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Brain Fever - Symptoms and Causes

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 18/09/2024

Brain fever is a term used to describe the infection or inflammation caused by various brain diseases, such as meningitis or encephalitis. It is a symptom of these diseases, and it can be life-threatening if not treated on time.

Brain fever, a condition often caused by viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria, is a serious but preventable health issue.

In this blog, we will delve into the brain fever causes, symptoms and treatment. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of this condition, we can take proactive measures to prevent it.

What is Brain Fever Disease?

Brain fever, an infection or swelling of the brain, is a serious condition that demands immediate medical attention. It can be a result of meningitis, a severe infection that causes swelling of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

This kind of infection is very common in young children and infants. Also, children with a serious head injury, brain surgery, etc, are at increased risk of meningitis.

Brain fever is also caused by encephalitis, which is also a brain disease that causes inflammation in the brain. The virus that causes this disease can be spread by ticks and mosquitos.

Sometimes, it also happens when the immune system mistakenly starts attacking the brain; such a disease is called autoimmune encephalitis.

Brain Fever Causes

Viral Infection

One of the primary causes of brain fever is viral infection. This viral infection is generally caused by viruses such as enteroviruses, herpes simplex, etc., which can cause inflammation in the brain.

Various other viruses, such as rubella, measles, mumps, etc., can also lead to brain fever.

Also Read: Viral Fever – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Bacteria Infection

Bacterial meningitis is a severe and potentially life-threatening form of brain fever. It can be caused by bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae.

Autoimmune Disorders

In some cases, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its brain tissue, leading to encephalitis and brain fever. Conditions like autoimmune encephalitis fall under this category.

** Fungal Infection**

Fungal infections also cause brain fever. Various fungi, like Cryptococcus and Histoplasma, can infect the brain, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Parasitic Infection

Another cause of brain fever is parasitic infection, which is caused by parasites like Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii. These parasites can lead to brain inflammation and fever.

Chemical Exposure

Exposure to heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic or cadmium can be toxic to the brain. These substances can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause inflammation, leading to symptoms of brain fever.

Brain Fever Symptoms

Brain fever symptoms may vary from person to person based on their health condition and the severity of the disease. Not everyone will exhibit the same symptoms if they are suffering from meningitis and encephalitis. However, the general symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Neck stiffness

  • Confusion

  • Irritability

  • Vomiting

  • Nausea

  • Muscle weakness

  • Joint pain

  • Disturbed sleep

  • Bowel problems

  • Abnormal movements

  • Acute insomnia

  • Changes in vision

  • Problem with speech

  • Muscle ache

  • Full or partial paralysis

  • Seizures

  • Hallucinations

  • Headache

  • Sensitivity to light

Symptoms of Encephalitis

  • Bulging in an infant's head.

  • Vomiting

  • Constant crying

  • Irritability

  • Poor feeding

  • Body stiffness

Symptoms of Meningitis

  • High fever'

  • Constant crying

  • Feeling sleepy

  • Lack of appetite

  • Vomiting

  • Lethargy

  • Skin rashes

How Do You Get Brain Fever Disease?

  • It can be passed from contagious diseases containing viruses or bacteria from person to person.

  • The disease can also be passed from contaminated food containing something infectious.

  • Brain fever disease can also be transmitted by drinking contaminated water.

  • It can also be caused by fungi in the environment or in the air you breathe in.

  • The medical complications of lupus or cancer can also cause it.

  • Brain fever can also happen as a side effect of medication.

Brain Fever Diagnosis

Early diagnosis is key in managing brain fever. Healthcare practitioners will conduct a physical exam and may test your cerebrospinal fluid.

They may also inquire about recent travel or exposure to illnesses. By being proactive and seeking early diagnosis, we can take responsibility for our health and potentially prevent serious complications.

Nasal or Throat Swab

The very first test to identify the cause of brain fever disease is a throat or nasal swab. In this test, healthcare providers use a soft-tipped stick to take samples from the throat or nose. After taking a sample, a test is conducted for signs of infection or disease.

Spinal Tap or Lumbar Puncture

Another test conducted by the healthcare provider to identify the brain infection is a spinal tap or lumbar puncture. In this test, a provider will insert a needle into the lower back to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. This sample will be tested in the lab to identify any infection.

Blood Test

Another test to identify brain fever is a blood test. In this, a blood sample is taken from the arm using a needle. The sample is later tested in the lab to identify the signs of infections in the body.

Stool Sample

Another way to identify the cause of brain fever is to test the stool sample. You must provide a stool sample to the healthcare provider, who will test it in the lab for any infection.

MRI or CT Scan

A healthcare provider will also suggest a CT Scan or MRI, where pictures of the brain have been taken to check if there is inflammation in the brain or not. It is also called a brain scan.

Brain Fever Treatment

The treatment of brain fever depends on its underlying cause, severity of disease, individual health condition and more. There are various types of treatment plans for brain fever disease, such as:

Antiviral Medications

If the cause of the brain fever is a virus, the healthcare practitioner will prescribe antiviral medications.

The common medicines used to treat this are Acyclovir, Foscarnet and Ganciclovir. However, some viruses, such as insect-borne viruses do not respond to treatment positively.


If the bacteria causes brain fever, then the healthcare practitioner will prescribe antibiotics.


In many cases, healthcare practitioners also prescribe steroids to reduce inflammation or infection in the brain. This generally happens when the test depicts an autoimmune cause.

Apart from oral corticosteroids, healthcare practitioners also suggest Intravenous immunoglobulin and plasma exchange.

Supportive Care

In severe cases, supportive care is also needed. This generally happens when breathing assistance is needed. Proper monitoring of heart and breathing is crucial at this time.

Follow-up Therapy

Even after the treatment, if you are facing complications, then you might need additional therapy such as brain rehabilitation, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and more.

Risk Factors of Brain Fever Diseases


Brain fever or infection is common in certain age groups, such as younger children or older adults, who are more susceptible to viral encephalitis. Autoimmune encephalitis happens to children and young adults.

Weak Immune System

Another group that is at risk of getting brain fever is those who have weakened immune systems. For example, people who have AIDS or HIV take immunosuppressive medicines and are at risk of developing brain fever.

Geographical Regions

The environment you are living in also plays a crucial role in developing brain fever disease. In geographical regions where tick-borne viruses and mosquitos are common, the chances of this medical disease are high.

Furthermore, the season also plays a crucial role in the spread of disease.

Autoimmune Disease

Individuals who are already suffering from autoimmune diseases are more susceptible to getting brain fever.


Regular smoking enhances the chance of getting lung cancer, which in turn enhances the chances of developing paraneoplastic syndromes, including encephalitis, which causes inflammation in the brain.

Preventive Measures

There are various preventive measures individuals can take to prevent the spread and exposure to viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. These preventive measures include:

Practise Good Hygiene

One crucial preventive measure is to practise good hygiene to avoid brain fever disease. Good hygiene includes wearing clean clothes and washing your hands properly after using the washroom and before and after meals.

Do Not Share Utensils

Another way to avoid infectious disease is to avoid sharing utensils such as toothbrushes, water bottles, etc with anyone.

Apply Mosquito Repellant

Brain fever can also be caused by mosquito bites, so it is crucial to apply mosquito repellent to the body and clothes.

Dress Appropriately

It is best to wear long-sleeved shirts, tops and pants while heading outside, especially during dawn and dusk, when mosquitos are very active. Avoid going to wooded areas with tall grass, where ticks have a habitat.

Get Vaccination

To avoid infectious disease, it is best to get vaccinated on time and keep the vaccination up to date. Furthermore, if you are travelling to unfamiliar areas or locations, talk to healthcare professionals about the recommended vaccination dosage.

Importance of having Health Insurance Plan

Brain fever disease can be life-threatening and requires appropriate medical attention. Individuals need to pay frequent visits to healthcare practitioners, which can be financially burdensome. For this reason, having a medical insurance policy is crucial.

A health insurance plan safeguards your financial assets during times of medical crises and offers you top-notch medical care. Hospitalisation expenses, as well as pre-and post-hospitalisation expenses, are covered under the medical insurance plan.

TATA AIG offers medical insurance plans tailored to your specific medical needs. Whether you are opting for medical insurance for senior citizens or individual health insurance policies, we have got everyone covered.

Not just this, with plans like super top-up, you can enhance the coverage by adding the sum insured to the existing policy. Furthermore, critical illness coverage offered by us offers protection against diseases like cancer, renal failure, cardiovascular disease and more.

Additionally, with benefits like OPD coverage, newborn coverage and more, we enhance medical protection. With our health insurance plan, you can seek cashless medical care in any authorised hospital without paying any upfront medical cost.


Brain fever disease is life-threatening and can be caused by various viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc. There are various symptoms of the disease, such as fever, nausea, vomiting, and more. If the symptoms are persistent, then it is essential to contact a medical professional.

A delay in brain fever treatment can be fatal. However, besides this, there are various preventive measures, like getting vaccinations, maintaining hygienic conditions, etc, that can protect you and your loved ones from this disease.


Can we recover from brain fever?

Yes, recovery from brain fever is possible, especially with prompt medical treatment.

The extent of recovery depends on the severity of the infection and how quickly it is treated. While some people recover fully, others may experience lasting neurological effects.

What is the main reason for brain fever?

The main cause of brain fever is viral infections. Common viruses responsible include the enteroviruses, herpes simplex virus, and mosquito-borne viruses like the West Nile virus.

In some cases, bacterial infections, autoimmune reactions, or even certain parasites can also lead to brain fever.

Can brain fever disease be life-threatening?

Yes, brain fever can be life-threatening, especially if not treated promptly. Severe cases can lead to complications such as brain swelling, seizures, respiratory failure and even death.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to reduce the risk of serious outcomes.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Brain Fever - Symptoms and Causes. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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