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Health Benefits of Black Salt

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 23/09/2024

Black salt, also known as Kala Namak in Hindi, is a unique salt obtained from the Himalayan salt mines in India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It boasts a distinctive pungent aroma and is available in a range of colours, from pink to dark violet, making it a fascinating ingredient to explore.

Black salt, prepared through a kiln-firing process, has a rich history in various Ayurvedic medicines. Today, it has seamlessly integrated into many cuisines, showcasing its versatility and adaptability.

The numerous advantages of black salt, from improving digestion to stimulating bile production in the liver, make it a valuable addition to any diet. In this blog, we will discuss black salt's benefits, side effects and uses in detail.

Nutritional Value of Black Salt

Black salt, rich in various minerals and boasting demulcent and anti-flatulent properties, is a nutritional powerhouse. Let us delve into the nutritional value of 100 grams of black salt, empowering you with the knowledge of its health-boosting elements.

Black Salt Nutrients Nutritional Value
Sodium 37.83 g
Sulphur 450 mg
Potassium 87 mg
Chloride 60.3 g
Iron 43.1 mg

Common Black Salt Benefits

Black salt taste is strong, umami and savoury because of the presence of sulphur compounds. It has various health benefits. Some of the popular black salt benefits are listed below:

Black Salt Stimulates Digestion

One of the major uses of kala namak is for stomach-related issues. Black salt aids in digestion. It stimulates the production of bile juice in the liver, which helps absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine.

Bile juice also assists in digestion and reduces flatulence. Additionally, black salt contains ferric oxide, manganese, iron and sulphate, which helps reduce bloating.

Black Salt Regulates Blood Pressure

Another known black salt water benefit is that it helps regulate blood pressure. It acts as a natural blood thinner, managing blood pressure. Furthermore, black salt also possesses ama-reducing properties.

Ama is a toxin remaining in the body due to improper digestion, which is the main cause of high cholesterol. High cholesterol can lead to various heart ailments, such as heart attacks and strokes.

Black Salt for Weight Loss

Black salt helps reduce weight because it has a lower sodium content than regular salts. This does not cause bloating or water retention. Furthermore, black salt also aids in weight loss by improving digestion.

It improves fat-soluble vitamin absorption in the small intestine. Additionally, it assists in dissolving fat by enhancing the solubility of digestive enzymes.

Black Salt Strengthens Bones

Another known black salt benefit is that it helps strengthen bones. Salt is as important as calcium for strengthening bones. Around one-fourth of the salt content in the body gets stored in the bones.

Black salt helps improve overall bone health because it contains essential nutrients like potassium, iron and calcium. Furthermore, black salt contains less sodium, which also reduces the risk of bone loss. Because of its therapeutic properties, it also helps prevent osteoporosis.

Black Salt Eases Joint Pain

Black salt has been used to ease joint pain because of its therapeutic properties. It also contains potassium, which offers relief from muscle spasms and helps in working muscles properly.

Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties offer relief from joint-related pain. Apply a cloth dipped in black salt water to the affected area for at least 5 minutes. This will help reduce the inflammation and offer relief from the pain.

Black Salt Benefits for Skin

Another common benefit of the black salt for the skin is better skin texture. Its anti-inflammatory properties and abrasive texture help heal cracked skin and swollen feet. Furthermore, black salt helps unclog the pores and offers a clearer complexion.

Additionally, its high mineral content helps treat various skin conditions like eczema, rashes and more. Many individuals also use black salt to remove white and blackheads from the skin.

Black Salt Treats Sinusitis

Another known black salt benefit is its use in treating sinusitis. Inhaling hot steam infused with black salt helps open clogged nostrils and relieve phlegm.

Black salt also helps treat dry coughs. Additionally, gargling with black salt and warm water helps soothe inflamed tonsils because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Black Salt Uses

Black salt enhances the taste. It is generally sprinkled over snacks or beverages to give them a taste. Apart from this, black salt is also used in various cosmetic items. Some of the popular uses of kala namak are listed below.

Lemon Water with Black Salt


  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice

  • 8 tablespoons of powdered sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of black salt powder

  • 2 teaspoons of cumin seeds powder

  • ½ teaspoon of salt

How to Prepare

  • Step 1: To prepare lemon water, mix lemon juice and water in a bowl.

  • Step 2: Add powdered sugar, black salt, cumin seeds and salt

  • Step 3: Mix all the ingredients well.

  • Step 4: Pour prepared lemon juice into the glass and serve it chilled.

Oatmeal and Black Salt Scrub

  • Ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder

  • 1 teaspoon of black salt powder

  • 1 teaspoon of almond or olive oil.

How to Prepare

  • Step 1: To prepare the scrub, add oatmeal powder and black salt powder to a small bowl.

  • Step 2: Add almond or olive oil to make a smooth paste.

  • Step 3: Apply this scrub to the paste and keep it for 10 minutes.

  • Step 4: After 10 minutes, when the scrub is dry, scrub it in circular motions with gentle hands.

  • Step 5: Wash it off with water.

  • Step 6: Apply this scrub on the face twice for better results.

Common Black Salt Side Effects

Due to its various health benefits, the use of kala namak is widely popular. However, black salt should be consumed in moderation to avoid any side effects. There have been various black salt side effects, which are listed below:

Black Salt May Cause Stomach Infections

One of the prevalent black salt side effects is that it may cause stomach infections if consumed in excess quantity. It is packed with fluoride and other chemicals, which can cause nausea, vomiting and other stomach issues if consumed in excess quantities.

Black Salt May Cause Dental Issues

Another significant side effect of black salt is that it can cause dental issues because of the presence of fluoride. The high concentration of fluoride may lead to dental fluorosis, which is basically a change in the appearance of tooth enamel.

Black Salt May Cause Thyroid Dysfunction

Iodine is an important element for proper thyroid function. However, black salt is not iodized, which is why regular consumption of black salt may lead to iodine deficiency, which can contribute to thyroid dysfunction, including hypothyroidism or goitre.

Black Salt May Cause Kidney Stones

High salt intake increases the amount of calcium in the urine, which can promote the development of calcium-based kidney stones. To reduce the risk, it is important to consume black salt in moderation and stay well-hydrated.


Black salt is an essential ingredient known for its distinctive aroma and health properties. The salt has been used in various ayurvedic medicines. Because of its alkaline properties, the salt has been used to remove excess acid from the stomach.

Furthermore, it also serves as a body detoxifier. Many individuals also use various cosmetics to enhance their skin appearance. However, it should be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of black salt may cause other health complications.

Importance of Investing in Health Insurance Plan

Regular consumption of black salt in moderation is a great addition to an individual's diet as it offers various health benefits. However, individuals should also consider investing in a health insurance policy.

A medical insurance plan is part of an individual's financial planning as it safeguards them and their families against unforeseen medical emergencies. TATA AIG offers health insurance plans catered to you and your family's specific needs.

From individual health insurance to senior citizen mediclaim policy to critical illness coverage and more, we have plans for everyone.

Our medical insurance plan offers comprehensive coverage to policyholders, such as OPD coverage, AYUSH coverage, daycare procedures and more. Furthermore, buying a health insurance plan on our website is easy and takes just a couple of minutes.

Additionally, we have a team of 650+ claim experts to assist you in case of any claim settlement-related questions and doubts.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who should not use black salt?

    Due to its sodium content, individuals with high blood pressure, kidney problems or those at risk of developing kidney stones should avoid excessive use of black salt.

  • How much black salt should I consume in a day?

    It is recommended to limit black salt intake to around ¼ to ½ teaspoons per day. While it offers some health benefits, consuming it in moderation helps prevent excessive sodium intake, which can affect blood pressure and kidney health.

  • Are there any black salt bath benefits?

    Yes, a black salt bath can offer several benefits, including detoxifying the skin, soothing muscle aches and promoting relaxation. Its mineral-rich composition can help improve skin health and reduce inflammation.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Health Benefits of Black Salt. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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