Comprehensive Guide To Dengue Health Insurance Cover

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 27/03/2022

'Prevention is better than cure.'

Good health is key to a long and happy life. And, so, you must have taken different methods to ensure safe health, such as having a good routine and healthy food. However, considering the increase in the spread of viruses and your old age, you must take enough precautions physically and financially to manage your resources to get cured if you get infected due to a deadly disease.

Dengue is one such vector-borne disease that requires special attention. If you haven't taken a dengue health insurance cover, then here is a detail about its importance and features for your benefit.

What Is Dengue And The Dengue Health Insurance Cover?

Dengue is a viral infection that is caused due to the bite of Aedes Mosquitoes. It starts with fever and leads to severe complications based on your body conditions. Treatment of dengue requires proper medication and health care facilities. And, certainly, it might lead to a higher cost.

A dengue health insurance cover is an insurance benefit that provides financial assistance to pay for your treatment charges in case you get affected due to dengue during the policy term. You can utilise it to pay for your hospitalisation charges and other medical expenses.

What Are The Features Of Dengue Health Insurance?

A health insurance policy that provides the dengue health cover will ascertain financial assistance associated with the treatment for dengue based on the following features:

1.Cashless treatment- At Tata AIG provides health insurance by engaging in partnerships with renowned hospitals throughout the country to provide health care facilities to the insured person if they get affected due to the dengue virus.

When you purchase our health insurance policy, you can refer to the list of hospitals from the 7200+ cashless hospitals we have partnered with. In an emergency with increased temperature due to the dengue viral attack, you can get admitted to any one of the hospitals and avail of the cashless treatment facilities at ease. We will pay the related medical bills directly to the hospital, based on the terms and conditions of your medical insurance.

2.Paying for in-patient treatment charges- Dengue is a serious viral attack. It may take several days or even weeks to get cured completely. In such cases, your treatment charges include hospitalisation expenses such as the cost of rooms, meals, and electricity availed.

The dengue health insurance policy will help you pay for such charges and save on your out-of-pocket expenses.

3.Pre and post hospitalisation expenses- Dengue fever cannot be diagnosed easily. Many people ignore it, considering it as a normal viral infection. However, when the effects start taking a toll on the different parts of the body and its functioning, you will start realising the impact and would prefer taking diagnostic tests to ascertain the viral attack. It will include blood tests, consultation charges, ambulance charges, etc.

Benefits of Health Insurance

Benefits of health insurance assured by Tata AIG enhance the plan options and help you utilise the features better. Here is a detail about it.

1.AYUSH Benefit- If you are allergic to allopathy medicine and prefer taking medication from doctors offering treatment with Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha, or Homeopathy, you can get the dengue health insurance pay for the same.

2.Tax Benefit- When you purchase a health insurance plan, you can avail of tax benefits under Section 80D. You can get a tax deduction of up to ₹1,00,000 on the premium amount paid in a financial year. It is applicable on health insurance purchased for self, dependent parents, and family.

3.Online compatibility- When you purchase the online health insurance plan, you can make a claim and process it for settlement with the paperless procedure. It is simple, easy, convenient, and cost-efficient. The customer service executive team will help you with the necessary online processes in case of any clarifications.

4.Increase the sum assured- If you have been infected once due to dengue and develop antibodies to fight the virus, you or any other members of the family are still susceptible to getting affected at a later stage in your life. Therefore, if you have utilised the insured amount to treat yourself once, you can always increase the sum assured accordingly. It can secure you from future expenses related to any other medical expenses.

Exclusions In The Dengue Protection Cover

The dengue health protection cover can be beneficial if you are aware of the terms and conditions of the policy.

Here are a few exclusions you need to look for:

  1. It can be used exclusively for the treatment of dengue and not any other disease.
  2. The insured amount will not be available if the treatment is undertaken beyond the geographical limits mentioned by your insurer.
  3. Insurers define the age limit for dengue health protection cover, and you need to know it during policy inception.

How To Choose The Dengue Protection Cover?

A medical emergency due to dengue fever can be an unprecedented event that can trigger your financial resources in any direction. Therefore, having a dengue protection cover is a good financial decision.Things to know before you invest in such a health insurance plan are the different insurers, read their policy features, compare the claim settlement ratios and make the right option.


Dengue viral attack is a serious illness. It has been observed in people from different age groups, and it is unfortunate even in infants. Therefore, if you live in an area that is not clean and prone to mosquitoes infection, you must consider purchasing a health insurance policy in India. It can provide cashless treatment, pay for your pre and post hospitalisation charges, in-patient charges, etc.

In addition, it can provide financial assistance if you prefer the AYUSH treatment. Therefore, research the different health insurance policies available, compare the features, and consider the claim settlement ratio before deciding. If prevention of disease is challenging, preparing for managing it is a wise decision!

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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