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Health Benefits of Sadabahar

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 19/09/2024

Sadabahar, or Periwinkle, is a plant scientifically called Catharanthus Roseus. It originated in Madagascar. The plant is usually small and bears white, purple and pink flowers throughout the year.

This plant has 12 species, two of which are widely popular. It is a rich source of bioactive compounds and has various benefits. In this blog, we will learn in detail about the sadabahar plant's benefits, side effects and more.

Nutritional Value of Sadabahar

Sadabahar belongs to the Apocynacea family. The plant contains various bioactive compounds, such as vincristine, vinblastine and alkaloids and has various health benefits. Let us examine the nutritional components of sadabahar leave:

Sadabahar Nutritional Components Nutritional Value
Energy 354 kcal
Fibre 2.4 g
Vitamin C 0.02 mg
Calcium 340 mg
Fat 3.3 g
Protein 5.2 g
Iron 27 mg

Potential Sadabahar Benefits

Sadabahar plant benefits are manyfold, mainly because of various bioactive compounds such as lochnericin, serpentine, catharanthine and more.

Extracts of this plant have been used in various health disorders. Some of the popular benefits of eating sadabahar leaves are listed below:

-Sadabahar Helps in Regulating Diabetes

One of the popular sadabahar powder benefits is that it helps regulate diabetes. Diabetes is a serious medical condition that causes a spike in blood sugar levels. However, sadabahar can easily be managed because of its hypoglycemic properties.

Consumption of sadabahar flower extract can help break down starch into glucose, which in turn leads to low blood glucose levels.

-Sadabahar Treats Respiratory Anomalies

Another sadabahar plant use is treating respiratory anomalies. Respiratory anomalies like colds, coughs, COPD, asthma and bronchitis can cause discomfort.

Sadabahar contains active constituents that remove mucus deposits from the respiratory tract and offer relief from a sore throat, cough, congestion and various other respiratory issues.

-Sadabahar Manages High Blood Pressure

Sadabahar is known for its antihypertensive properties, which help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to various health problems, such as cardiovascular issues.

Sadabahar helps improve cardiovascular endurance, stabilising blood pressure. However, if you have any ongoing medication, then it is best to consult with a healthcare practitioner before incorporating sadabahar into your routine.

-Sadabahar Improve Cognitive Functioning

Another benefit of eating sadabahar leaves is better cognitive functioning. These leaves contain compounds that are believed to enhance brain health, improve memory and support better concentration.

In traditional medicine, sadabahar is sometimes used to support cognitive function, potentially helping in conditions like memory loss or mental fatigue.

-Sadabahar Leaves Benefits for Skin

Sadabahar can help treat skin conditions like acne, eczema and infections by reducing inflammation and preventing bacterial growth.

The leaves are also known for their wound-healing properties, helping to soothe and heal minor cuts and rashes.

Additionally, the antioxidants present in sadabahar leaves can help reduce signs of ageing, keeping the skin looking healthy and youthful.

-Sadabahar Aids in Weight Loss

Many individuals use sadabahar leaves because they help reduce weight. Regular intake of sadabahar leaf extract helps boost metabolism, which further helps suppress appetite. When the metabolism is stronger, the body loses fat at a faster rate.

Furthermore, it also improves insulin sensitivity, which is responsible for cravings that cause weight gain.

-Sadabahar Leaves Benefits for Hair

Sadabahar has antifungal and antimicrobial qualities that help maintain a healthy scalp by combating dandruff, infections and scalp irritations. Additionally, they help strengthen hair roots, promote healthier hair growth and reduce hair fall.

The antioxidant properties of sadabahar leaves can also protect hair from environmental damage, leaving it smoother, shinier and more resilient.

-Sadabahar Lowers Inflammation

The leaves of the sadabahar plant have anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it useful for reducing the inflammation and pain caused by medical conditions like rheumatism or arthritis.

It contains active compounds, such as vincristine and vinblastine, which help in alleviating the other symptoms associated with arthritis. Furthermore, Its use as a natural anti-inflammatory supplement can support the body’s ability to heal and maintain balance.

-Sadabahar Helps Manage Menstrual Flow

Sadabahar is popular for its ability to help regulate menstrual cycles. It is known to aid in balancing hormones, which can result in more regular periods.

Additionally, sadabahar is effective in treating menstrual cramps and managing excessive bleeding, offering relief from discomfort and helping women maintain better reproductive health.

Its natural medicinal properties make it a valuable remedy in traditional practices for addressing menstrual issues.

Sadabahar Uses: Recipes to Try

Sadabahar is available in various forms from paste to powder to tablets or more. Some of the popular Sadabahar recipes are:**

**-Sadabahar Juice


  • 5 to 7 sadabahar leaves

  • ½ cup of water

**-How to Prepare

Step 1: Blend the sadabahar leaves with water in a blender.

Step 2: Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth.

Step 3: Pour the juice into a glass and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

**-Sadabahar Tea


  • 8 to 10 sadabahar leaves

  • 1 cup of water

  • Honey (as per taste)

**-How to Prepare

Step 1: Add water to the pan and heat it.

Step 2: When the water starts boiling, add sadabahar leaves.

Step 3: Let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 4: Strain the mixture into a cup, add honey and stir it well.

Step 5: Serve the tea hot.

Side Effects of Sadabahar

Overconsumption of Sadabahar can cause various health issues. Some of the popular sadabahar side effects are listed below:

-Sadabahar May Interact with Drugs

One of the potential side effects of sadabahar is it may interact with ongoing medications. Due to its potent bioactive compounds, consuming sadabahar alongside certain medicines can lead to unexpected side effects or complications.

-Sadabahar May Cause Allergic Reactions

Overconsumption of sadabahar can lead to allergic reactions as well. The allergic reaction is in the form of itching, rashes, difficulty breathing and more. This can be triggered in individuals who are allergic to sadabahar.

-Sadabahar May Worsen Existing Medical Conditions

Sadabahar can worsen existing medical conditions, particularly for individuals with pre-existing health issues such as low blood pressure, diabetes, or certain cardiovascular conditions, due to the presence of bioactive compounds.


Sadabahar is a medicinal herb rich in properties such as antimutagenic, healing, anti-inflammatory and more. These qualities have made it a staple in various traditional medicinal practices. The health benefits of sadabahar includes better cognitive health, regulates blood glucose level and more.

However, while it offers numerous health benefits, it is essential to consume sadabahar in moderation. Overconsumption can lead to several side effects, including allergic reactions and other adverse effects. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating this herb into your routine to ensure safe and effective use.

Importance of Purchasing A Health Insurance Plan

Incorporating sadabahar into a dietary regimen can help individuals alleviate various health complications. However, individuals also need to have a medical insurance plan to safeguard their financial assets during unforeseen medical emergencies.

A medical insurance plan is designed to protect you and your family against various health conditions. With the right health insurance plan, you can seek quality healthcare in time of need.

TATA AIG offers a wide range of health insurance plans designed to meet your and your family's specific needs. Whether it is a family floater plan, critical illness health insurance, parents health insurance or more, we have comprehensive options for every need.

Our plans come with added benefits like maternity cover, newborn cover, OPD coverage and more to provide enhanced medical protection.

In addition, our health insurance policies include ambulance coverage, hospitalisation expenses, AYUSH treatment and more to offer best medical coverage to you and your family.

With a strong claim settlement ratio of 96.70% and cashless claim services, we ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience for our policyholders when they need it most. So if you are looking for an affordable health insurance plan, visit TATA AIG website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to eat Sadabahar?

Sadabahar should be consumed in moderation, in the form of tea, tablets or powdered supplements. However, to ensure safe and appropriate dosage, it is best to consult a healthcare professional before use.

Can I eat Sadabahar daily?

Consuming sadabahar daily is generally not recommended due to its potent medicinal properties and potential side effects.

It is important to use it under the guidance of a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and duration for your specific health needs.

Is it safe to eat Sadabahar leaves?

Eating sadabahar leaves can be safe in moderation and when used properly, as they have medicinal properties that are beneficial for certain conditions.

However, because the plant contains potent compounds, it is crucial to consume it under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Overconsumption or improper use can lead to adverse effects such as allergic reactions, etc.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Health Benefits of Sadabahar. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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