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Health Benefits of Brahmi

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 20/09/2024

Brahmi, also known as Bacopa monnieri scientifically, is a herb belonging to the Scrophulariaceae family. Brahmi plants grow in tropical and wet environments.

This medicinal plant is native to Asia, but due to its health benefits, it is widely grown in other parts of the world as well.

It has a bitter and astringent taste. In ancient times, brahmi has been used as a mind rejuvenator. In this blog, we will discuss in detail about bacopa brahmi benefits, uses and side effects.

Nutritional Value of Brahmi

Brahmi is an active ingredient in various herbal formulations and medicines. Let us examine the nutritional value of 100 grams of brahmi.

Brahmi Nutrients Nutritional Value
Calories 38 Kcal
Protein 2.1 g
Carbohydrates 5.9 g
Ash 1.9 g
Crude Fiber 1.05 g
Fat 0.6 g
Moisture 88.4 g
Phosphorus 16 g
Nicotinic Acid 0.3 g
Ascorbic Acid 63 g
Iron 7.8 mg

Popular Brahmi Benefits

With its antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, brahmi is a versatile herb that can contribute to your overall vitality and health. Let us explore some of brahmi uses and benefits:

Brahmi Benefit for Brain

One of the most significant bacopa brahmi benefits is its positive impact on brain function. Consuming brahmi in moderate quantities can enhance memory, concentration and focus.

Its antioxidant properties also protect brain cells from oxidative stress, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.

Brahmi Helps Avoid Asthmatic Attacks

Another known brahmi benefit is for individuals who have asthma, as it has a laxative property that causes bronchitis dilation. Apart from this, brahmi leaves are also beneficial for various other respiratory anomalies, such as sinusitis, congestion and more.

The mixture of brahmi leaves acts as an expectorant that helps clear the mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tracts.

Brahmi Benefit for Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are other major concerns among individuals, which create various other health disorders such as panic attacks. However, this can be easily avoided by consuming brahmi regularly.

It is believed to be a nerve tonic that helps in calming the mind and offers relief from stress and anxiety. The brahmi syrup helps in lowering the cortisol level in the brain and elevates the mood.

Brahmi Helps Control Blood Glucose Level

Brahmi leaves are known to have antihyperglycemic properties; due to this, they are widely used in medicines for diabetic patients. It helps in improving insulin sensitivity, which helps in lowering blood glucose level.

Furthermore, it also helps in easing or alleviating the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce this inflammation, promoting better glucose metabolism.

Brahmi Uses for Hair Growth

Brahmi is packed with hair-essential nutrients such as saponins, vitamin C, flavonoids, etc., which help reduce hair loss and support growth.

Furthermore, brahmi oil also contains an alkaloid substance that strengthens the hair follicles by providing the needed protein. Additionally, it has a cooling effect on the scalp, which is beneficial for individuals who have scalp itchiness.

Brahmi Improves Skin Health

Brahmi is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental stressors. Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling, making it useful for calming irritated skin.

Additionally, it also maintains skin hydration and balance, which can contribute to a more youthful and supple appearance.

Brahmi Enhances Immune Health

Brahmi is packed with antioxidants, which help neutralise harmful free radicals in the body. By reducing oxidative stress, it may protect the immune cells from damage and promote overall immune health.

Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties may help modulate the body's immune response, reducing excessive inflammation that could compromise the immune system's ability to fight infections.

Brahmi Uses: Recipes to Try

Brahmi is a renowned herb known for its numerous health benefits and has been incorporated into various culinary dishes to enhance wellness.

If you are looking to add this powerful herb to your diet, here are some delicious and nourishing brahmi recipes to try at home

Brahmi Pesto


  • 1 cup of overnight-soaked cashews

  • ½ cup of basil leaves

  • 1 cup of brahmi leaves

  • Lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt

  • Water

-How to Prepare

Step 1: In a blender jar, add all the ingredients and blend it for 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 2: Make a paste smooth; add water to maintain consistency.

Step 3: Transfer the mixture into a small bowl and refrigerate it.

Brahmi Leaves Soup


  • 2 cups of brahmi leaves

  • 1 chopped onion

  • 4 garlic pods

  • ½ inch ginger

  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds

  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon of fresh cream

  • ½ teaspoon of black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon of rice flour

  • Butter

  • Water

-How to Prepare

Step 1: Wash the brahmi leaves.

Step 2: Heat butter in a pan, add onion, garlic and ginger and saute it for 1 to 2 minutes.

Step 3: Add brahmi leaves and saute it for another minute.

Step 4: Transfer the mixture into a jar and blend it

Step 5: Pour the mixture into the pan and add water, cumin seeds powder, black pepper and rice flour.

Step 6: Stir the mixture well and bring it to a boil.

Step 7: Once it starts to boil, switch off the flame.

Step 8: Pour soup into a serving bowl, add fresh cream and serve it.

Brahmi Drink


  • 2 teaspoons of brahmi syrup

  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

  • 1 glass of chilled water

-How to Prepare

Step 1: In a glass, add brahmi syrup and sugar.

Step 2: Stir the mixture well.

Step 3: Pour a mixture into a glass and serve it.

Common Brahmi Side Effects

Brahmi is generally safe to consume if it is used in moderation quantity. However, excessive consumption of brahmi may lead to certain health complications, which are mentioned below:

Brahmi May Cause Stomach Discomfort

One of the potential brahmi side effects is it may cause stomach discomfort if consumed in excessive quantities. Stomach discomfort may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. To avoid this, it is best to consume brahmi in the suggested dosage.

Brahmi May Cause Dry Mouth

Another popular side effect of brahmi is that it may cause dry mouth in some individuals. This occurs due to its impact on the salivary glands, leading to reduced saliva production.

If you experience dry mouth while taking brahmi, it is advisable to stay hydrated and consult a healthcare professional.

Brahmi May Interact with Certain Medications

Many individuals consume brahmi because of its health benefits, but people with ongoing medical conditions need to be careful while using brahmi. The medicinal herb can interact with thyroid disorders, blood pressure or sedatives.

Brahmi May Cause Slow Heartbeat

Another known brahmi side effect includes a slow heartbeat. It may cause bradycardia in some people, especially those with pre-existing heart conditions.

Furthermore, its sedative properties can contribute to the slowing of bodily functions, including the heart rate.


Brahmi is a magical herb used in various ayurvedic medicines because of its therapeutic and health benefits, such as enhanced brain function and regulation of blood sugar levels.

However, it should be consumed in moderation or at the suggested dosage to avoid potential side effects like stomach discomfort and dry mouth. It is best to consult with a healthcare practitioner if you notice any side effects after consuming brahmi.

Importance of Investing in Health Insurance Plan

Brahmi is an excellent addition to one's lifestyle, offering protection against various health ailments with its natural healing properties. However, managing health disorders often requires frequent doctor visits and medications, which can become financially overwhelming.

To safeguard themselves from the burden of unforeseen medical expenses, it is advisable to invest in a mediclaim policy.

This not only provides you with financial security during medical emergencies but also ensures peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your well-being without worrying about the costs of treatment.

TATA AIG offers different health insurance plans catered to you and your family's specific needs. Whether you are looking for an individual health insurance plan, health insurance plans for family or senior citizen medical insurance, our plans cover everyone.

In addition, we provide a range of benefits, such as maternity coverage, newborn care, AYUSH treatments and more to enhance your medical coverage. With an impressive claim settlement ratio of 96.70% in the last financial year, we ensure a smooth and hassle-free claim experience for our policyholders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to consume brahmi daily?

If brahmi is consumed in moderation, as suggested by healthcare professionals, it can be consumed daily.

What are bacopa's medicinal uses?

Brahmi or bacopa monnieri has several medicinal uses, such as enhancing cognitive functionalities, reducing anxiety and more.

Who cannot take brahmi?

Pregnant and lactating women should avoid consuming brahmi. Further, individuals with ongoing medication for thyroid disorders or those on sedative medications should consult a healthcare provider before using brahmi.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Health Benefits of Brahmi. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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