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Health Benefits of Ardha Halasana

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 24/10/2024

Yoga is a holistic practice that is rooted in ancient Indian philosophy. Inverted asanas and their benefits are a key component of practising yoga. By reversing the body’s natural alignment, these poses can improve blood flow to the brain and help relieve stress.

Among the many inverted postures in yoga, Ardha Halasana is one such pose that offers a gentle inversion with numerous benefits. This guide delves into the specific benefits of Ardha Halasana, providing insights into its proper execution and precautions that are needed when practising it.

What is the Ardha Halasana Pose?

Ardha Halasana, also known as the Half Plough Pose, is a beginner-level inverted yoga pose that involves lifting the hips high overhead while keeping the legs supported on a chair.

The Ardh Halasana pose is used to strengthen the shoulders and neck muscles, as well as to relieve stress and fatigue. It is often practised as a warm-up for more intense yoga poses and can also be beneficial for those suffering from mild backaches.

When performing Ardha Halasana in yoga, it is essential to maintain a straight back and avoid oversteering the neck muscles. The pose can be practised on a bed in the morning to alleviate stiffness and is considered a great warm-up for the Full Plough Pose.

Benefits of Ardha Halasana

-Strengthens the Core and Lower Back

One of the key benefits of Ardha Halasana is its ability to strengthen the core and lower back. The act of lifting the legs at a 90-degree angle engages the abdominal muscles and makes them stronger over time.

This pose tightens and tones the entire core region, including the lower back. Regular practice helps in eliminating excess fat around these areas and offers fantastic health-related advantages.

-Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion

Ardha Halasana yoga is highly effective in improving flexibility in the abdominal area, hips and thighs. Making these muscles more flexible, the pose prepares the body for more advanced yoga postures like the Full Plough Pose. Ardh Halasana also helps improve the range of motion and allows for smoother transitions in yoga practice and daily movements.

-Enhances Breathing and Lung Capacity

Practising Ardha Halasana requires maintaining a steady and engaged posture which demands the involvement of the chest and diaphragm. This engagement, along with mindful breathing helps expand the lung capacity over time and improve the efficiency of the respiratory system.

-Boosts Awareness and Focus

Like most inverted postures in yoga, Ardha Halasana demands a heightened sense of awareness and concentration. Any lapse in focus can cause the legs to drop or the knees to bend, affecting the alignment of the pose.

Regular practice of Ardha Halasana encourages body awareness, which can be carried over into other areas of life, fostering a deeper connection between the mind and body. The focus required during the pose also helps improve mental clarity and concentration.

-Promotes Proper Alignment and Posture

Proper alignment is essential to perform the Ardha Halasana accurately and to avoid straining the lower back. While lifting the legs, it is important to keep the shoulders and neck firmly grounded. This helps prevent injury and correct posture issues such as a hunchback caused by poor sitting or standing habits.

-Offers Therapeutic Benefits for the Spine

Ardha Halasana yoga is especially therapeutic for the lower spine. The pose tightens the lower abdomen, contracting the lower part of the spine and reducing irritation and stiffness in the lower back. The pressure applied on the core also stimulates the digestive system, aiding in the relief of constipation and other digestive issues.

-Helps Relieve Varicose Veins

For those who suffer from varicose veins, Ardha Halasana can offer significant relief by reducing swelling and discomfort. The posture helps improve blood flow and reduces strain on the lower body, helping alleviate symptoms of varicose veins and can prevent further complications.

-Calms the Mind and Reduces Anxiety

Lifting the legs in Ardha Halasana yoga has a calming effect on the nervous system. This pose helps reduce anxiety, restlessness and stress by encouraging deep breathing and a focused mind.

The act of focusing on breathing while holding the pose brings a sense of calm and mental clarity, which can have lasting effects on emotional well-being.

-Improves Circulation and Organ Function

Ardh Halasana stimulates various systems in the body, including the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. The pose enhances circulation, especially in the legs, abdominal region and hips.

By ensuring that fresh blood reaches the abdominal area, Ardha Halasana supports the healthy functioning of abdominal organs, particularly the digestive system.

-Supports Reproductive Health

In women, Ardha Halasana has specific benefits for the reproductive system. The pose tightens the lower abdomen and pelvic muscles, offering support to the uterus.

This can help in alleviating symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause. The increased blood flow to the pelvic region also improves reproductive health and can enhance sexual well-being.

-Reduces Excess Fat

Ardha Halasana is effective in targeting excess fat in the abdominal area of the hips and thighs. By focusing on these areas, the pose helps in reducing belly fat and toning the muscles around the lower abdomen. This leads to a leaner, more toned physique, while also improving overall health by helping reduce excess fat.

How to Perform the Ardha Halasana?

Step 1: Lie down on your back in the supine position, ensuring your spine is straight and your arms are by your sides with your palms facing down.

Step 2: Keep your legs together and your feet flexed. Inhale deeply and lift your leg straight up towards the ceiling.

Step 3: Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and evenly.

Step 4: Slowly bring your leg down and rest in a supine position again for a few moments.

Step 5: Allow your body to relax and recover between sets. Repeat the pose 3-5 times and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.

Precautions When Doing the Ardha Halasana

  • It is essential to take precautions when practising Ardha Halasana to avoid potential injuries. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Avoid this pose if you have a back injury or have recently recovered from back surgery.

  • Individuals with severe sciatica should refrain from this pose as it can put pressure on the hamstrings and hips.

  • Do not practise Ardh Halasana if you have a buttock injury or are recovering from one.

  • Consult with your doctor before practising the pose if you have high blood pressure.

  • Avoid practising the Ardha Halasana if you are suffering from an abdomen infection.

  • If you have a hamstring injury, ask your doctor if it is safe to practise the pose.

  • Consult your doctor if you are experiencing swollen legs or ankles.

  • If you have a calf injury, consult your doctor before performing the Ardha Halasana.

  • Individuals with blood clots should consult their yoga instructor before attempting this pose.

  • People with cardiac problems or back pain should also avoid doing this pose.

  • Avoid this pose if you have a neck injury.


Ardha Halasana is a versatile pose that can be incorporated into various yoga routines, be it beginner or advanced.

Regular practice of this pose can strengthen the core and lower back and offers an array of health benefits.

While the pose is generally safe for most people, it is important to be aware of the precautions one should take when practising it. Individuals with back injuries, high blood pressure and other health conditions should consult their doctor or a qualified yoga instructor before attempting this pose.

By incorporating Ardha Halasana into your yoga practice, you can experience many benefits it offers, including strength, flexibility and overall well-being, contributing to a healthier life.

Importance of Health Insurance

Similar to how practising yoga is a beneficial investment of time towards your health, medical insurance is a beneficial investment of funds for your well-being. A mediclaim policy offers financial protection against unexpected medical expenses in stressful situations.

Beyond the peace of mind of having a financial safety net, choosing a reliable and comprehensive health insurance provider like TATA AIG offers an array of advantages. For every claim-free year, your sum insured increases by a percentage, which provides you with additional coverage without any raise in your premium rates.

Additionally, TATA AIG offers a wide range of health insurance plans that are tailored to meet diverse needs. One such policy is pregnancy health insurance, which provides comprehensive protection for expectant mothers. This policy includes essential benefits such as a cover for hospitalisation expenses for up to 90 days before and after delivery, room charges and even surgeon fees.

With TATA AIG, you can confidently invest in your health and peace of mind and rest assured that you are well-protected against unexpected medical expenses, giving you the freedom to focus on your well-being.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the health benefits of Ardha Halasana. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. In case of physical injury or disability, it is advisable to consult a qualified health professional before attempting this activity.

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