour water, black pepper and salt. Stir the mixture continuously. Let it cook for another 4 to 5 minutes.

Step 5: Pour soup into a bowl and serve it hot.

Buttered Sweet Corn


  • 2 ½ teaspoons of butter

  • 3 cups of sweet corn kernels

  • ¾ teaspoon of freshly ground pepper

  • 1 tablespoons of lemon juice

  • Salt (as per requirement)

-How to Prepare-

Step 1: Heat butter in a non-stick pan.

Step 2: Add corn, black pepper and salt and saute it for 2 to 3 minutes on a medium flame.

Step 3: Switch off the flame, add lemon juice and mix it well.

Step 4: Serve it immediately.

Common Sweet Corn Side Effects

Apart from its various benefits, sweet corn should be consumed in moderation and with precaution, as it may cause some health complications. Some of the known sweet corn side effects are listed below:

Sweet Corn May Cause Digestive Issues

One of the common side effects of sweet corn is that it may cause digestive issues. Too much sweet corn can cause bloating, gas and other stomach problems due to the presence of carbohydrates that are hard to digest.

Individuals who have sensitive stomachs should avoid consuming sweet corn in excessive quantities.

Sweet Corn May Reduced Mineral Absorption

Another side effect of sweet corn is that it reduces mineral absorption within the body. It contains phytic acid, which binds to essential minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium, preventing their proper absorption in the digestive system.

Overconsumption of sweet corn, particularly in diets that are already low in minerals, may contribute to nutrient deficiencies over time.

** Sweet Corn May Cause Allergic Reactions**

Sweet corn allergies are rare, but some individuals who are allergic to sweet corn may have symptoms like swollen face, itching, rashes, etc.

If you witness any allergic reaction while consuming sweet corn, then it is best to contact the healthcare practitioner in your area.

Sweet Corn May Cause Mycotoxin Contamination

One of the common disadvantages of eating sweet corn is mycotoxin contamination. This type of contamination can develop during the growth, harvesting or processing stage.

The consumption of mycotoxin may result in serious health issues like nausea, vomiting, etc.


Sweet corn is a versatile and highly nutritious grain that offers a range of health benefits. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, supports weight loss, promotes heart health and more, making it a valuable addition to many cuisines, from appetisers to snacks.

However, like any food, it should be enjoyed in moderation. Excessive consumption of sweet corn may lead to health issues such as allergic reactions or stomach discomfort. By incorporating it mindfully into your diet, you can reap the benefits while avoiding potential complications.

Importance of Purchasing Health Insurance Plan

Eating healthy food items like sweet corn is crucial for living a healthy lifestyle. However, unforeseen medical situations can occur to anybody and can cause financial havoc to individuals. Hence, to safeguard their financial assets, people prefer to invest in a mediclaim policy.

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With our medical insurance by the side, you can protect yourself and your loved ones against medical crises without putting any financial strain on yourself. We offer AYUSH coverage, COVID-19 coverage, hospitalisation expenses and more with our health insurance policy.

You can easily buy medical insurance tailored to your needs in just a couple of minutes from our website. Visit our website to learn more about the mediclaim policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is corn high in sugar?

No, corn is not high in sugar. Its low glycemic index makes sweet corn a suitable option for diabetic patients.

Is corn difficult to digest?

Corn can be difficult to digest for some people due to its high fibre content and the presence of cellulose, a type of plant fibre that the human body struggles to break down.

Can I eat corn daily?

Eating corn daily in moderation is generally safe and can be part of a balanced diet. Corn provides valuable nutrients like fibre, vitamins and antioxidants.

However, it is important to balance your intake with other nutrient-rich foods, as excessive consumption could lead to digestive discomfort.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Health Benefits of Sweet Corn (Makkai). It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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