Group Health Insurance E-Claim Process

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 11/09/2024

While filing a claim, an insured is obligated to provide original documents alongside the claim form to the insurer to facilitate claim settlement. Traditionally, policyholders were required to dispatch these documents via courier.

However, the arrival of the COVID-19 epidemic required a temporary suspension of such services. The global pandemic compelled governments to implement lockdowns, prompting the introduction of the e-claims process in group health insurance schemes.

Understanding E-Claim Under Group Health Insurance

The COVID-19 lockdown imposed restrictions on courier services. It prevented policyholders from sending original documents to insurance providers. During this period, numerous insured individuals sought to settle their claims. This necessitated insurance companies to devise solutions to address these challenges.

In response to these challenges, insurance providers recognised the value of e-claims within group health insurance.

To ease the burden of policyholders, companies swiftly implemented self-service e-claims, empowering policyholders to submit documents online.

Moreover, group health insurance e-claim processes enable users to monitor the progress of their claims until insurance companies resolve them.

Also Read: Benefits of Group Health Insurance for Employees

Online Group Health Insurance Claims Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are wondering, “How to claim group health insurance online?”, let us tell you that users in the e-claims process must upload images or scanned documents onto the e-claim module of their respective insurance companies.

To initiate group health claims, they are required to submit the following documentation:

Claim Form

The claim form consists of two sections. The insured can obtain the form from the insurance company's official website. After completing both sections, the insured can scan them for subsequent upload.

Discharge Summary

The hospital furnishes the patient with a discharge summary containing crucial information regarding the disease. The insured is required to scan this document for subsequent upload and claim filing.

Hospital Bills

The hospital issues a comprehensive bill to the insured detailing all expenses incurred by the patient during treatment. The insured must scan and upload the hospital bill to the e-claim module.

Payment of Receipts

For the claim to be processed, the insured must provide payment receipts from hospitalisation. These receipts are necessary to verify and validate the expenses incurred during your hospital stay.

Medicine Prescriptions

The insured must submit details of the prescribed medications, including the names and dosages provided by the doctors, to support the claim and verify treatment.

Laboratory Test Reports

The insured must provide laboratory test results to the insurance company, including detailed reports, to validate the medical condition and support the claim for treatment coverage.

Copy of Invoice

For implants, the insured must submit a copy of the invoice to the insurance company. This documentation helps verify the expense and supports the claim process.

Identity Proof

The insured must submit a valid ID proof, such as an Aadhaar Card, Voter Card, Passport, Driving Licence or PAN Card, to the insurance company. This requirement helps verify the claimant's identity, ensuring the insurance claim process is accurate and secure.

Cancelled Cheque

To process your payment, you must provide a cancelled cheque or NEFT details. This information ensures that funds are correctly transferred to your bank account.

Also Read: Who is Eligible for Group Health Insurance

Advantages of E-Claim Process under Group Medical Insurance Policy

Implementing e-claims offers several benefits, including expedited processing, reduced paperwork and improved accuracy. Furthermore, e-claims provide policyholders with real-time tracking capabilities, fostering transparency and efficiency in the claim settlement process.

The transition from conventional paper-based procedures to E-Claims (Electronic Claims) marks a significant transformation in the world of health insurance administration, presenting a plethora of advantages, as outlined below:

Expedited Processing

The biggest advantage of E-Claims resides in the speedier processing of insurance claims. In contrast to the frequently time-consuming procedures associated with traditional methods, E-Claims harness the efficiency of digital platforms to accelerate the entire claims settlement process.

This results in a swift assessment, approval and subsequent disbursement, providing policyholders a more rapid resolution to their healthcare-related financial requirements.

Reduced Paperwork

E-claims eliminate the need for the voluminous paperwork traditionally associated with insurance claims. Policyholders are no longer compelled to travel through stacks of documents or rely on physical submission methods.

The digitalisation of the claims process streamlines documentation, rendering it more accessible and easily manageable. This contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing paper consumption and minimises the risk of errors associated with manual paperwork.

Increased Accuracy

The correctness of E-Claims represents a notable enhancement over traditional methods. Because of their digital nature, these claims systems use advanced technologies to validate and cross-check information, thereby diminishing the likelihood of errors or discrepancies.

This heightened accuracy ensures the claims assessment is grounded in precise and reliable data, resulting in equitable and justified outcomes for policyholders.

Real-Time Tracking

A key benefit of E-Claims is real-time tracking. A policyholder can receive timely notifications and updates via the insurance provider’s digital platform. This lets policyholders see their claim's status at any stage, providing clear visibility into its progress.

It enhances transparency and allows users to stay informed, reducing uncertainty and improving overall satisfaction with the claims process.

Group Health Insurance Best Practices for Employers and Employees

A group health insurance policy is vital to employee benefits packages, offering comprehensive healthcare coverage to employees and their dependents. By implementing best practices, employers can ensure their employees receive maximum value from their health insurance plans.

This section outlines essential strategies for employers and employees to optimise their group health insurance experience.

Training Employees on the E-Claim Procedure

Employers are key to ensuring employees are well-versed in the e-claim process in group health insurance. This includes organising interactive training sessions, sharing clear, informational resources and encouraging a culture of digital proficiency.

Effortless Claims with Effective Record-Keeping

Both employers and employees gain from keeping well-organised records. This approach simplifies accessing necessary information when filing claims, leading to a more seamless and efficient process.

Enhanced Tips for a Seamless Group Health Insurance E-Claim Process

Follow these enhanced tips for a smooth experience with your group mediclaim insurance e-claim. This will help streamline the process, making it faster and more efficient for everyone involved.

  • The first step is to thoroughly read and comprehend the terms and conditions of your group health insurance policy. Understanding these details is crucial, as it enables you to file claims more effectively and minimises the risk of errors due to misinformation.

  • Next, review the policy to identify what is included and excluded. Knowing these details will definitely prepare you for what to expect when filing a claim and help you budget for any treatments that fall outside of coverage.

  • Investigating the waiting periods associated with specific pre-existing conditions and illnesses is also important. While many group health insurance plans provide coverage from day one, knowing the specifics in advance can facilitate quicker claim processing.

  • Moreover, evaluate the policy's co-payment clause. This clause indicates the percentage of medical expenses that you, the insured party, will cover. Understanding this aspect helps you manage your finances during the claims process, allowing for a smoother and faster resolution.

Wrapping Up

The introduction of e-claims in group insurance has revolutionised how companies manage claims and user data. This digital shift simplifies the entire process and cuts down on overhead costs and processing time for insurers and insured parties.

At TATA AIG, we embrace this innovation, offering streamlined e-claim solutions with our group health insurance policy that enhance efficiency and ease. Our commitment to leveraging technology ensures you experience a smoother, faster claims process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - growing your enterprise.

Are you ready to upscale your company's insurance experience? With TATA AIG’s comprehensive SME insurance offerings, you can protect your business while enjoying the benefits of our advanced e-claim solutions. Let us take the hassle out of insurance so you can concentrate on driving success. Reach out to us today and unlock a new level of efficiency for your organisation!


Can I track the status of my group health insurance e-claim?

Yes, TATA AIG, offers real-time tracking for e-claims. This means you can easily check your claim’s status online, keeping you informed and in control throughout the process.

What if I encounter technical difficulties during the group mediclaim policy e-claim process?

Most insurance providers offer customer support through various phone and email channels to help with any technical issues. If you are a TATA AIG client, you can contact us 24/7 via our toll-free number at 1800-266-7780, email us at or chat with us on WhatsApp at (+91) 91361 60375.

What happens if my group health insurance claim is denied?

If your group mediclaim policy claim is denied, you will receive a notification illustrating the reason for the denial from the insurance provider. You may have the option to appeal the decision.

What is covered in group health insurance?

Group health insurance typically covers a wide range of medical expenses to ensure comprehensive protection for members. Key coverages include in-patient treatment, pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses, daycare treatment, domiciliary treatment, organ transplant, maternity coverage, ambulance coverage and family transportation benefits.

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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