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Fire Insurance for Clinic

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 30/09/2024
  • 2 min read

Uncertainties are a part of business and cannot be avoided. However, we can brace ourselves with appropriate protection to face unforeseen events. A fire breakout is one such event that causes significant damage to the business and property.

Therefore, opting for a fire insurance policy is a reassuring step. Like all other businesses, clinics and hospitals must also have clinic insurance to protect their property from fire damage. In this article, let us discuss details about fire insurance for clinics, the policy inclusions, exclusions, and benefits.

What is Fire Insurance Policy?

A fire insurance policy provides coverage for the insured property due to accidental fire. It also provides coverage against other perils, such as natural disasters, impact damages, theft, etc., that occur within 7 days of the insured event. It also includes insurance and indemnity in clinical trials to protect the clinic in case any accidental fire occurs due to clinical trials and research.

The insured property can be a business or commercial place, including medical clinics and hospitals. Fire insurance is very crucial as it reduces financial stress and burden on the clinic owner, allowing him to cope with the damage.

Benefits of Fire Insurance For a Clinic

Clinic insurance in case of fire offers many benefits, such as financial assistance, business continuation, risk reduction, and more. Below is a detailed explanation of the benefits.

Financial Assistance: The primary benefit of fire insurance is that it offers financial assistance and compensates the policyholder for the damage his property suffers due to a fire outbreak. Therefore, the policyholder is saved from substantial financial stress.

Business Continuity: Another critical advantage of a fire insurance plan is that it supports business continuity by providing compensation for potential business loss during the period of interruption. The financial aid allows the clinic to start operating again quickly.

Risk Alleviation: Many insurance companies offer special discounts on premiums for insuring properties that have fire safety measures installed on the premises. It encourages the policyholders to equip the clinic with fire safety equipment and alleviate the risk of a fire breakout.

Gives Peace of Mind: Having a fire insurance policy gives the clinic owner peace of mind, as he is assured of financial coverage in case of an unfortunate event. He does not have to worry about the potential loss and can focus on providing efficient healthcare services.

Helps in Repair & Reconstruction: The insurance compensation can be used for the repair and reconstruction of the clinic. When the policyholder has funds at his disposal, the clinic will be up and running in no time.

Inclusions of Fire Insurance Policies

Various Types of Fire Breakouts: When you opt for a fire insurance plan, it covers fire breakouts due to accidents, natural heating, combustion, weather conditions, forest fire, bush fire, etc.

Riots, Strikes, and Other Dangerous Activities: If a clinic suffers loss due to riots, strikes, or other activities, then the insurance company will compensate for the damage.

Lighting: If the clinic/hospital property suffers damage due to a lightning strike, the policyholder is entitled to compensation.

Natural Disasters: If any natural disaster, such as, landslides, cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, etc., cause destruction to the clinic, it is covered under fire insurance.

Water Tank Burst: Any damage caused by a water tank burst at the clinic is covered under the fire policy, and the policyholder can raise a claim.

Aircraft Damage: The policy covers damage to the clinic building caused by an aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped from them.

Theft: If a theft occurs at the insured property within 7 days of any of the covered incidents, it will be covered under the policy.

The list of policy inclusions differs from company to company. Therefore, one must read the policy documents to understand the events covered under the fire insurance policy.

Exclusions of the Fire Insurance Policies

Damage Due to Nuclear Perils: If the clinic or hospital suffers any damage caused by nuclear perils inside the clinic, it will not be covered under the insurance.

Civil War or Invasion: If the clinic is damaged due to breaking out of civil war or other activities by an invasion of enemies or civil commotion, etc., the policyholder will not be eligible for any compensation.

Loss Caused by Storage: The policy does not cover any loss of drugs, medicine, etc., that occurs due to a change in temperature or storage.

Short Circuit: The insurance company will not cover any fire that breaks out at the clinic premises due to a short circuit.

Related Expenses: The insurance company is not liable to pay the expenses that the policyholder incurs post-fire breakout, such as the price to clear the debris, architecture fees for reconstruction, engineer charges, etc.


Fire insurance for clinics and hospitals is a very crucial requirement as it provides adequate coverage, protecting the property from fire damage. Before buying fire insurance, it is essential to be aware of the policy inclusions and exclusions.

It is wise to opt for a comprehensive fire and burglary insurance policy from reputed insurance providers like Tata AIG, as it covers a host of events. It protects the insured property from fire and burglary losses. Besides, you also have the freedom to include add-ons such as floater cover, escalation clause, declaration policy for stocks, terrorism damage, and much more.

You can take advantage of burglary insurance as it is combined with the fire insurance provided by Tata AIG. Therefo


What are the types of fire insurance in India?

Some types of fire insurance include floating policy, comprehensive policy, replacement policy, average policy, valued policy, and specific policy.

Why do you need dental care insurance?

Dental insurance offers financial assistance if you require any dental procedures and treatments. It allows you to cope with the rising cost of dental treatments. You can include dental care as an add-on to your comprehensive health insurance.

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Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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