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7 Things to Know Before You Choose CNG Kit for Your Car

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 14/08/2023

The popularity of CNG is skyrocketing by the day. Gone are the days when CNG was only used by public transport like cabs, autos, and buses. These days, more and more private vehicles are also opting for CNG, and rightly so. CNG is a safer alternative to petrol in several ways. CNG emits 44% carbon monoxide. Petrol, on the other hand, emits a whopping 80%. The flammability range of CNG is also low at 5% to 15%. Moreover, it does not catch fire easily, reducing the chances of accidents.

CNG, along with a good four wheeler insurance plan, can be the perfect combination for a secure car. If you are enamoured by the benefits of CNG and wish to install a CNG kit for four wheeler, here are some things you should first know.

Things to keep in mind before installing a CNG kit for four wheeler

Check if your car is compatible with CNG

Not all cars are compatible with CNG, so the first thing to check is if your car is suitable for a CNG kit installation or not. In most cases, the older models may not be compatible. However, most new models are compatible with CNG. You can consult your car’s manufacturer or a garage to find out if your car will accept a CNG kit for four wheeler.

Another way to find this out is by contacting the Regional Transport Office (RTO). The RTO can provide you with a list of cars that are compatible with CNG. If your car and model are already present on the list, you can go ahead and get the kit installed. However, if you cannot find your car’s name in the list, you would need to get the fuel type of the vehicle changed on the RC from petrol or diesel to CNG. After the car has been changed to CNG legally, you can proceed to install the kit.

Check the CNG kit price

The CNG kit price can differ for every make and model. Generally, it can range between ₹50,000 and ₹60,000. It may be advisable to only purchase the kit from an authorized dealer and pick top CNG kit brands in India. This can ensure good quality and longevity for your car. Unauthorized dealers may offer you a lower price, but you would not be able to ensure the kit’s authenticity.

It is also important to consider the long term costs of a CNG kit. The maintenance of a CNG car can be higher compared to petrol and diesel cars. CNG cars may require frequent care, and you may require maintenance at the garage that can be both cost-effective as well as time-consuming.

CNG may not be available at every gas station

Finding a petrol or diesel fuel pump is easy in most parts of the country. However, there are still not as many CNG filling stations in India yet. This can be problematic, especially in the case of long-distance driving. If you are travelling long distances, it may be advisable to fill the tank beforehand and identify the filling stations on your way in advance so you do not risk running out of gas in the middle of your journey.

Another factor to keep in mind is that since there are fewer filling stations for CNG, you may have to wait in long queues for your turn. This can lead to a wastage of time.

CNG is a greener and safer fuel type

CNG is a lot safer for the environment than petrol and diesel. CNG emits less carbon and does not harm the environment as much. This reduces pollution and, in turn, is good for your health as well as that of the environment as a whole.

Moreover, as mentioned above, CNG has a low flammability range. Additionally, its auto-ignition temperature is very high. This drastically reduces the possibility of your car catching fire in case of a collision or crash.

CNG can affect the premium of your four wheeler insurance

When you buy car insurance, the premium is decided on the basis of a number of factors, one of which is the car’s fuel type. CNG cars are charged a higher insurance premium compared to other fuel types. The change in price is applicable for both new and existing policies.

So, if you change your car to CNG, you must inform your insurer right after the CNG kit installation. The insurance company would ideally increase the premium on the basis of the make and model of your car. The change would also depend on the type and coverage of your policy. Typically, the premium can rise by at least 10%.

Switching to CNG can affect four wheeler insurance claims

Apart from the car insurance premium, CNG can also affect your insurance claims. A lot of people forget to inform their insurance provider about the change in their car’s fuel type. If you do the same and raise a claim later, the insurance company can reject your claim on the grounds of misleading or incomplete information. This would result in covering the expenses out of your pocket.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to always inform the insurance provider when you switch to CNG. The rise in the premium may seem like an extra expenditure at first. But it can save you from high costs in the long term. On the other hand, if you do not inform the insurance company of the change, you may save some money in the short term, but would likely incur a lot more in the long run.

Changing to CNG can impact your car’s performance negatively

Your car may not perform as well as it did before after changing to CNG. Retro-fitted CNG kits can weaken your car over time. Unlike petrol and diesel models, where the fuel is the lubricant, there is no lubricant in CNG cars. This increases the chances of corrosion.

To ensure that your car runs smoothly on CNG, you would require regular servicing. This can be hard on the pocket and can lead to frequent breakdowns if you do not give the required time and attention to your car.

So, should you switch to CNG?

The final choice lies with you.

CNG has numerous benefits. It is a safer and cleaner form of energy that benefits the environment and your health in the long run. It may also be the future of cars, with petrol sources rapidly decreasing and pollution levels alarmingly increasing.

However, it can impact your four wheeler insurance and require more maintenance. So, keep in mind all of these factors and then make a call.

To sum it up

Now that you know the ways in which CNG can impact your car, you can make an informed decision. Remember that no matter what you choose, make sure to buy car insurance and secure your car. Tata AIG motor car insurance policy can be a good match for your CNG car. Check out our four wheeler insurance plans to enjoy premium features and services that protect your four-wheeler and let you drive without any unwanted risk or stress.

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