Uterine Cancer Insurance

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Uterine Cancer Insurance

There are various kinds of cancers being researched and treated in our world today. Uterine cancer is a type of cancer that is highly prevalent among women, especially older women, even though it is not much spoken about. Uterine cancer attacks the reproductive organs in a woman. Most women are used to pain and discomfort in the area around their uterus during their menses, sometimes to an excruciating degree. Thus, many women often misinterpret uterine cancer symptoms as general period-related pains. This makes uterine cancer treatment even more difficult. However, if a uterine cancer diagnosis is made in time, a patient's life expectancy can increase by years.

But there is one important aspect to treating any kind of cancer that people do not like talking about. This is the cost of the treatment. Cancer treatment is a process, one that can be long and exhaustive. It can be a very expensive process. Not everyone has the means to get cancer treated on their own accord. People may need a little financial assistance regarding a critical illness like cancer. This financial assistance can come in the form of critical illness insurance. When you put aside small sums of money to pay for a health insurance policy, it, in turn, helps you when you need to put down large sums of money to help with treatment. Critical illness insurance, in many instances, can make cancer treatment possible for those it would not otherwise be possible.

Put your trust in Tata AIG’s health insurance plan when it comes to getting uterine cancer insurance. We will be there with you with our critical illness insurance to help you at every step of the way. Anything you need, from cashless hospitalisation to pre and post-hospitalisation costs, your critical illness insurance will cover it all. Our health insurance policy is easy to buy and renew, and you can have your policy in hand in a few minutes from the comfort of your home. So if you need uterine cancer insurance, always trust Tata AIG!

Now, let us understand a little more about uterine cancer, its causes, stages and treatment.

What is Uterine Cancer?

A pear-shaped, shallow pelvic organ known as the uterus is the place foetal development takes place. It is in this organ that endometrial or uterine cancer often develops. The cell layer that makes up the uterine lining (endometrium) is where endometrial cancer first presents itself. Uterine cancer is a more common name for endometrial or uterus cancer. Uterine sarcoma is one of the other cancers that can develop in the uterus. However, it is considerably less prevalent than endometrial cancer. Because it typically results in irregular vaginal bleeding, it is possible to diagnose endometrial cancer early. When endometrial or uterus cancer is caught early, it can frequently be treated surgically by removing the uterus, also known as a hysterectomy.

Types of Uterine Cancer

Broadly speaking, there are two types of uterine cancer, one more prevalent than the other. The two broad types of uterine cancer are;

Endometrial Cancer - Endometrial cancer is among the most common types of uterine cancer found in women. The endometrium, or the inside wall of the uterus, is where endometrial cancer originates and can then go on to affect the entire female reproductive system.

Uterine Sarcoma - The muscular lining of your uterus, called the myometrium, is where uterine sarcoma grows. There are very few cases of uterine sarcomas compared to endometrial cancer.
Since endometrial cancer is the more common type of uterine cancer, there are a few recognised sub-types within the category;

Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Uterus - This type is even more uncommon, making up fewer than 5% of cases.

Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma - This is a less common type of uterus cancer that begins in the uterus's lining. It is very difficult to diagnose this type of cancer, and it often returns even if it has been treated.

Uterine Carcinosarcoma - Though this uncommon form of uterine and endometrial cancer accounts for fewer than 5% of cases, it is frequently aggressive. In other words, it quickly forms, develops, or disperses.

Uterine Cancer Stages

Knowing the uterine cancer stages is of utmost importance because, in many cases, it determines the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Like with all cancers, if your doctor can detect the disease in the early uterine cancer stages, treatment and recovery become more probable.

The uterine cancer stages are;

Stage 1 - Cancer has not yet spread outside of your uterus at this time. Although it won't impact the tissues of your uterus in this stage, it may impact the glands in your cervix, which is the little passageway at the base of your uterus. This stage includes:

Stage 1A- The endometrium, the innermost layer of your uterus, is where cancer in stage 1A has spread to. It might have only penetrated about halfway through the supporting muscle.

Stage 1B: The carcinoma has spread into the basal muscles and the endometrium.

Stage 2 - In this stage, cancer has entered the tissues of the cervix through the uterus, but it hasn't yet spread beyond the uterus.

Stage 3 - The lymph nodes, vagina, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries have all been affected by cancer. But neither the walls of your rectum nor your bladder have been impacted at this point.

Stage 4 - The cancer is found in the urinary bladder, rectum or regions beyond the uterus, like the lungs. This is the final stage of uterine cancer, and treatment at this point becomes very difficult.

Uterine Cancer Causes

The exact uterine cancer causes are unknown, though many studies on the subject are ongoing. What is established is that something takes place to cause modifications (genetic changes) in the DNA of the cells that make up the endometrium, or uterine lining. Healthy, functional cells become aberrant cells as a result of the modification. Healthy cells develop and proliferate at a specific rate before dying at a specific period. Abnormal cells do not undergo a predetermined death; they proliferate and reproduce out of control. A mass of aberrant cells develops as they accumulate (tumour). Cancerous cells can spread throughout the body by separating from an initial tumour and invading surrounding tissues (metastasising).

While we may not know the exact uterine cancer causes, there are a few risk factors that can lead to the development of the disease. These risk factors are;

  • Obesity
  • Early onset periods
  • Late menopause
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Hypertension
  • Getting fertility treatments
  • Not having children
  • Women over 55 are at an increased risk of developing uterine cancer
  • People who have had ovarian tumours are at risk of developing uterine cancer
  • A family history of uterine cancer increases the risk of the disease
  • Cancer treatments for other parts of the body, like cervical cancer, can lead to uterine cancer
  • Lynch syndrome

It is important to remember that these are risk factors and that having them does not automatically equate to developing uterus cancer. However, people with these risk factors should be more cautious and get regular screenings to ensure they have not developed uterine cancer.

Uterine Cancer Symptoms

Understanding the symptoms of any disease is the first step toward treatment. Until and unless a person recognises and accepts that something is wrong with them, they will never get treatment. And with a disease like cancer, being proactive is often the only solution. It can be difficult for women who have had difficult periods all their lives to understand and distinguish between normal period troubles and uterine cancer symptoms. However, knowing what to look for can be very beneficial to people.

Some uterine cancer symptoms to look out for are;

  • Bleeding from the vagina even when not on one’s period
  • Spotting or heavy bleeding after menopause
  • Frequent and long bouts of periods in women over 40
  • Clear or milky discharge post menopause
  • Severe pain or cramping in the lower stomach, just above the pelvis
  • Sudden and sharp pain in the lower back
  • Pain in the vagina
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Low to high-grade fever
  • Joint pain

These are some symptoms to keep an eye out for, especially if you have any of the risk factors that have been mentioned above. If you notice any of these, rush to your doctor to get screening done.

Uterine Cancer Diagnosis

When it comes to making a uterine cancer diagnosis, there are a few ways in which your doctor might want to go about it. The first thing you may be asked for on your journey towards a uterine cancer diagnosis is to provide a detailed and thorough family and health history. Some other things you may be asked for include;

  • A Physical Exam

The physician might examine your abdomen for abdominal swelling and tenderness. The physician will apply pressure on your stomach and insert two fingers into your vagina to examine your uterus. They may also employ a speculum, a device that stretches the vaginal walls to get a good look at your organs.

  • Abdominal Sonography

You will be advised to consume plenty of water before your examination since an abdominal ultrasound requires a full bladder to get clear images of your reproductive organs. A small tool known as a transducer will be moved over your stomach by a technician known as a sonographer.

  • Pelvis Ultrasound

Your ovaries and uterus can be visualised during a pelvic ultrasound using sound waves. When soundwaves encounter a thick object, like organs or a tumour, they reverberate. A computer then uses these echoes to create a picture. Typically, a pelvic ultrasound lasts 15 to 30 minutes. The doctor might advise a biopsy if anything seems out of the ordinary.

  • Transvaginal Ultrasonography

You don't need a full bladder to get transvaginal ultrasonography. Your vagina will be probed with a transducer wand by the sonographer. The ultrasound could be unpleasant for you, but it shouldn't hurt.

  • Biopsy and Hysteroscopy

A gynaecological specialist can see into the uterus using a hysteroscope, telescope-like equipment that is put via your vagina. Cells may also be taken (through biopsy) during this process and forwarded to a lab for additional examination.

  • General Tests

Your overall health status, and treatment options may be determined through blood and urine testing. If the uterus is found to have cancer, you might get additional scans, including an x-ray, CT scan, or MRI scan, to determine whether the disease has progressed to other regions of your body. A PET scan might be utilised for specific forms of endometrial cancer, like sarcoma.

  • Endometrial Biopsy

This type of biopsy is done in a specialist's office. A narrow and flexible pipe will be inserted into your vagina, and some cells will be removed from the lining of your uterus. These cells will then be sent to a pathologist’s office to be scanned under a microscope. This biopsy may be a little difficult to go through, and you may experience some cramping in your stomach, but all of it will diminish once the procedure is complete.

Uterine Cancer Treatment

There are various uterine cancer treatment routes your doctor might take depending on your symptoms and the severity of your disease.

Some of the most common uterine cancer treatment options include;

  • Radiation- A frequent supplementary treatment to lessen the likelihood of cancer returning is radiation therapy, which uses x-rays to destroy or harm cancer cells. If a person is not sufficiently well to undergo surgery, it might be suggested as the primary course of treatment.

  • Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy is prescribed to treat some types of uterus cancer, as well as when the disease recurs after radiotherapy or surgery or if it does not respond to hormone therapy. Both cancer control and symptomatic relief are possible with it. Typically, medicine is administered by injecting it through a vein (intravenously). The doctor will describe the course and duration of the chemotherapy procedure.

  • Surgery- Surgery to remove the cervix and uterus is the most popular treatment for uterine cancer. Total hysterectomy is the name given to this treatment. A bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a medical term for the procedure in which both ovaries and the fallopian tubes are excised. As ovaries generate oestrogen, the hormone that may encourage the disease's growth, ovaries are frequently removed to lower the likelihood that cancer will return. The procedure can be performed through an abdominal incision (laparotomy) or laparoscopic surgery. Anaesthesia will be administered to you generally. If the disease has progressed, the surgeon may need to remove more tissue during the treatment.

  • Hormone Treatment- Typically, hormone therapy is administered if cancer has progressed or if it has returned (recurred). In rare cases, it is used in place of surgery. The primary hormone therapy for uterine cancer patients is progesterone, administered orally or intravenously by a doctor or nurse. It aids in symptom control and the reduction of some malignancies.

Prevention of Uterine Cancer

There is no way to say something that may help prevent uterine cancer. All a person can do from their end is be careful and try the recommended courses of action to help reduce the chances of developing cancer.

Some things that may help when it comes to preventing uterine cancer are;

  • Contraceptives- Take into account using birth control pills. Endometrial cancer risk may be decreased by using contraceptive pills for at least a year. Once you stop using oral contraceptives, the risk mitigation is believed to continue for several years. However, oral contraceptives might have negative effects, so talk to your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages.

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy - Discuss the dangers of hormone replacement therapy with your doctor. Consult your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy before deciding whether to use it to help manage menopause symptoms. After menopause, supplementing oestrogen on your own may elevate your chances of uterine cancer, except if you've had a hysterectomy. This risk can be decreased by taking oestrogen and progestin together. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hormonal treatment with a specialist as other dangers are involved.

  • Diabetes and Hypertension - If you control your diabetes and hypertension by regular screening and taking your medicines as prescribed, it could reduce your risk of developing uterine cancer.

  • Weight -Maintaining a healthy weight is important since it lowers the chance of uterus cancer. Elevate your physical fitness and reduce your daily calorie intake if you want to lose weight to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Why Use a Health Insurance Policy

If you want to know why you need to have uterine cancer insurance, there are many reasons for the same. However, to put it in the simplest way, getting a health insurance policy is securing yourself and your health. When you have health insurance, you know that you will be taken care of, no matter how dire the situation may be.

Some reasons you should buy uterine cancer insurance are;

  • Peace of Mind - If you have a disease like cancer, you could need frequent visits to the hospital for your treatments. If you have critical illness insurance, you do not need to worry about the financial side of things and can concentrate on getting well.

  • Expenses - Everyone knows that healthcare is expensive. Now bring in a disease like cancer into the equation, and you have to worry about large medical bills that can keep mounting with every visit to the hospital. However, if you have a health insurance policy, you do not need to worry about the expenses relating to your treatment, as your insurance providers will take care of the cost of treatments.

  • Cashless Hospitalisation- One of the greatest benefits of having health insurance from Tata AIG is that you do not need to worry about arranging for money to pay the hospital and wait to get reimbursed later. When you have insurance from us and are admitted to a network hospital, we take care of the expenses as per your policy limit directly and settle your bill with the network hospital.

  • Emergencies - A person may fall sick at any given time without any warning. They may be in such a situation that they need to be admitted at the earliest. If you have a health insurance policy, you are ready for any such emergencies and do not need to worry when they crop up.

How to buy Health Insurance Policy from Tata AIG

If you are looking to buy health insurance from Tata AIG, there is a very simple way for you to do the same. You can buy the policy online or offline. We will briefly talk about how you can go about the two methods to help you decide the best course of action for yourself.

Online- To buy your health insurance policy online, you need to;

  • Start by visiting our website. Once there, you need to choose who you wish to buy the policy for. Your options are yourself, your husband or wife, your children or your parents.
  • After choosing who you are buying the policy for, you need to click on ‘Get Plan’
  • Input the details being asked of you, and you will be shown the best insurance plans for you
  • You will now have to choose the assured sum for whoever you are buying the policy
  • After choosing it, you will be able to see what your policy premium will be
  • You now have the option to compare different plans to choose a plan that is the right fit for you
  • Once you have seen all the options, choose the plan you are sure about
  • Select ‘Buy Now’
  • An official will now contact you in case you need any further assistance

You will now receive your policy in your email or on Whatsapp in a few minutes

Offline- To buy a policy offline, you need to;

  • Find an AIG office you can go to
  • Go to the office and approach counter and say you wish to buy a health insurance policy
  • An official will approach you to explain what plans may be the right fit for you
  • Once you have decided on the plan you need, ask for the form to be filled out
  • Fill out the form very carefully and attach the relevant documents
  • Go to the counter and submit your application form and documents
  • Pay the fee at the right counter

You now need to wait for sometime and your policy will be sent to you via the mail.

Documents Required to Buy Tata AIG’s Health Insurance Policy

To buy a policy from Tata AIG, you need to furnish the following documents

  • Age proof
  • Residence proof
  • Income proof
  • ID proof
  • Recent photographs
  • Documents that deal with your health history

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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