Suji (Semolina): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects
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- 19/02/2024
Semolina, which is commonly known as Suji or Rava in Indian households, is made from durum wheat. Triticum Durum is the scientific name of durum wheat. It is a cereal crop which is mainly grown in the Mediterranean region.
Semolina is derived from the Italian word ‘Semol’, which means bran and has ‘ina’ as a suffix. However, many Indian food researchers claim that the semolina word has Indo-European origins.
Suji or semolina can be used for breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. Due to semolina benefits, the flour is used in a variety of Indian dishes such as rava dosa, upma, dhokla, etc. In this blog, we will learn about the semolina health benefits, uses, side effects, and more.
What is Semolina?
It is a type of coarse flour that is prepared from durum wheat. The durum wheat kernel has three main components, which are, the innermost nutrient-dense germ, middle starchy endosperm, and outermost bran.
When durum wheat is milled, the nourishing part of the wheat is ground into semolina. Since the wheat is golden in colour, the semolina flour has a pale yellow colour.
Nutritional Value of Semolina
Semolina Flour Nutritional value Per 100 grams | |
Component | Quantity |
Calories | 360 |
Total fat | 1.1 g |
Sodium | 1 mg |
Potassium | 186 mg |
Total Carbohydrate | 73 g |
Protein | 13 g |
Zinc | 1.05 mg |
Calcium | 17 mg |
Copper | 0.189 mg |
Iron | 1.23 mg |
Phosphorus | 136 mg |
Magnesium | 47 mg |
Common Semolina Health Benefits
Some of the most prominent sooji benefits are listed below:
Promotes Weight Loss
The benefit of semolina for weight loss is significant because it is low in calories and has no cholesterol. Individuals who include whole-wheat semolina in their diet get better weight loss results.
Since semolina is high in protein and fibre, it slows down the digestion process and gives the feeling of fullness. Further, the semolina also maintains muscle mass and improves body composition.
Supports Heart Health
Another semolina benefit is that it is good for heart health. Whole wheat semolina contains high fibre content, which lowers the risk of heart disease. Further, it also helps in lowering blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and inflammation.
Besides this, semolina is also rich in magnesium, folate, and iron. Iron maintains good cardiovascular health, while a high intake of folate reduces chances of heart disease.
Improves Blood Sugar Control
Semolina has magnesium and high levels of dietary fibre which helps in improving blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes. A magnesium content in semolina helps in improving blood sugar control by increasing a cell's response to insulin.
Further, the fibre content in semolina slows down the absorption of carbs into the bloodstream. This helps in controlling the blood sugar spikes after a meal.
Supports Digestive Health
Another significant semolina health benefit is that it is good for digestive health. Dietary fibre present in semolina helps in improving digestion because it stimulates the growth of good gut bacteria. The presence of good gut bacteria helps in managing optimal digestion, metabolism, and immune health.
Further, fibre intake also helps in promoting regular bowel movement that treats constipation issues.
Boosts Energy and Improves Immunity
Semolina flours release energy slowly, which helps in maintaining sufficient energy for a day. Having a dish made from semolina will not make you feel lethargic and you will feel energetic for a longer duration.
Further, the selenium content present in the semolina strengthens the immune system. Other than selenium, it also contains vitamin B and vitamin E content, which boosts the immune system.
Stimulates Lactation
Another semolina flour benefit is for new mothers as it promotes lactation in the body by stimulating prolactin. This hormone is responsible for lactation. This is why traditionally, in a lot of Indian households, new mothers have semolina cooked in ghee and jaggery to boost lactation.
Promotes Nervous System Health
Poor functioning of the nervous system can lead to various medical illnesses such as haemorrhages, vascular disorders, etc. Semolina helps in strengthening the nervous system due to the presence of phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium
Uses of Semolina Flour
One of the prevalent semolina flour uses is in making pasta from scratch. It is ideal because of its gluten content which helps in creating the less sticky dough. The dough prepared from semolina flour is more elastic compared to other flour. This helps in shaping the pasta well.
Semolina flour is also used in making bread and cakes. Adding semolina flour with regular biscuits and cake flour mixture gives extra crispness to baked goods.
Storage Consideration for Semolina Flour
Semolina has a high protein content, which is the reason it has a short storage life in comparison to other flours. However, if a semolina is stored in a cool or dark place, it can last up to a year.
Further, to prolong its shelf life, it is advisable to keep semolina flour in the refrigerator or freezer. Before keeping it in the freezer, make sure its package is well sealed.
Side-Effects of Semolina
Some of the common semolina side effects are:
Wheat Allergy: Individuals who have any wheat allergy should not consume anything made of wheat flour and its byproducts like semolina. The allergic reaction to semolina may include vomiting, stomach cramps, etc.
Gluten Sensitivity: Since semolina has high starch and gluten content, it makes a good option for pasta, bakery goods, etc. However, for individuals who have gluten sensitivity, it can cause severe health issues.
Celiac Disease: If individuals with celiac disease consume semolina, they may face issues of chronic diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, etc.
Anaphylaxis: In extreme cases, an allergic reaction to consuming semolina can lead to Anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition which can cause difficulty breathing as the body enters into shock mode.
In case of any severe medical emergencies, it is advisable to visit the nearest healthcare practitioner.
Semolina Substitute
Though sooji or semolina is ideal in making homemade pasta, bread, etc., there are substitute flours that can be used. Some common semolina substitutes are:
All-Purpose Flour: It can be used for making fluffy baked goods like pancakes, waffles, cookies, etc. Further, the all-purpose flour can also be used in making pasta. The pasta prepared from this flour is soft compared to semolina.
Quinoa Flour: Quinoa flour is a healthy food option for individuals looking for gluten-free content. It can be used for making baked food items and pasta. Baked goods made from quinoa flour tend to be crumbly, so people like to add other starch substances with it.
Kamut Flour: Another type of semolina substitute is kamut flour, which is used in making scones, bread and muffins. However, compared to semolina, this type of flour is dried, so you may add eggs to maintain consistency.
Garbanzo Flour: Garbanzo flour, or chickpea flour, is another gluten-free option for making baked goods and pasta. It has high protein content and a natural binding agent, which make it one of the best substitutes for semolina flour.
Importance of Health Insurance Plan
While a healthy diet can help boost your health and immunity, it may not be sufficient to protect you against medical conditions. When a health emergency arises, paying a visit to a healthcare professional can put a lot of financial burden on you.
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With us, you can enjoy several benefits of health insurance, like wide coverage, high claim settlement ratio, cashless treatment at network and non-network hospitals, and more.
Semolina is a byproduct of durum wheat which is extensively used in different cuisines. The semolina flour is loaded with nutrition such as dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals, proteins, sodium, etc.
Due to the presence of nutritional content, it has various health benefits such as weight management, good heart health, etc.
However, there are certain downsides to consuming too much semolina since it has high gluten content. In case of any significant side effects, it is suggested to pay a visit to a healthcare practitioner.
Is it safe to eat semolina every day?
Individuals can consume semolina every day in appropriate quantities. However, those who are allergic to wheat content and have gluten sensitivity should avoid consuming semolina.
What are the semolina benefits for the skin?
Semolina can be very beneficial for the skin as it helps remove dead skin cells and also removes blackheads.
What are the side effects of semolina?
Some of the side effects of semolina include abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, etc.
Disclaimer: This is a general guide on Suji (Semolina): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.
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