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Lychee: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 25/05/2024

Lychee (Litchi), is a delicious tropical fruit with bright red, bumpy skin and juicy pulp. This fruit is a part of the soapberry family. It grows in clusters on evergreen trees in warm and humid climates. The pulp of lychee (the edible part) is sweet and is a popular treat among many.

There are many benefits of litchi. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering many potential health benefits. Additionally, this fruit has been a part of traditional Chinese medicines, food, and drink for centuries.

Lychee is originally from China, however, it is grown in many Southeast Asian countries, like India, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.

Before enjoying a bowl full of lychee, let us peel back the layers of this fruit to learn everything about this fascinating fruit. We will uncover the litchi fruit advantages and disadvantages for our health so that you can make an informed choice of how much and when you want to consume this delicious fruit.

Nutritional Benefits of Lychee

The pulp of lychee fruit is loaded with nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Let us explore the litchi fruit nutrition in every 100 grams of serving.

Nutrient Value
Energy 66 kcal
Carbohydrate 16.5g
Protein 0.83g
Lipids 0.44g
Fibre 1.3g
Minerals in Lychee
Calcium 5mg
Iron 0.31mg
Magnesium 10mg
Sodium 1mg
Phosphorous 31mg
Potassium 171mg
Zinc 0.07mg
Copper 0.148mg
Manganese 0.055mg
Magnesium 10mg
Vitamins in Lychee
Vitamin C 71.5mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3) 0.603mg
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 0.011mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.0605mg
Vitamin B6 0.1mg
Folate (Vitamin B9) 14μg

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Overall Health

Lychee is known to have some amazing health benefits. We will explore some lychee fruit uses and their benefits here. You can enjoy fresh lychee fruit during summers in India.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Heart Diseases

Lychee may have benefits for heart health, particularly for conditions like high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. It is the build-up of fats in the blood vessels. Eating lychee pulp can potentially help with these issues.

The phenolic compounds found in lychee pulp might reduce the risk of high blood pressure. It inhibits an enzyme called angiotensin-converting enzyme 1, which helps in regulating blood pressure.

Studies on animals suggest that lychee pulp could also lower bad cholesterol LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and increase good cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).

However, if you have any heart condition, you must consult your doctor before adding lychee to your diet.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for The Brain

Research suggests that lychee might have some brain-boosting benefits. Lychee seed extracts also have saponin compounds, which also could improve cognitive functions. The lychee seed extract may have a potential effect on brain damage in animals. Hence, it could help with Alzheimer’s disease.

However, more studies are required to verify the potential benefits of lychee seed, its safety, and toxicological aspects.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Weight Management

Lychee seed extract may be useful in controlling conditions of obesity. Obesity can increase the lipid levels in the blood and make individuals prone to other diseases. During a trial, lychee pulp extract could help control obesity.

Pancreatic lipase is an enzyme that helps the body break down food, digest it, and absorb fats. This enzyme may help in managing body weight and obesity.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Liver Diseases

The liver is a vital organ in the body that detoxifies and regulates nutrient metabolism in the body. Polyphenols found in lychee extract may help reduce liver damage. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to fatty liver conditions, a fat build-up in the liver. Polyphenols may potentially prevent this condition.

However, if you are suffering from any liver issues, you must seek a doctor’s consultation before using any fruit or herb. Using herbal medicines without a doctor's consultation may downgrade your health.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Diabetes

When blood sugar levels are high, it may lead to a condition called Diabetes mellitus. Lychee has polyphenols, which might help manage diabetes. Studies suggest that polyphenols present in lychee seed extract may reduce blood sugar levels. It is also said to improve symptoms like extreme thirst, frequent urination, and constant hunger. This extract might also regulate glucose metabolism in the body.

Insulin deficiency in the body or impaired insulin activity in the body can cause diabetes. Lychee polyphenols could improve insulin resistance and affect diabetes.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Immunity

Having a strong immunity is necessary for protecting the body against harmful pathogens and maintaining good health. Lychee contains compounds like polysaccharides and flavonoids, which may help regulate the immune system.

Both fresh and dried lychee fruit coils potentially affect the functioning of the immune system. If you feel that your immune system is weak, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis of any underlying conditions and subsequent treatment.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Oxidative Stress

When the body produces too many free radicals, it can lead to problems like atherosclerosis and cancer. Antioxidants can help protect the body from these harmful molecules and may prevent any chronic diseases.

Lychee is rich in polyphenols and polysaccharides, which are powerful antioxidants that can help counter the effects of free radicals. However, it requires more research to fully confirm these benefits.

Potential Benefits of Lychee for Cancer

Some studies have shown that lychees have anti-cancer properties. It can be due to components like polyphenols and polysaccharides. Fresh lychee pulp has polysaccharides which could stop the growth of cancer cells.

Lychee pulp extracts may also help fight breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and prostate cancer cancer cells.

Lychee Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Energy Boost

Lychee is rich in Vitamin C, an essential vitamin for improving skin texture and hair growth. It helps prevent the signs of ageing while protecting the skin from UV rays. Lychee is known to prevent hair loss. It also helps hair regrowth by improving blood circulation in the scalp.

Vitamin C present in lychee, also plays an important role in producing collagen and carnitine. These components help in breaking down fat. This fat breakdown can provide an instant energy boost.

Please Note: More studies are necessary to establish the extent of benefits of the above-mentioned uses of lychee. So, you must consult a doctor before using it as a remedy for health conditions.

Brown Litchi Fruit Benefits

Brown litchi, also called Longan or dragon’s eye, is a fruit that is a part of the lychee family. The inside pulp of this fruit is similar to that of lychee. However, brown lychee is smaller than lychee, with a smoother, harder and brownish skin.

You can peel the fruit to eat its juicy pulp and enjoy the brown litchi fruit benefits. It has a musky flavour and is a little different than the regular lychee. Brown lychee seed is not recommended to consume, so discard the seed before eating.

How to Eat Lychee: Tips to Enjoy the Fruit

You can eat lychee raw, as a fresh fruit to enjoy its deliciousness.

  • Blend lychee pulp to make juice and enjoy lychee juice benefits.

  • Prepare a vegetarian lychee salad with other vegetables and make it an appetising treat.

  • Blend lychee pulp, grated ginger and yoghurt to beat the summer heat with lychee ginger lassi.

  • Bake a cake or a muffin with lychee pulp and enjoy every bite of your fruit cake.

  • Whip up a refreshing sorbet with lychee juice, tender coconut, and some ice.

  • Make lychee jam. Blend lychee pulp, apple sauce, lemon juice, pineapple juice, and sugar to make it.

  • Make lychee ice cream and enjoy your frozen dessert during the scorching summer heat.

  • Use lychee juice to make a cocktail and woo your guests.

Lychee Side Effects

Eating lychee in moderation does not have any adverse health effects. However, too much lychee consumption may lead to some adverse reactions and side effects.

  • Eating too much lychee may have the following side effects.

  • Swelling in the throat

  • Swelling in the lips and tongue

  • Skin itching

  • Skin rash (Urticaria)

  • Loose motion

Also, lychee has a high sugar level, so people with high blood sugar levels must consume it in moderation.

If you notice any of the above-mentioned side effects, you must immediately seek a doctor’s consultation to get medical attention.

Precautions to Take When Consuming Lychee

Though lychee is delicious, however, you must take some precautions before eating the fruit. It is especially necessary for the following:

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: Even though there is not enough scientific evidence about the side effects of eating lychee among pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, they should consult a doctor before consuming lychee.

Children and Infants: There is not sufficient information on the effect of lychee on children or infants. However, you must seek a doctor’s advice before feeding lychee to children.

People with Medication: People with medication should avoid consuming the fruit without a doctor’s consultation as it may interact with certain medications.


Lychee is a tropical fruit with amazing taste. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Originally from China, it grows in warm climates. It has various health benefits. It is nutritious and contains Vitamins B, Vitamin C, and minerals like Calcium and Potassium.

Lychee may benefit heart health, improve brain function, weight management, liver health, diabetes, immunity, and oxidative stress. It may also have anticancer properties, but it needs more research to confirm.

Consuming lychee in moderation is safe, but excessive consumption can lead to side effects like swelling in the throat, and lips, skin irritation, and loose motion. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children, and those with medication should consult a doctor before consuming lychee.

You can enjoy lychee raw, as juice, in salads, or deserts, but be mindful of the potential side effects.

Why Should You Opt for Health Insurance?

Medical emergencies and illness can arise suddenly. It may lead to hefty bills that may strain your finances. Medical insurance ensures that you have access to necessary medical care and get coverage against the bills.

Tata AIG offers a range of health insurance plans to cover you against the burdens of unexpected medical bills. Our health insurance plans offer a range of benefits for both individuals and families.
Choosing health insurance beforehand will allow you to access quality healthcare without any out-of-pocket expenses. If you have elderly parents, you may choose health insurance for parents for additional coverage.

A health insurance plan also encourages preventive care as most health insurance plans include coverage for health check-ups and screenings. If health issues are detected early, it can prevent more serious and costly health problems in future.

However, you must note that the claim amount depends on your mediclaim policy and its terms and conditions.


What are the uses of lychee?

Lychee can be eaten as a fruit, blended into juice, added to salads, desserts, or in other food items. It is also used in traditional Chinese medicines for its health benefits.

Does lychee benefit skin and hair?

Lychee is rich in Vitamin C. It is essential for skin health and hair growth. It helps in preventing signs of ageing and protects the skin from UV rays. It also prevents hair loss by improving blood circulation in the scalp.

Can lychee interact with medications?

People on medications should consult their doctor before consuming lychee, as it may interact with certain medications.

Can lychee help with oxidative stress?

Yes, lychee is rich in polyphenols and polysaccharides, which are powerful antioxidants. They help counter the side effects of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on Lychee: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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