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Health Benefits of Ajwain Seeds

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 20/09/2024

You can commonly find ajwain seeds being used in Indian cuisines as this spice is easily available in households and is used for improving health. It is a tiny, elongated fruit that looks similar to fennel or cumin seeds.

Also called carom seeds, the pungent flavour of ajwain makes it a unique spice. Native to India and the Middle East, the aroma of this spice can be identified from afar, and its taste is similar to that of thyme. Ajwain is considered to be good for digestion, and it contains different nutrients and antioxidants that makes this spice ideal for addition to your diet.

This article throws light on ajwain uses and benefits that will help you understand better why and how you should include this spice into your regular diet.

Nutritional Value of Ajwain

Ajwain is a powerhouse of nutrition and despite the tiny size of carom seeds, it is full of dietary fibre and antioxidants.

Nutrients  Value (per 100 g of ajwain)
Energy 238 Kcal
Fibre  47.6 g
Protein 23.81 g
Iron  16.19 mg
Carbohydrates  47.62 g
Potassium  1333 mg
Calcium 667 mg
Phosphorus  379 mg
Riboflavin  0.3 mg
Niacin  2.4 mg
Thiamine  0.3 mg

Popular Ajwain Seed Benefits

The blend of different properties and compounds in ajwain makes it useful in offering health benefits, which is why ajwain seeds' medicinal uses are discussed below.

-Aids in Digestion

The active compounds present in ajwain, like Thymol, have been found to increase digestive enzyme secretion. Better digestion can help in avoiding common digestive issues such as indigestion.

The carminative properties make ajwain seeds for stomach pain highly effective. This is done by reducing bloating and expulsion of gas through the digestive tract. Additionally, it relaxes the gastrointestinal tract muscles to lower discomfort.

Ajwain also contains essential oils that can prevent excess gas from forming in the digestive system, thereby displaying antiflatulent properties. It can also help balance the acid levels in the stomach to reduce acidity.

-Contributes to Weight Management

You can also consider ajwain seeds for weight loss as they contain compounds that boost metabolism in the body. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you will be able to burn.

Moreover, ajwain also contains appetite-suppressing properties to help control hunger pangs. It can effectively lower food cravings towards sugary treats and unhealthy snacks. As it curbs your cravings, you are better able to manage your weight by eating healthy food.

-Boosts Respiratory Health

One of ajwain seed water benefits is that it can unclog blocked nose and bring down breathing problems. It has natural antiviral and antibacterial properties to help relieve cold and cough symptoms. Acting as an expectorant, ajwain promotes mucus expulsion from the respiratory tract to offer relief from congestion.

Again, the bronchodilator properties contained in the active compounds of carom seeds help in widening the airways for lowering bronchial congestion. This relief is especially beneficial for those suffering from asthma and other respiratory issues.

-Augments Women’s Health

In terms of ajwain benefits for female problems, it is the presence of antispasmodic and analgesic properties that help in offering relief from menstrual pain. To relieve menstrual cramps, you have to consume either ajwain tea or water.

Also, ajwain has been used for ages in stimulating production of milk in lactating mothers. Ajwain is believed to increase the secretion of prolactin hormone that contributes to milk production.

-Enhances Skin Health

While ajwain is mainly used while cooking, it also provides benefits to your skin health. Its antimicrobial properties can be used in treatment of different skin infections, like psoriasis and eczema. Its antiinflammatory properties also reduce swelling and redness that arise out of acne breakouts.

Furthermore, the antioxidants that are present in this spice can work to fight free radicals for preventing oxidative stress, which can otherwise result in dull skin and premature ageing. Consuming ajwain or topically applying ajwain every day can enhance blood circulation and help with skin care.

-Keeps Blood Pressure Under Control

Among the medicinal uses of different ajwain seeds is that their hypersensitive abilities help balance the body’s blood pressure. The Thymol component present in ajwain facilitates better heart functioning and blood circulation.

Here, the ajwain seed water benefits are also significant. Drinking water infused with carom seeds can effectively regulate blood pressure. Ajwain will work to dilate the veins to lower the force that is exerted on artery walls, thereby lowering hypertension risk among other heart-related conditions.

-Improves Oral Health

There is no doubt that oral health forms a significant part of overall well-being, and ajwain contains antiinflammatory and analgesic properties that can contribute to alleviating gum problems and toothache. For this, you can consider applying a paste containing water and ajwain seeds on the affected area to get relief.

Again, chewing a few carom seeds can help you overcome bad breath, as the essential oils that are present in ajwain contain antimicrobial properties to kill bacteria that causes foul odour in your mouth.

-Reduces Inflammation

As mentioned earlier, carom seeds have antiinflammatory properties that can help in reducing inflammation, offering benefit to those suffering from arthritis or some other form of inflammatory disease.

Consuming either ajwain seeds or water can also help in alleviating swelling and pain associated with inflammatory conditions. Thymol in ajwain seeds has been found to prevent the production of proinflammatory cytokines that cause inflammation in the body.

Ajwain Seed Benefits: Ways to Use Ajwain

Here are some ways in which you can add ajwain to your everyday diet through food and drinks for regular consumption of this medically beneficial spice:

-Pickle- Traditionally, Indians add ajwain to their pickles for flavour. You can consider adding different spices, including mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, turmeric and ajwain, to your pickle for preservation, flavour and health.

-Paratha- Adding carom seeds to Indian flatbreads or parathas will not only enhance the flavour but will also help you enjoy the health benefits of this spice.

-Condiment- You can also consider sprinkling this spice over rice, meats, sauces or soups to add flavour to your dish.

-Curries- This versatile spice is used in preparing both vegetarian and meat-based curries. Adding a small amount of ajwain seeds to lentils, fish, chicken, vegetables or any other curry will complement the other spices while enriching the taste of the dish.

-Ajwain Water- To prepare ajwain water, you have to follow these steps:

-Step 1 Take a teaspoon of carom seeds.

-Step 2 Add the carom seeds to a glass of water (warm).

-Step 3 Allow it to rest overnight.

-Step 4 Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

-Ajwain Ark- To drink this, you have to follow these steps:

-Step 1 Pour 5 to 10 drops of ajwain ark in warm water.

-Step 2 Drink this warm water mixture after lunch as well as dinner.

-Ajwain Churna- For better digestion, follow these steps:

-Step 1 Take ½ or ¼ teaspoon of ajwain churna. You can easily find ajwain churna from reputed brands in the market.

-Step 2 Swallow this churna with warm water after or before meals. Alternatively, you can also consume ajwain tablets or capsules for similar benefits.

-Ajwain Decoction- To prepare this, follow these steps:

-Step 1 Add 1 or 2 glasses of water to a pan.

-Step 2 Take a teaspoon of carom seeds and add it to this water.

-Step 3 Bring this water and ajwain seeds mixture to a boil on low flame by boiling for 8 to 10 minutes.

-Step 4 Consume 2 to 3 teaspoons of ajwain decoction to get relief from asthma.

-Step 5 Use milk instead of water to get relief from urinary stones.

Ajwain Seeds - Side Effects

If you consume ajwain seeds in moderation, you will not experience any harmful effects. However, individuals suffering from ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease, liver diseases and diverticulitis or inflammation in the digestive tract’s small pouches should avoid consuming carom seeds in excess as it might result in adverse effects.

Since ajwain seeds stimulate gastric secretions, consuming them can aggravate peptic ulcers. Ajwain overconsumption can also lead to nausea, vomiting, skin irritation, headaches and allergies in some individuals. It is highly recommended that you visit a doctor if any of these symptoms start showing after consuming ajwain seeds.

Ajwain Seeds - Precautions to Take

While consuming this spice, you must take certain precautions for ensuring efficacy and safety.

  • It is essential that you consume ajwain in moderation because excessive consumption can cause liver or digestive issues.

  • It is also suggested that pregnant women should consult healthcare providers before consuming carom seeds, as it can potentially lead to uterine contractions.

  • If an individual is suffering from liver disease or is under some form of medication, then he/she should ask their doctors before proceeding with ajwain seed consumption.

  • Storing ajwain seeds in a dry and cool place is a must to retain their potency. Do not consume stale or very old ajwain seeds.

Dosage Recommendations

  • Infants below 6 months of age should not be given ajwain seeds. Older children can begin with small amounts of ajwain seeds, and their consumption should be monitored closely.

  • While it is considered safe for nursing mothers and pregnant women to consume carom seeds, if consumption continues for longer periods of time, then medical consultation is a must.

  • Again, since ajwain tends to interfere with blood clotting, it is essential that its consumption is completely stopped at least two weeks before any surgery.


Ajwain can be considered to be a versatile spice, which provides several health benefits. This aromatic and flavourful spice has been a part of Indian curries and dishes for ages.

If you incorporate this spice into your daily life, you can see changes in a good way in your overall health. However, you should consult with a medical practitioner before consuming carom seeds in the form of a medicinal remedy.

Opt for a Health Insurance Plan for Medical and Financial Security

While it is true that ajwain comes with several medicinal benefits, it cannot prevent all kinds of health conditions, which is why to protect your family financially during medical crises, you should invest in a health insurance plan.

investing in the best health insurance policy will offer you the financial safety that you need when the medical bills exceed your expectations or become unmanageable. A health insurance plan ensures you need not worry about arranging finances in your difficult times, and can solely focus on your recovery.

TATA AIG medical insurance plans come with COVID-19 coverage, several discount options, and give you the advantage of tax deductions. With the option of customising medical insurance plans, you can rest assured that your specific medical needs will be covered financially.

Additionally, we provide you with the convenience of cashless treatment at any authorised hospital of your choice across the country, so that you do not have to spend money from your pocket when getting treatment for yourself or your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if we eat ajwain seeds daily?

Consuming ajwain on a daily basis in moderation can benefit your digestive health, as it helps lower indigestion and bloating. However, if you overeat ajwain, you may suffer from side effects like stomach irritation or discomfort, which is why you must consume it within recommended amounts.

What are the super benefits of ajwain?

Some of the super benefits of ajwain include helping with digestion, lowering inflammation, improving heart health and easing congestion due to cough and cold.

What is the best time to eat ajwain?

It is best to consume ajwain first thing in the morning, when you are on an empty stomach. You can either take it with water or in powder form. If you want to eat carom seeds during the day, then take them after meals.

Which nutrients are found in ajwain?

Nutrients that are available in ajwain include iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein and carbohydrates.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Health Benefits of Ajwain. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. You are advised to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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