Engine Protection Cover in Car Insurance
Engine Secure Cover in Car Insurance
A car’s engine is the most vital component of the vehicle, which keeps the car running smoothly. Also, any fault with the engine can lead to hefty expenditure in its repair and replacement. Thus, it is essential to take utmost care of the car’s engine.
One way of doing so would be to invest in engine protection cover when buying or renewing your car insurance policy. It is a completely optional add-on that insurers offer and can be a worthwhile purchase if you live in areas prone to floods, which can increase the possibility/lead to engine damage.
If you wish to know more about engine protection cover in car insurance, its benefits, inclusions, etc., then this article is for you.
Meaning of Engine Protect Add-On Cover
Engine protect in car insurance is an add-on cover or an optional feature that you can add to your base comprehensive car insurance policy. It covers the repair/replacement costs for your car's engine when it gets damaged due to the ingress of water in the engine or leakage of lubricating oil from the engine/respective assembly. Since the repair and replacement involve high costs, an add-on cover is beneficial.
It is crucial to know that the engine protect add-on cover also provides coverage against damage to engine parts such as pistons, gearbox, crankshaft, cylinder, etc.
Since it is an add-on, the coverage is available for an additional premium. However, it is worth the extra cost if you live in high-risk areas prone to floods or accidents, as it will provide financial assistance for damages due to oil leakage, water ingression, etc.
Car insurance with engine protect add-on cover will also pay for the lubricating oils/consumables used in the respective assembly, i.e., material, which is used up and needs continuous replenishment, such as engine oil, gearbox oil, etc., but excluding fuel.
Thus, an engine protection cover includes:
Expenses for engine repair caused by water ingression
Expenses for engine damage due to leakage of lubricating oil
Expenses for damage due to malfunctioning of gearbox
Expenses for Hydrostatic lock
Cost of consumables, excluding fuel
The Need for Engine Protect in Car Insurance?
A car’s engine is the most expensive part and any damage to it can lead to complex repair processes, which may turn out to be expensive. It can also lead to significant material and labour charges, further increasing out-of-pocket expenses. Moreover, your base motor insurance does not include engine repair expenses. Hence, it is wise to opt for an add-on cover by paying a nominal amount.
Also, Indian roads tend to get waterlogged even during the slightest rain showers, which increases the chances of engine damage. Moreover, those living in flood-prone areas stand the highest risk of engine damage due to water ingression.
Hence, insurers offer engine protection as an add-on cover. It is important to note that engine protection cover after 5 years is not available, which means a car older than 5 years cannot get this add-on cover with their car insurance policy.
Also Read: A Complete Guide to Add-on Covers in Car Insurance
Engine Protection Cover Benefits with TATA AIG
Opting for engine protection cover provides the insured with multiple benefits that range from a reduction in out-of-pocket expenses to engine protection and so on. Here is a list of all the benefits that you can enjoy:**
-Pays for the Most Expensive Car Part: The car's engine is its most expensive component, so any repairs or replacements concerning the engine will also be expensive. However, if you have TATA AIG's car insurance with engine protection, you do not have to worry about the case, as we will pay for these repairs/replacements.
-Provides financial shielding for New Car Owners: Cars are considered a big purchase and any sudden damage to the car's engine can carve out a huge chunk of one’s savings.
Moreover, repairs for a new car are more expensive. So, buying an engine protection cover can be beneficial in mitigating any large, unplanned out-of-pocket expenses and can help increase your car's longevity as well.
-Ideal for Flood-Prone Areas: Engine protection in car insurance can be a practical investment if you live in low-lying areas prone to flood or water-logging. This way, if your car is ever damaged due to water ingression, we at TATA AIG will cover the repair costs.
-Provides Financial Assistance: Since your car insurance does not include any repair or replacement expenses for the engine, you may have to shell out a large amount from your pocket. However, by adding the engine protection add-on, you can receive financial assistance from TATA AIG if your engine needs any repair or replacement.
How Does Engine Protection Cover in Car Insurance Work?
Let us understand how engine protection cover in car insurance works with a simple example. Suppose your area gets flooded due to heavy rains, causing your car to submerge in water. It is bound that your car engine will ingress with water, leading to damage.
The cost of repairing an ingressed engine may be between ₹ 1,00,00 to ₹ 1,20,00. If you have not opted for an engine protect add-on cover, you will have to bear the cost of repair from your pocket.
However, if you have added engine protection cover to your vehicle insurance, this cost will be paid by the insurance company. Generally, the cost of engine protection cover is approximately 2-3% of the car’s market value. Thus, by paying a nominal amount, you can be saved from a big expenditure.
What is Covered Under Engine Protection Cover in Car Insurance?
-Repair/Replacement of Engine Parts: The engine secure cover reimburses you for the cost of repairing/replacing the engine parts, such as the gearbox, crankshaft, pistons, connecting rods, etc.
-Replenishable Material Costs: An Engine Secure cover in car insurance will also cover the cost of consumables such as coolants, nuts and bolts, engine oil, gearbox oil etc, lubricant oil, etc., that are incurred while repairing your engine.
-Water Ingression: This covers you when water enters the car engine. This add-on covers damages caused when outside water enters the car engine and affects its functionality.
-Leakage of the Lubricant Oil: Leakage of the lubricant oil from your car's engine can affect your car's functionality and safety when driving. An EP in car insurance will cover any repairs associated with this issue.
-Damages Due to Hydrostatic Lock: The add-on will cover engine repair/replacement costs if you attempt to start your car while its engine is wet.
A hydrostatic lock is when the car's braking system is damaged or inoperable. It occurs when you try to drive your car when its engine is wet, filled with water or if you drive through a water-logged area. You should note that hydrostatic locks only happen when your engine is running.
-Also Read: 5 Essential Car Insurance Add-Ons
What is not Covered Under Engine Protect in Car Insurance?
While the engine cover is a very beneficial add-on, there are some exclusions that you must be aware of. TATA AIG will not bear the repair or replacement cost if the damage is caused under the following circumstances:**
-Regular Wear and Tear: The add-on will not cover repair/replacement of the car's engine and its parts due to depreciation that comes with time and regular usage.
-Damages Covered by the Manufacturer: It does not cover the engine repair/replacement expenses mentioned under the car manufacturer's warranty.
-Aggravation: Any aggravation of loss or damage, including corrosion, due to delay in intimation to us and/or retrieving the vehicle from a water-logged area shall not be covered.
-Consequential/Indirect Loss: Any consequential or indirect loss to the vehicle’s engine will not be covered under the add-on. For example, if the car is driven despite the water logging, the damages occurring to the engine will be considered as a consequential loss.
Key Takeaways: Things to Note Before Buying Engine Protect Add-On Cover
The engine secure add-on is not available for cars that are older than 5 years.
This add-on is only available under comprehensive car insurance plans. You can not buy an engine secure cover if you only own third-party car insurance.
Engine secure covers have a maximum claim limit. Most insurers let you make up to two claims.
An add-on cover can be included in your insurance at an additional premium.
Who Should Buy Engine Protect in Car Insurance?
People who live in/near flood-prone areas or work near water bodies.
People who own luxury or high-end cars, where the cost of engine repairs/replacement would be far higher than a normal car.
People who want to account for future risks/perils.
How to Buy an Engine Protection Cover in Car Insurance at TATA AIG?
-Step 1: Visit the TATA AIG official page.
-Step 2: Enter your car registration number and click Get Price.
-Step 3: Fill out the application form and upload the required documents.
-Step 4: Next, choose the engine protection cover from the presented add-on options.
-Step 5: Submit your application form and pay the fees.
You will receive a PDF copy of your car insurance with engine protection on your registered email after we have verified your documents.
-Further Reading:
You can also buy the engine protection cover during renewals if you did not opt for one during your initial purchase.
-For Insurance Claims: You must file your car insurance claim as soon as possible when the damage/incident occurs for your claim to be accepted. It is better to file the claim within 48-72 hours after the incident. However, in some cases, you may get a time limit of a few days to file the claim.
To Summarise
Your car engine is one of the most crucial parts that determines your vehicle's functionality. To ensure your car's longevity and to mitigate large out-of-pocket engine repair expenses that arise from road accidents and other perils, we recommend getting an engine secure cover when buying insurance for four-wheelers.
TATA AIG car insurance can be enhanced with an engine protection add-on, especially if you live in a flood-prone area where waterlogging is common. It is also a practical fail-safe for new car owners because any damage to the car engine will result in a steep repair bill.
Disclaimer / TnC
Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.
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