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Rear Spoilers Explained: From Basics to Benefits

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 06/06/2024

The faster a car goes, the more it is affected by the flow of incoming air. This air strives to lift the car off the road which is dangerous for the driver.

The cars moving on the road require the best possible grip on the surface. To achieve this, engineers had to look for ways to stop this strong flow of air so that the car’s performance could be improved. A to9ol that helps with this is a car spoiler.

Spoilers, as a standard, can be found on hatchbacks, crossovers, and sedans. They are designer linings in the rear of the body at the very edge of the roof of the car, which significantly improves the appearance of the car.

So, let us get to know what rear spoilers are, car spoiler types, and benefits.

What are Car Spoilers?

Most of the new cars roll out of the factory gates with spoilers. These are also called “external body kits” since they extend beyond the dimensions of the vehicle.

The airflow fills the space that the car cuts through, creating vortices, which in turn, leads to a decrease in the stability of the vehicle.

The main task of a spoiler is to reduce the resistance of air flowing around the car while driving at a fast speed and regulate the negative airflow that impedes a car’s performance.

Thus, it can be said that a spoiler changes the aerodynamic characteristics of the car due to the fact that it spoils the natural flow of air.

How Does a Spoiler Work?

Consider a car travelling at high speed. The air that the car passes through will pass under the vehicle and at the top of the trunk.

The force of the air under the car tries to lift it up, which prevents the tyres from having a strong grip on the road.

Here, spoilers for sedan cars come into play. The spoiler lowers the impact of the strength of air which in turn results in enhanced grip and stability.

Types of Spoilers

There are different types of car spoilers available and each of them has its own style and purpose. Here is a brief discussion of the most common spoilers:

Lip Spoiler- Installed on the edge of the trunk, this spoiler helps in enhancing the stability of the car. Besides, it also contributes to a slight increase in downforce.

Front Spoiler- As the name suggests, it is located in the front of the car and helps in reducing the lift and preventing wheel slippage.

Roof Spoiler- The roof end spoiler is positioned on the roof and helps in decreasing turbulence caused by wind.

Pedestal Spoiler- It creates a downward force on the car and maintains stability when the car is running very fast. This spoiler is installed on the pedestals.

Ducktail Spoiler- With an appearance just like the tail of a duck, this spoiler helps promote downforce on the car so that it stays on the road even at high speeds. This spoiler helps reduce the drag.

Rear Spoiler- This is one of the best and most used spoilers, thanks to the various benefits it provides to the car.

It is located on the rear of the card just behind the rear windshield of the car. This spoiler helps in destroying the effect of airflow and reducing turbulence.

Understanding Rear Spoilers in Detail

A rear spoiler is a practical and decorative element along with being a stability booster for the car. This spoiler gives the car a sporty, unique, and fashionable look.

Placed at the rear end of the car, the main purpose of the rear spoiler is to reduce aerodynamic drag. Creating a kind of static air cushion, it causes the air to bypass without giving a drag or turbulence to the car.

Hatchback rear spoilers are designed and positioned in such a way that a car handles the high speed without risk.

In this way, a rear spoiler improves the speed efficiency and reduces the burden on the engine by letting the car cut the airflow easily.

Advantages of Rear Spoilers

A rear spoiler is much more than a cool trinket. It is an essential element which ensures the safety and stability of the car and its passengers. Installing a rear spoiler is an excellent choice because it:

Enhances Traction- The rear spoiler allows the rear of the vehicle to be pressed against the road surface and helps redistribute the strong flow of air that the car faces during driving.

Improves Stability- By maintaining car spoiler aerodynamics and producing a downforce, rear spoilers reduce the risk of skidding. This enhances the stability and ensures smooth handling of the car.

Reduces Fuel Consumption- Air flow puts a force on the car because of which drivers press harder on the pedal. Using a spoiler can help you get rid of this problem, which in turn, reduces fuel consumption and load on the engine.

Noise Reduction- Rear spoilers ensure a smooth flow of air which lowers the noise created by the wind when driving.

Improves controllability- The decrease in resistance to the oncoming airflow provides greater control to the driver.


A good spoiler on a car helps you drive comfortably and economically. Rear spoilers are used widely and generate downforce at higher speeds and also improve the look of the car.

There are also some other less noticeable features and advantages of rear spoilers, such as reduced air resistance (which leads to reduced fuel consumption), enhanced grip on the road, reduced risk of accidents, and increased service life of other parts of the car.

Importance of Car Insurance

Just like a spoiler saves you and your car from dangers resulting from accidents, a four-wheeler insurance policy is also an important protection tool that you can use to protect yourself financially against the damages to your car.

With Tata AIG’s car insurance online policies, you can save yourself from financial stress resulting from accidents.

Tata AIG offers different types of car insurance coverage, starting from third-party liability cover to own damage cover and comprehensive car insurance.

If you want to get your car insured, you should choose a reliable car insurance provider, like Tata AIG, and compare car insurance online before finalising the purchase.


Does a car really need a spoiler?

Yes, but it depends on the driver. Those who love speeding should get a spoiler installed on their car to ensure the safety and enhanced stability of the car.

Does a spoiler make a car faster?

Yes. By reducing the drag force which limits the speed, spoilers help the car accelerate faster and reach higher speeds without compromising the safety of the drivers and the passengers.

What is the difference between a spoiler and a wing?

The basic difference between a spoiler and a wing is that a wing directs the airflow to the top of the car which then creates a downforce, while a spoiler works as a barrier and disrupts the airflow which in turn leads to reduced turbulence.

At what speed do spoilers work?

Primarily, spoilers work at high speeds i.e., at a speed of more than 110km/h. Driving a car at a high speed results in strong air flow and this is where spoilers step in and improve the traction and stability of the car.

Does the size of the spoiler matter?

Yes. The size of spoilers impact the level of drag reduction and air resistance. However, there is no particular size for a spoiler as its efficiency depends on the model of your car.

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