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Driving Without Seatbelt Fine

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 30/07/2023

We all know that we’re supposed to wear our seat belts any time we’re driving, but how many of us actually wear them while in the car?

Not wearing a seat belt is the most common traffic violation most people tend to commit.

According to the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, driving your car without wearing your seat belt is a serious traffic violation and illegal in India. That applies to both the driver and the passengers. Anyone caught violating this law is issued a fine for not wearing a seat belt.

This move was amended and implemented by the Indian government after the recent death of the former chairman of Tata Sons, Cyrus Mistry, in a tragic car accident. According to reports, the former chairman was seated in one of the rear seats and was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the collision.

What Is The Fine For Not Wearing A Seat Belt In India?

Whenever anyone is caught breaking or violating a traffic rule by the traffic police, they are issued a challan. It’s the same process for not wearing a seat belt. You get issued a no-seat belt challan. The traffic police can also request documents like your car insurance policy.

The current no-seat belt fine is ₹1,000.

However, earlier, it used to be ₹100. This is because of the recent revision of the laws detailed in the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. This resulted in the without seat belt MV Act section being amended, and the fines increased.

The penalty for driving without a seat belt can vary from state to state, the traffic police can seize your vehicle or driving licence. Furthermore, driving without a seat belt can result in 3 months of imprisonment in some cases.

How To Pay Your No-Seat Belt Fine?

Suppose the traffic police catch you driving without a seat belt. In that case, they can stop your vehicle and request your documents, like your driver’s licence or the insurance for your four-wheeler. Once they verify your documents, they may issue a challan against your name. You can pay the same with cash on the spot.

If you don’t have money on you, the traffic police can issue a digital challan. Additionally, various traffic cameras placed across major cities can capture the vehicle registration number and issue the challan online.

In both cases, a text message is sent to the registered mobile number, and a link to pay the challan online is provided. Vehicle owners can follow the link to the state transport website and pay the challan online via various online payment gateways.

The challan needs to be paid within a specific period or due date. It can either be paid online on the transport website of the state or in-person to the traffic police or at the traffic police station.

Online No Seat Belt Fine Payment Process**

Here is the step-by-step process of how to pay your no-seat belt challan online:

  • Visit the transport department website of your state.

  • Click on the challan traffic violation button.

  • Enter either your challan number or your vehicle number.

  • Examine the details included on the challan carefully.

  • Choose your mode of payment.

  • Submit your fine payment.

  • Always download the payment receipt for future reference.

Offline/In- Perons No Seat Belt Fine Payment Process

Here is how you can pay your fine for not wearing a seat belt offline/in-person:

  • Visit your local traffic police station.

  • Tell them you are there to pay your Fine and ask them for the details of your challan.

  • Carefully go through all the details on the challan before placing your Fine.

  • Maintain the payment receipt for future reference.

How To Avoid Getting A Seat Belt Challan

When driving, always follow the traffic rules to ensure your safety and everyone else’s. Some cars do not have rear three-point seat belts, but they do need them with the recent Motor Vehicle Act revisions. The government plans to standardise all three-point seatbelts and seatbelt reminders for all seat positions in cars.

Here are some ways you can avoid or prevent these traffic violations from happening:

  • Wear your seat belt as soon as you get into your car

  • Ask your co-passengers also to wear their seat belts.

  • Wear the lap belt below the stomach and across your hips.

  • The shoulder belt should be away from your neck and across your collarbone.

  • Always adjust the shoulder belt for a comfortable fit. Loose seatbelts can lead to broken or bruised ribs during an accident.

Essential Documents To Have As A Car Owner

In case the traffic police pull you over for whatever reason, they may request to see your documents. Not having the necessary documents on you is also considered a traffic violation and can incur their own separate fines. To prevent this, you must have these documents on you whenever you plan on going for a drive.

Here are the documents you should carry:

  • The Registration Certificate (RC) Of Your Car.

  • Valid Car Insurance Policy Certificate.

  • Driver’s Licence (DC).

  • Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate Of Your Car.

It’s advised to keep these in your car at all times to avoid forgetting to bring them along with you. You may also store these documents digitally if you do now want to carry the hard copies.

The Implications Of Driving Without A Seat Belt

The no-seat belt fine in all states in India is ₹1,000. This fine, coupled with the strict implementation of rear seat belts for passengers, is imposed to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers.

However, this rule isn’t strictly imposed on passengers despite seatbelts for the front and rear seats being mandatory under Rule 138(3) of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules. Even traffic police turn a blind eye to this matter. To further implement this rule and to stress its importance, the government is working on making seat belt alarms mandatory for rear-seat passengers.

The first states to implement the rear seatbelt rule were Karnataka and Delhi. Here passengers caught not wearing a belt, even if the driver wears one, will be fined the same ₹1,000.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is also working on a rule to make the manufacturing and sale of seatbelt clips illegal. This is so people don’t circumvent the car seat belt alarms. Furthermore, the government will introduce and implement the mandatory six airbags rule in all four-wheelers by next year.

It may not seem like a serious offence, but not wearing a seat belt can lead to more severe injuries during a car crash - for both the driver and the passengers. According to a recent Road Ministry report, the number of injuries and fatalities due to not wearing a seat belt during 2020 amounted to 15,146 deaths and 39,102 injured.


Wearing a seat belt is good driving etiquette, on top of being legally mandatory. It ensures the drivers’ safety and the safety of other motorists on the road. Along with incorporating this practice, you may also want to revise your car insurance policy.

Tata AIG’s insurance for 4-wheelers provides several types of plans to clients, all online too. You can use our car insurance calculator to see which policy provides the best premiums so you can maximise your benefits.

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