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Best Exercises For Knock Knees

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 19/09/2024

Knock knees are a common problem. The severity of this condition may vary from person to person. Usually, it tends to increase with age.

However, there are some best exercises for knock knees that can help in fixing it. But before discussing them, let us first understand what knock knees are and how they can be corrected.

What is Knock Knees?

Knock knees, also known as Genu valgum, is a condition in which the knees are misaligned. This simply means that while standing still, the knees touch, but the ankles do not. Also, people's knee angles hit each other while walking.

People suffering from knock knees may have difficulty running, and it can also lead to pain and other health complications. While it is very common in kids, this condition can be treated with exercise. Exercise helps strengthen the leg muscles and improves balance and posture, thus helping with the condition of knock knees.

What Are the Causes of Knock Knees?

There are various causes of knock knees, such as:

  • Injury

  • Obesity

  • Nutrient deficiency like vitamin D and calcium.

  • Arthritis.

  • Doing exercise with the wrong posture.

  • Not walking correctly.

How to Identify Knock Knees Early?

An individual with knock knees will have their lower legs splayed out so that ankles and feet are farther apart when they stand with their knees close together. The distance is usually small, starting up to a few millimetres; however, it may spread up to 8 centimetres.

If not treated properly, knock knees may result in knee pain, difficulty walking or a limp. Furthermore, they can raise the risk of developing arthritis.

Symptoms of Knock Knees

Difficult Walking

One of the common symptoms of knock knees is difficulty in walking. Due to the position of the knees, the ability to walk effectively and quickly is affected. If the knees touch and rub each other or make a sound while walking, then it means you have knock knees.

Pain in Ankles, Knees, Feet and Hip

This is another symptom that most people with knock knees face. Due to the positioning of the knees, individuals may feel irritation or pain in their hips, knees, ankles, etc. This generally happens after a long walk.

Best Exercise for Knock Knees

Exercise is a powerful tool in correcting knock knees. Regular exercise throughout the day can significantly improve this condition. Below are some of the most effective exercises for knock knees:**

Side Lunges

One of the best exercises to correct knock knees is side lunges.

This compound exercise predominantly focuses on the outer thigh and inner thigh muscles, which play a crucial role in correcting knock knees.

Side lunges help foster knee alignment, strengthen the hip abductors and enhance stability.

-How to Do Side Lunges?

Step 1: To start, take a position where the hip-width apart and arms are in front of the chest.

Step 2: Next, **Step sideways to the left.

Step 3: Bend the knee as the foot touches the ground and push the hip backwards.

Step 4: Stand up and return to a normal position.

Step 5: Repeat the **Step at least 10 to 12 times and then switch legs.

Butterfly Flutters

Another best exercise for knock knees is butterfly flutters, which is also referred to as the close and open leg exercise.

This exercise mainly targets the hip adductors, which are critical muscles in correcting knock knees. It also helps strengthen the inner thigh muscles and enhances lower limb posture. It also assists in realigning the knees.

-How to Do Butterfly Flutters?

Step 1: To do a butterfly pose, keep your leg to the side and bring the soles of your feet together.

Step 2: Hold your ankles and feet slowly and lean forward. Try to keep your body straight.

Step 3: You will feel the stretch in your inner thigh muscles. Like butterfly wings, keep flapping both legs down and up.

Step 4: Do this exercise for about 5 minutes.

Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are one of the well-known exercises for correcting knock knees. This exercise mainly targets the adductor muscles, glutes and quadriceps. Together, they all maintain the stability and alignment of the knees.

This is the best exercise that involves changing the position of your toes, which helps push the kneecap and other muscles in the right location.

-How to Do Sumo Squats?

Step 1: To start, stand straight with your toes pointing outward at a 45-degree angle.

Step 2: Keep your hip-width apart and your feet space slightly wider than your hip-width.

Step 3: The hip should be rotated outward in this pose.

Step 4: Throughout the exercise, keep your back straight, and your knees should be forward-facing.

Step 5: Inhale while doing exercise and exhale while returning to normal position.

Wall Squats

Another best exercise to correct knock knees is wall squats. They help strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles, which support knee alignment. Strengthening the surrounding muscles also reduces stress on the knee joints.

However, while doing the exercise, engage your core throughout to maintain proper posture and support your lower back.

-How to Do Wall Squats?

Step 1: To perform this exercise, stand straight against a wall while keeping the lower half of the body slightly away from the wall.

Step 2: The feet should be shoulder-width apart.

Step 3: Bend your knees as you carefully slide your back down the wall, keeping your thighs aligned to the ground. Your knees should not extend past your toes.

Step 4: Keep your back flat against the wall and your core engaged. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, depending on your strength level.

Step 5: Return to normal position; keep repeating the **Steps 10 to 15 times.

Lying Abduction

Lying abduction is an excellent exercise for strengthening the hip abductors, particularly the gluteus medius and minimus. This exercise is beneficial for correcting knock knees, as it helps improve hip stability and alignment.

While performing the exercise, keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain stability and prevent your hips from tilting.

-How to Do Lying Abduction?

Step 1: To start this, lie on the left side with the leg on top of the other.

Step 2: Rest your head on your lower arm and place your top hand on the floor in front of you for support.

Step 3: Keeping your legs straight, gradually lift your top leg upward to about a 45-degree angle.

Step 4: Gradually return to the starting position.

Step 5: Keep repeating the exercise at least 15 to 20 times.

Leg Raises

Another popular knock-knee workout is leg raises. It is an exercise for strengthening the muscles around the hips, thighs and core, which can help in correcting knock knees.

By targeting the quadriceps, hip flexors and core muscles, leg raises contribute to better alignment and stability of the knees.

-How to Do Leg Raises?

Step 1: Lie flat on your back on a mat or a comfortable surface.

Step 2: Maintain your legs straight and together, and keep your arms at your sides, palms down.

Step 3: Slowly lift both legs together, keeping them straight until they are at a 45-degree angle or slightly higher.

Step 4: Maintain a pose for a while until you feel the engagement in your lower abdominal muscles.

Step 5: Slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position without letting them touch the floor, maintaining control.

Step 6: Keep repeating the exercise for 10 to 15 times.

Also Read: 5 Simple Exercises To Stay Fit and Healthy

Benefits of Knock Knees Workout

Knock knees workout not only helps in strengthening the knees but also offers various other advantages such as:

  • These knock-knee exercises help reduce back and leg pain.

  • These exercises also assist in losing weight.

  • With the help of these exercises, you can improve your body's stability and posture.

  • These exercises also help in increasing flexibility.

  • These exercises also help in elevating athletic performance.

  • It also helps with daily activities like running and walking.

Other Ways to Correct Knock Knees

Correcting knock knees often involves a combination of strategies, based on the severity of the condition and the individual's age. While exercises are essential, other methods can also contribute to improving knee alignment:

Wear Well Fitting Shoes

Walking and running can put a lot of pressure on ankles and knees. That is why it is crucial to wear good running shoes. Shoes that provide adequate arch support may strengthen knee alignment while decreasing knee strain.

Use Leg Braces

Another way to correct a knock knee is to wear leg braces. A knee brace or support can provide extra stability and help align the knees properly during daily activities.

Dietary Changes

A diet rich in calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients that support bone health can help strengthen the bones and joints, potentially improving knee alignment.

Furthermore, incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help lower joint inflammation and pain associated with knock knees.

Lose Weight

If knock knees are the result of obesity, losing weight is a safe option. Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial, as excess weight can put additional strain on the knees, exacerbating knock knees. Weight loss can assist in lowering stress on the joints and improve knee alignment.

Also Read: Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Importance of Having Health Insurance Policy

Knock knees are a common problem that can be treated with exercise, but in some cases, surgery may be necessary. Medical surgery is an expensive procedure that can strain an individual's finances if they do not have a mediclaim policy

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Knock knees can be treated by engaging in exercises like side lunges, butterfly flutters, sum squares and more. These exercises are designed to improve alignment and offer various other benefits, such as increasing flexibility and stability.

Apart from exercise, individuals can also make some dietary changes, such as incorporating vitamin D and calcium-rich foods into their diets. However, in severe cases, individuals may need to undergo surgical procedures to treat knock knees.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to fix knock knees?

The fastest way to fix knock knees depends on the severity of the condition. For mild cases, regular exercises like wall squats, leg raises and lying abduction can help improve the muscles around the knees and improve alignment. In more severe cases, surgical intervention may be the quickest and most effective solution.

Can you fix knock knees with exercise?

Yes, knock knees can be fixed by doing exercises that strengthen the muscles around the hips, thighs, and knees.

These exercises, such as wall squats, leg raises and lying abduction, can help correct the alignment by improving muscle balance and joint stability.

Which muscles are weak in knock knees?

The muscles that are weak in knock knees are hip abductors, hip external rotators and quadriceps.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the Best Exercises For Knock Knees. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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