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Health Benefits of Pranamasana
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- 02/12/2024
The power and benefits of yoga have been recognised in India since ancient times. It is one of the rare practices, which have the power to heal the human body and mind. Pranamasana yoga is a very simple yet effective yoga pose that embodies multiple benefits for humans.
If you are already practising this pose and wish to find out the benefits or want to learn the benefits of pranamasana as a beginner, this article has got you covered.
What is Pranamasana Yoga
Pranam means “life,” “soul,” or “pay respect” in Sanskrit, and asana means pose. Thus, pranam asana means prayer pose in English. This pose is also used as the beginning and end pose during a yoga practice. It is one of the most popularly practised yoga poses in the world. Though it is the simplest yoga pose, it requires attention to see the effects.
-Importance of Pranam Asana
Practising pranamasana has a very peaceful and centering effect on the body and mind. The joining of hands during this yoga pose is known as the Anjali Mudra, where Anj means “honour” and mudra means “seal”. In one way, this pose is believed to seal one's relationship with the divine. Thus, this yoga pose is an excellent way to awaken the spiritual energy and go into the meditative state.
In yoga science, the heart’s centre is believed to be the location of one’s self. Thus, when you press the palms at the heart’s centre during pranamasana, it is equivalent to honouring and connecting with oneself, the teacher and the divine. As per Hindu traditions, the prayer pose means to submit and crush one’s ego, which facilitates the growth of the inner self.
The Benefits of Pranamasana: Explained
-Helps to Reduce Stress
During the pranamasana pose, your focus is solely on breathing, which creates a sense of relaxation. It helps to calm the nervous system and silences the mind chattering, leading to stress reduction.
-Helps With Posture Alignment
Since pranamasana requires you to stand straight, it is known to improve body posture. It supports the body alignment, including the neck, spine, hand and hips. Thus, it promotes overall health and posture.
-Enables Spiritual Healing
Folding the hands at the centre of the heart and pressing it opens the heart chakra. Since the heart chakra is the spiritual centre of the human body, the pose helps to accelerate spiritual healing.
-Fosters Mind-Body Balance
When you stand straight during pranamasana, it helps to strengthen the lower body parts such as the legs, feet, ankles, etc. The body weight is evenly distributed, which strengthens and tones the thighs and backbone. Thus, it creates a mind-body balance that helps you stand straight.
-Improves Digestion
Performing the pranamasana yoga in a squatting position helps to improve digestion as the abdominal muscles are engaged. When you sit in the squat position, the hips are opened up, which improves their flexibility.
-Allows Body Stretching
The reverse pranamasana is an excellent way to give your body a stretch, especially the shoulders and the pectoral muscles. Stretching enhances the pecs, improves posture and tones the muscles.
How to Perform Pranamasana Steps: A Detailed Guide
Step 1: Stand in Tadasana on a yoga mat with the feet together.
Step 2: Relax the body and roll down the shoulder blades. Keep your face forward with the neck straight and elongated.
Step 3: Bring the palms together (Anjali Mudra), touching the Anahata chakra. Ensure the alignment of the fingers with each other.
Step 4: You can rest the elbows at the side of the torso.
Step 5: Align the elbows according to the body posture. Keep the spine straight, shoulders relaxed and feet firmly grounded.
Step 6: Next, close your eyes and slightly bow your head down.
Step 7: Maintain the pose for several breaths and connect with your inner self.
Pranamasana Yoga Tips for Beginners
If you are new to pranamasana, here are some tips for you to keep in mind.
Allow your body and palms to relax when you fold your palms together to create the dome structure.
During pranamasana, you can also choose to keep the palms folded in front of your forehead or the crown of the head.
To begin with, you can use a yoga block between the palms. Hold the block with the palms while stretching the fingers and palms in the outward direction.
One can also practice the pranamasana in the sitting or squatting position as it is very helpful in accelerating digestion in the body.
Variations of Pranam Asana Yoga Pose
-Reverse Prayer Pose (Paschim Namaskarasana)
You can sit in any comfortable position, such as Vajrasana or Sukhasana and take your hands behind to join the palms and make the prayer pose.
-Kneeling Prayer Pose (Vajrasana Namaste)
Sit in a kneeling position and place your toes under the buttocks. Slowly bring your palms together at the centre of the chest (heart) and hold the pose while you engage in mindful breathing.
-Seated Prayer Pose (Sukhasana Namaste)
Sit with your legs crossed, or stretch them out in front of you. Next, join the palms together in front of the chest. Relax your shoulders and hold the pose for a few breaths.
-Single Leg Prayer Pose (Eka Pada Pranamasana)
Stand with your feet together and place your hands beside the hips. Fix your eyes at one point to develop focus. Now, slowly bend the right leg and place it on the inner thighs of the left leg. Balance yourself and join the palms together at the centre of the chest like the pranamasana pose.
-Naman Pranamasana
Sit in vajrasana and hold your lower calves (above the ankle). Slowly bend forward and keep the crown of the head on the floor in front of the knees. Keep the hips raised as much as possible and hold the pose till you can.
When to Perform Pranam Asana
Pranamasana is usually practised before beginning a yoga session and at the end of the yoga session. Practising this pose before you begin the yoga mudras allows you to stay focused.
You may also choose to do the pranamasana yoga early in the morning to begin your day on a positive and mindful note. Alternatively, you can also do this pose at the time of sunset to unwind and end your day with a peaceful and calm mind.
How Often Can One Do Pranamasana Yoga
Pranamasana is a simple yet effective yoga pose that helps your body and mind. From calming your nervous system to strengthening your body parts, this pose has numerous benefits. Experts suggest that you do this pose for 5-10 minutes each day to gain maximum benefits. You may start with beginner yoga poses and then move to the pranamasana pose.
Pranamasana Pose: Risks and Precautions
One should not perform the pranamasana pose after eating a meal. The pose must be done 2-3 hours after a meal.
Some variations of the pranamasana pose may be dangerous for those with high blood pressure, neck issues, vertigo, etc.
Those with asthma issues must consult a yoga teacher before practising this pose.
People with weak bodies, weak ankles or arthritis must avoid practising pranamasana.
Senior citizens with balancing issues must not do this pose.
Anyone who has an injury to the neck, spine, legs, etc., must consult their doctor before doing pranamasana.
Yoga as a practice has been revered in the Indian traditions. However, its benefits are acknowledged worldwide today. Thus, people all across the globe practice yoga mudras to achieve mind, body and soul healing. The benefits of pranamasana yoga include a connection with one's inner self and a strong, healthy body.
The key to achieving the benefits of any yoga pose is to do it consistently each day. Over time, you will notice that the benefits of yoga manifest in your body, helping you to lead a healthy life.
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Frequently Asked Questions
-What are the benefits of naman pranamasana?
The benefits of naman pranamasana include spine flexibility, calm mind, tension relief, increased blood supply to the head, stress relief, etc.
-Which yoga poses are similar to pranamasana?
Some yoga poses similar to pranamasana are hasta uttanasana (backbend pose), ashtanga namaskara (eight-limbed pose), ashwa sanchalanasana (equestrian pose), parvatasana (mountain pose), etc.
-Does TATA AIG health insurance offer any tax benefits?
Yes, when you buy a TATA AIG health insurance plan, you are eligible to claim a deduction of the premium under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the health benefits of Pranamasana. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. In case of physical injury or disability, it is advisable to consult a qualified health professional before attempting this activity.
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