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Health Benefits of Mandukasana

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 24/10/2024

A sedentary lifestyle combined with hectic schedules and unhealthy eating habits poses a significant risk to human well-being and health. However, one can overcome the risks by including yoga in their daily regime.

Yoga as a practice offers umpteen physical, mental and spiritual benefits that can heal a human. More than an exercise, yoga is a holistic practice that integrates the mind, body and spirit. Among the many yoga poses is Mandukasana, which is known to provide several benefits.

If you wish to learn the Mandukasana or the frog pose benefits and the correct way of performing this asana, keep reading this article till the end!

What is Mandukasana Yoga?

Mandukasana is a combination of two Sanskrit words, ‘manduk’ (frog) and ‘asana’ (pose). Thus, Mandukasana means frog pose. This yoga asana is named so because you resemble a frog when you practise this pose.

It is a very simple yoga pose which is primarily known as a hip opener, as it stretches and extends the hips. The mandukasana or frog pose activates the second primary chakra, known as the Svadhisthana chakra (spleen or sacral chakra).

The second chakra is associated with enjoyment, creativity and pleasure. Thus, one of the Mandukasana benefits is that it enhances focus, inner acceptance and productivity. The mandukasana can be practised in several variations to gain the maximum benefits.

Benefits of Mandukasana Yoga

-Improves the Digestive Health

When you practise the frog pose, it applies gentle pressure on the abdomen and its organs. The digestive organs feel stimulated and it leads to enhanced bowel movement, improving digestion.

-Assists in Hip Mobility

If you spend long hours at the desk and have mobility issues, the mandukasana pose can benefit you greatly. The frog pose releases tension from the hips as it stretches. Thus, it reduces stiffness and improves hip mobility.

-Eases Back Pain

During the mandukasana, your spine gets a good stretch. It helps to relieve any tension and stiffness in the back. Thus, if you have lower back pain, you can practise this pose to alleviate the pain.

-Reduces Stress

One of the benefits of mandukasana is that it helps reduce stress. Practising the pose helps to release the blocked energies from the body related to stress, depression and anxiety. When the lower back, hips and pelvis stretch in the frig pose, it releases all the negative emotions from the body. Thus, it helps you to feel fresh and happy.

-Helps to Manage Diabetes

The frog pose is known to improve the pancreatic function in the body, which helps to regulate insulin levels. Thus, it helps to manage diabetes.

-Improves the Blood Circulation

The frog pose enhances overall blood circulation. It can be beneficial for those who sit or stand for an extended duration as it prevents swelling and blood clots. The frog pose also improves blood circulation to the pelvis. Thus, it is advantageous for people who have menstruation discomfort.

-Helps With Stability

Mandukasana pose presses the groyne region, the spine and the lower back, activating the Muladhara chakra. Thus, it infuses a sense of stability and helps you with physical and mental well-being. The frog pose may also help you to gain spiritual and emotional balance.

How to Do Mandukasana Steps?

It is crucial to understand the steps to do the mandukasana pose correctly, as doing it incorrectly can cause harm to the body. Here are the steps to do the frog pose correctly:

  • It is recommended to begin with the child’s pose (Balasana), preparing yourself for the frog pose.

  • Get into the tabletop position by placing your hands under your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Hold this pose for a few seconds.

  • Slowly move your knees towards the outside while keeping the ankles and hips aligned with the knees. Turn the toes to the sides as well.

  • Exhale while bringing the forearms and elbows to the ground. Face the palms on the ground and keep the fingers wide open.

  • Keep your breathing steady. Widen the knees as much as possible without straining. You will feel the stretch in your lower body as you move your knees outside.

  • Inhale and stretch your spine. Push the crown of your head forward and the tailbone backwards.

  • Keep your core engaged by pushing the navel in and up towards the spine. Keep the torso and chest soft towards the ground and the hips back and down. Hold the frog pose for five to ten breaths.

  • To release the pose, exhale and stretch the arms forward and lower the abdomen, chin and chest parallel to the floor.

  • Take the hip backwards while keeping it stable. Keep the hips open and stay in the pose for two or three breaths.

  • Slowly lift the body, push onto the hands and release the pose. Bring your knees together and sit up on your heels.

Note: For tight hips, you can place a yoga block or folded blanket under the hips to keep them off the ground and relieve some pressure.

Frog Pose Variations: Explained

There are multiple variations of the mandukasana; hence, it can be practised by beginners and advanced practitioners.

-Easy Mandukasana

This variation of mandukasana is beginner-friendly. It allows you to practise the frog pose without pressuring your lower body.

  • Lie down flat on your belly with palms tucked under the forehead.

  • Stretch the knees sideways, keeping the soles of your feet together.

  • Keep the thighs touching the ground.

  • Hold for three to five minutes and release.

-Resting Half Frog

  • Begin in the child pose (balasana).

  • Slowly slide the right knee outside towards the hip, making a 90-degree angle at the hip (ensure your ankle is in line with the knee).

  • Stretch the left leg behind.

  • Lay your hands forward to feel the stretch. You may rest the forearms and chest on the ground.

  • Breathe naturally and hold the pose for three to five minutes.

  • Repeat the same with the other side.

Note: If you have knee pain, you must place a rolled blanket or towel under the knees for support.

Mandukasana: Know the Risks and Precautions

While the frog pose benefits are plenty, it has potential risks that one must be aware of. It will help you to take the necessary precautions and avoid any injuries.

  • Abdominal injuries

  • Knee pain

  • High blood pressure

  • Hip injury or pain

  • Back pain

  • Cardiovascular issues

It is highly advisable to take the necessary precautions when practising the mandukasana pose. Here are some guidelines that you can follow:

  • If you have severe knee pain or joint pain, avoid doing the mandukasana.

  • Pregnant women must avoid practising this pose.

  • Those with injuries to the ankle or knee or those who are recovering from surgeries must wait till their doctor approves this pose.

  • You must abstain from overstretching your body. It is recommended to stretch to the extent your body can bear.

  • The frog pose must be performed on an empty stomach or at least 4 hours after a meal.


Mandukasana is an effective hip-opening yoga pose which also stretches the knees, spine, and feet. The benefits of mandukasana yoga pose extends to the upper and lower body, helping you to gain multiple benefits such as improved digestion and blood circulation and relief from stress and depression.

Secure Your Loved Ones With TATA AIG Health Insurance Policy

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You can buy health insurance from us in three simple steps and get comprehensive coverage for yourself and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

-What props can I use while doing the frog pose?

To ease the intensity of the frog pose, you can use a yoga block, bolsters, blanket or towel to support your knee, chest, etc.

-What mistake should be avoided in the mandukasana?

While doing the mandukasana pose, it is essential to engage your muscles to support your alignment. For instance, you must stretch the spine and elongate it instead of sagging and rounding it.

-Can the frog pose increase the hip size?

The frog pose aims at improving the posture, reducing the stiffness and improving the posture. It targets the inner thigh muscles and increases your stability.

-Can the frog pose be performed on a bed?

Yes, if performing the frog pose on a hard surface like the ground troubles the knees, you can perform it on a soft surface such as a bed.

**-Disclaimer:**This is a general guide on the health benefits of Mandukasana. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. In case of physical injury or disability, it is advisable to consult a qualified health professional before attempting this activity.

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